And this thing is really too much.

She wants to get a kind of power, this kind of power can keep her young forever, but the premise is that this kind of power must be activated by a very powerful person.

Such power is not acceptable even in the world of his creation, the elf.

There is the end of the last person who gets such power, that is, to be burned alive.

For too long, his appearance has not changed, and his vitality is so strong that people feel frightened. No matter how beautiful he is in the hearts of everyone, he is just a monster.

Monsters, the fate of monsters is naturally death.

Humans are not yet able to accept things that are different from themselves, they will crowd out and abandon them if they are not the same.

This kind of thing happens more frequently in the world of elves.

But if someone with such power is strong enough, maybe he can change the final outcome.

As for why such power can protect youth?

After gaining such power, you can extract the vitality of the other person from those who are younger than her, thereby nourishing your own skin.

It can be said that it is a very sinister approach, and the Guo Sect Master I met before is somewhat similar.

They don't care about other people's lives at all, they will do whatever it takes to get what they want.

As long as they don't get those things for a day, they can't feel at ease for a day.

As for those whose lives were taken, they don't care at all, who made them not strong enough?

As for whether that powerful person will be in any danger, it can be said that nothing is mentioned above.

Gai Jiuyou was also able to guess that its final result was backlashed by such a force.

This kind of power looks magical, but it definitely has a very powerful counterattack.

If you want to avoid being attacked, there is only one way, that is to sacrifice a person in advance.

Since ancient times, everyone's thirst for power has been very strong, otherwise there would not be so many people who robbed their heads and blood for a martial arts cheat book

That's why the elf queen will use the memory to deceive Gai Jiuyou, hoping to let the other party directly carry that kind of backlash for her without knowing it.

Those young people who have been drained of their vitality have only one fate.

This is reflected in the murals. The paintings are a bit scary. To put it simply, they are actually transformed into a layer of skin.

Any power and flesh and blood contained in that body were directly taken away.

As for the powerful tool man, it can be said that nothing was mentioned above.

Gai Jiuyou did not think that he was actually a tool person, or a tool person used to maintain the beauty of women.

He almost laughed angrily.

He is looking for the safety of this world, recruiting troops everywhere, recruiting all kinds of talents, in order to be able to protect this world in the future war.

Now there is actually a person who borrows his desire to protect the world to take advantage of him and protect his youth and beauty

How ridiculous.

Gai Jiuyou took out his mobile phone and sent out the edited line.

ーーI can now confirm that Eitel is using me, and her ultimate purpose is actually to protect her beauty.

If you want to pierce her in front of everyone, you may need more specific clues

The entrance to the elf world is called Jiuju Mountain, and everyone can come here to gather.

These messages were posted in the group of the team he was currently in.

Everyone knows about this, so it doesn't matter if you say it.

After 637 learned the specific location, everyone said that they knew it, so they moved in that direction.

Naturally, Gai Jiuyou could not be idle during this period of time, so he accelerated his search in this mountain.

Try to find the entrance to the real elf world before the big army arrives, so that you don't have to waste time in chaos here.

He has an intuition in his heart. If he wants to know the ultimate secret of the Elf Queen, he must go to this world to see.

There should be something different there, or some traces have not been removed.

He went deep into the mountains, although it was more dangerous inside.But there is a greater chance of encountering something different

Opportunities come from danger, and this is the truth he has learned over the years.

The mountain is indeed full of spiritual energy, so those plants are even more dangerous. They are nourished by spiritual energy here all year round, and each one of them grows very dense and tall, and it can even make the plants grow.

People get lost in it.

It was probably too long without seeing a living person, and those plants were more aggressive than usual.

And because very few people come here, it's impossible to tell which ones are very dangerous.

Along the way, Gai Jiuyou had to move forward carefully, for fear that he would fall into the traps of those plants accidentally.


Chapter [-]: Elf Old Man

Gai Jiuyou managed to avoid the attacks of those flowers and plants, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

In front of him was a towering tree with dark green branches and leaves that almost covered the land

The creeping tiger stretches on its branches and wants to absorb nutrients, and it also grows lush.

There were also many vines hanging from the branches, like snakes.


Gai Jiuyou suddenly jumped away from where he was standing just now.

The moment he left, the vine closest to him seemed to suddenly come alive, twisted, and charged directly towards him.

If it wasn't for Gai Jiuyou's extremely fast response, he would probably have fallen to the ground now.

When he turned sideways, he even saw the reflection on the snake's teeth, which was extremely cold.

Gai Jiuyou was just shocked by the sight of this tree, so he didn't notice that there were so many dangers beside him.

When he stood firm on his own figure, it was only then that he could clearly see the original appearance of the other party.

After seeing it clearly, he didn't know how to describe it.

That's how deep the spiritual power can cultivate the plants here.

They've changed more than once!

Humans improve their own strength through the improvement of their realm, and plants rely on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and then breaking through their own mutation to strengthen themselves.

To be honest, there are very few plants in this world that can reach the level of mutation, so Gai Jiuyou didn't think about this aspect at all.

In subtle ways, he just felt that his position was more dangerous, but he didn't take into account the aspect of mutation.

You must know that a mutated plant can directly kill a teammate like Gai Jiuyou's team!

And without any effort at all, directly leaving the armor of the opponent's killing, and even the final confirmation, it may be directly absorbed by him as nutrients.

Gai Jiuyou felt that he was really careless, even the old monster in front of you, you just thought it was beautiful at first.

Sometimes beauty is really life-threatening!

Those vines also directly connected to their disguise, revealing white teeth, and coldly attacked the intruder Gai Jiuyou.

Gai Jiuyou also made preparations for battle, and looked at the little snakes that were about to move very cautiously.

If he's not mistaken, those snakes have venom on their teeth.

What kind of immortal is this to be able to mutate into this!

Gai Jiuyou scolded inwardly, he was indeed unlucky.

The snake that attacked Gai Jiuyou just now seemed to be more active because it was not able to hold Gai Jiuyou directly just now, constantly provoking Gai Jiu.

Gai Jiuyou slowly retreated to a safe distance.

These vines seem to have a fatal flaw, that is, they cannot be moved at will, and they have a limited length on the branches.

Just as he was standing there thinking whether to just leave, or keep moving forward, an accident happened.

The group of snakes did not move, but something seemed to be moving under her feet

what is this!

A rhizome burst out of the ground and wrapped directly around Gai Jiuyou's ankle, the wolf yanked it, wanting to bring Gai Jiuyou down.

Gai Jiuyou steadfastly stabilized his body, and then pulled out Bishou and smashed the rhizome.

Now that he has decided, he must leave here. A little shame is a little shame, and it's better than losing his life.

He turned around without thinking, wanted to leave, but when he turned around and saw a net made of rhizomes behind him, he knew it was too late.

This tree actually already has its own ideas, so terrifying!

Gai Jiuyou looked at the tree coldly, and it seemed that he would not kill the other party. He had absolutely no way to get out.

He clenched the ヒ head in his hand and quietly looked at the group of little green snakes who could not wait.

The root net behind him was already in front of him in a blink of an eye, and there was also some green juice on it. At a glance, he knew that it must be poisonous.

Gai Jiuyou couldn't wait any longer, he rushed forward and took out the ruthless wolf.

The little snake next to him was in pain and quickly shrank back, which also left a little place for Gai Jiuyou to stand.

Gai Jiuyou made a slight gesture, and actually rose directly into the air.

Naturally, those little snakes couldn't react as quickly as Gai Jiuyou, which gave Gai Jiuyou a little time.

He directly stepped on the heads of some small snakes and kept going upwards, and it didn't take long for him to reach the middle of the tree trunk.

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