Lu Xiu came to the mountain village slowly. There was no other sound in the originally remote village at this time, and the sky was gradually getting dark, which brought a somewhat strange atmosphere to the place.

"It's the time of the devil." Lu Xiu glanced at the sun, of course this was not the time of King Shi's meeting the devil.

It refers to the period of dusk in the cherry blossom country, which is referred to as the moment when the two worlds of yin and yang alternate, and there will be a large number of monsters in the yin world.  …

Lu Xiu looked at a house in the distance, which was the most lively place in the whole village.

A large number of residents gathered outside the house, some children, some old people, some young people, with kitchen knives and scythes in their hands, shining in the dim sunlight.

Each foot off the ground, quietly floating in the air.

From Lu Xiu's position, he just saw strange things piled up with sarcoid on his back, neck, and shoulders.

There is a rhythm like breathing.

"This weird feeling is really reminiscent of monsters!" Lu Xiu was helpless, it really fits the situation.

strode over.


in that house.

Hori and Dagu looked at the girl in front of them with a headache. They were the ones who were rescued, but they didn't cooperate with their inquiries.

He reluctantly went outside to get some air. He watched many residents come to gather at the door, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I broke into your house without your permission. Did you come back from digging sweet potatoes?"

rub rub! !

Everyone raised their knives.

"..." Hori also found some strange sarcomas on the necks of some people, and hurriedly closed the door, looked at 2.9 to another door, and shouted: "Dagu, hurry up and close the door!"

"What happened?" Dagu ran to the other door and saw the residents' elder brothers floating over, holding knives, and rushed to the door to close the door, "What the hell is going on here!"

"What happened?" asked the woman in the goose yellow dress.

At this time, the sharp sickle was embedded in the door, and when it was pulled back, it took some wood and fell.

At this moment, Hori hated, why are most of the houses in Sakura Country built of wood!If it were cement and the like, replaced with iron gates, it would not be so sad.

The sound of several wood chopping sounded, Hori hurriedly evacuated, and continued to block there with his body, and he was finished.

"Dagu, go get the water!!".

101 What is magic (5)

Hori didn't understand what Wizard said before, but now that he met the parasitized person, he understood.

Those people outside were obviously controlled by the parasite, and more importantly, he couldn't shoot at will.

First of all, the guns don't work!

There are too many people, and they are closely parasitized on the human body, and one carelessness is a life.

Escape is impossible.

Because at this time I know how to deal with it, and if I have a chance, I will try it.

Dagu also understood, and just as he was about to act, he felt that the movement outside had stopped.

The people who had just slashed at the door stopped moving at the moment, were startled, and looked out through those gaps from a distance.

In the dim sunlight, Wizard in a black robe came over, the blue gems on his body exuded a beautiful brilliance in the setting sun.

"Wizard!" Dagu couldn't help saying.

"What! He's here!" Hori also went to the door to see that at least Wizard was here, and his safety was much better than the previous 18.

"What are you looking at?" The girl in the goose-yellow dress curiously moved to the door and looked through the window.

The people floating in the air were surrounded by a figure in robes, and the island in each person's hand exuded a cold light, not to mention that each villager's head was tilted to one side, his face was pale, and the dark circles under his eyes were large and obvious.

The gray-white mist surged in.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, is very strange.

A real horror story in a book.

All the controlled residents were uniformly raised their knives and attacked Lu Xiu.

The girl in the goose-yellow dress covered her mouth in horror at this scene, even if Dagu and Hori knew that Wizard was strong, they were worried.

On the one hand, the safety of the Wizard, on the other hand, is the safety of the residents.

At this time, I saw Wizard (Witch Rider), who was quickly approached by the enemy, calmly, with his ring-wearing hand slowly sticking to the belt, the black palm part.

The gloss on the ring lit up, projecting a brilliant blue light, and the blue magic circle lit up in front of him.

There was thick fog all around.

A large amount of water condensed and floated into a ball in mid-air, and several streams of water drilled out of it, shuttled rapidly, and accurately hit the parasite on everyone's neck.

The moment the water and the parasite first came into contact, the entire parasite was like a punctured balloon, suffocated and completely lost its vitality.

The inhabitants fell to the ground along with the corpse of the parasite that voluntarily escaped.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of residents were like this.

"It's amazing! It's so elegant!" The goose-yellow woman exclaimed, and she just waved her hand to solve everything, too chic.

"It's really magic!" Horui felt that Sanguan was a little unsafe again, and he couldn't take care of that much anymore. He hurriedly opened the door with Dagu and checked the physical condition of the villagers.

"A part of their vitality has been absorbed by the monster, and they need to rest for a while. In addition, they will remain in a coma for a while, and the situation is barely okay."

Lu Xiu waved his hand to build a magic circle and sucked the water mass attached to the sky.

For a magician, this simple cohesion and manipulation magic can be easily rubbed out.

There is really no technical content included.

After all, what it condenses is only pure water, and it is also controlled by release.

It doesn't have any special power.

"It's good to save your life." Hori didn't ask for more.

The meteorite has landed for a full week, and it is a happy thing to survive under the ravages of monsters.

"If you lose so many parasites all at once, the monsters will directly notice this place." Dagu had a headache, "So many people, what should we do!"

There are only four of them.

The goose-yellow girl can only be regarded as a little bit.

Monsters attacked, even if many parasites attacked, it was difficult to defend.

There are too many villagers.

"When I was just wandering around, I found the Cosmos Observation Center. There are fire prevention devices installed in the facility. Just send them there." Lu Xiu briefly mentioned.

The building of the Cosmos Observation Center has strict construction standards, and naturally all kinds of things are complete.

But unfortunately, when Lu Xiu passed by, it was empty.

He quickly switched the ring in his hand and pressed it against his belt.


An invisible voice sounded, and a bright red magic circle with a height of two meters appeared. The magic circle slowly rotated, and it felt mysterious at first glance.

As for why I chose this one, because it saves magic power compared to the other.

"The three of you all went over to catch the people I threw." Lu Xiu said briefly.

"Er... lost?" Hori was taken aback.

Want to be so fast?

They have just raised questions, they haven't even done deep thinking, and haven't had discussions yet.

You move out of the solution!

"Okay." Dagu jumped in without hesitation, and the scene in front of him quickly changed from the front of the mountain log house to the corridor of a modern building with concrete pouring, feeling very surprised, "It actually teleports. Ah!" 813

In the magic circle, the goose-yellow woman stuck her head out and walked out.

Hori looked at the magic circle in front of him with a complex face. I'm from the science side, and I'm a genius or something. I didn't even think about it. I closed my eyes and plunged in, watching this scene with my eyes open.

"What an amazing teleportation ability! What's the principle?" Hori stared at the magic circle, curious.


The voice just fell.

A figure was thrown over right after, Hori showed a look of astonishment, and hurriedly started to pick up people.

One by one, the three of them were tired and gasping for breath.

At this time, the weapons in the villa were surging, and Lu Xiu could vaguely see many black figures flying over in the fog, and released a blue magic circle, and a large amount of water was splashed from it.

Lu Xiu was too lazy to be sure. After walking into the magic circle, the magic circle quickly disappeared in place.

The fog surged, and a large number of parasites withered and fell to the ground.

An angry roar came from the depths of the thick fog.

A mist of electricity swept across the land, leaving a deep trail.

Other than that, there are no other effects.


Ahem, it's a little bit late.

102 This is a curse (1)

in cosmic observation.

The magic circle slowly rotated, and the moment Lu Xiu came out of it, the magic circle was closed, and a huge explosion could be vaguely heard from the other side of the magic circle.

"Could it be that the monster has just chased over?" Hori carefully placed the last resident to sit against the wall, and asked with a hand on the back of his head.

"The monsters should be here soon, you do your best preparations." Lu Xiu walked out of the Cosmos Observation Center.

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