The body lit up with a magic circle, and soon transformed into another form, and the knife in his hand was thrown aside directly.

A light flashed in his hand, and a gun flashed across it.

Lu Xiu aimed ahead and pulled the trigger.

A magic circle appeared at the muzzle of the gun, and a light bullet flew away from it. Above the Roao Thunder, several small light bullets exploded for [-]%, suppressing the thunder and rushing towards the monster all the way.

"What a fierce battle." Fei Niao saw so many moves from both sides in a short period of time.

I have to say, he's a little bit worse.

However, he, Dana, will surely catch up soon.

He often plays against Siro (Lee Hao), and his progress is also there.

"Magic, anti-magic... just why do you think monsters are not so formal, not even a magic circle." Liang said.

"..." Bihumel was stunned for a moment, but the light bullet that was pressing down quickly made him, Star God, spit out a fire bullet and rushed to the level.

At this time, several light bombs suppressed the thunder and reconvened to form a large light bomb attacking forward.

Boom! !

Electricity, light bombs, and thunder, the three kinds of forces exploded together, forming a powerful explosion in mid-air, and the air waves spread out around.

At this moment.

Bihumel drew the natural thunder from the sky, compressing it crazily in his hands, his entire body was wrapped in electric current, and his body turned into a thunder light and disappeared completely.

Lu Xiu's eyes flashed. At this time, his crimson eyes had already caught the movement of the monster behind him, and he punched him. .

147 triggers!

Lu Xiu just turned around.

Bihumel, who was moving at a high level, was contemptuous in his heart. With such a large movement, it was too late to stop him.

A large amount of thunder and lightning were gathered into his right hand, and his fingers were stretched straight, like a sharp blade stabbing Lu Xiu directly.

Boom! ! !

Sparks exploded.

When Bihumel was pulled upside down, there was a bit of confusion on his face.

who am I?

where am I?

Why am I being attacked? ?

All he saw was an extended fringe, remembering how humans were called, and the golden fringe danced in front of him.

"!!" Bihumel stared away.

I saw tassel look out from the knight's arm, and one of them was drawn towards his face.

Snapped! ! !

Bihumel fell diagonally to the ground, the electric light in his hand dissipated, looking at the billowing clouds in the sky, his mind was empty for a moment.

He stood upright and glared at the knight opposite him.

A large number of thunderbolts in the sky were attracted and converged towards the body, engulfing the body entirely.

The thunderbolt built the giant Bihummel's head, nearly 500 meters high, and there were many Thunder [-]'s continuous torrents, which seemed to be terrifyingly powerful.

Bihumel's bloody mouth opened wide, and his pupils were also transformed by lightning, glaring at the small figure.

Devoured towards the knight.

"It seems that the food this time will be a bit exciting! Chimera." Lu Xiu said, pulling the lion's head on the ring in his left hand away, and the ring in his hand quickly pressed against the groove of the gun.

A Chimera image appeared on the gun body mirror.

The roar was more of an impatience to eat.

Lu Xiu pointed his gun at the past.

A chimera constructed of illusory energy flew out of it, quickly circled behind Lu Xiu, rushed into it and disappeared.

In fact, it was converted into a large amount of energy, which flowed to the gun through Lu Xiu's body.

The golden lion on the gun body glowed from the tail, extending all the way to the lion's mouth, and the spar from the mouth of the gun radiated brilliance.

A golden magic circle lit up from the muzzle.

Lu Xiu pulled the trigger at the huge Bihumeier head.

The Chimera built of energy flew out of it, and with the roar, the body became bigger and bigger, and it was hundreds of meters in size.

In comparison, Bihumel's head at nearly [-] meters looks very small.

Asuka and Ryo saw this scene, what should they say?

The look is subtle.

At first, when I saw a head bigger than Hummel, I was worried about how the knights would respond.


Bihumel's action was taken aback for a moment.

Chimera stopped and looked down at the tiny figure, and lowered her head.

Half a mouthful of Bishummel swallowed, and then snorted.

The rest was sucked in like noodles.

Chimera's cooperating head continued to go down to the ground. After the energy was attracted, Chimera directly swallowed the deity who stayed in place.

"!!!?" Before Bihumel could react, it was dark before his eyes, and the environment became a little humid.

Immediately afterwards, there was severe pain in his waist, and his consciousness completely passed out.

Half of his body fell to the ground, turning into a golden magic circle and rushing towards Chimera's huge mouth.

Chimera smashed her mouth, took a sip in disgust, spat out several rays of light from her mouth, patted her stomach, and disappeared in place comfortably.

"That guy." Lu Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But those people, it doesn't matter anymore, it's not worth his extra effort, the body turned into a ray of light and disappeared in place.

"That's it." Liang breathed a sigh of relief, still a little dazed.

As for the hostages, she wasn't even more worried.

Because of the light spit out by the Chimera, one of them fell in front of them.

Now the principal is lying on the ground, unconscious.

"It's over..." Asuka looked complicated, and it was another day when she couldn't make a move.

"This time, I have to report it to the captain. Someone was so lustful that he didn't work well to investigate."

Liang felt that the guy next to her was the biggest burden on her investigation, so she put her arms around her and glanced at him.

"Ah, no." Fei Niao's expression changed, and he looked at him begging for mercy.

The captain will definitely reprimand him or something.

When the two didn't notice.

Hikari's figure appeared on the battlefield, holding an instrument in his hand to collect energy.

"The energy seems to be a little more than usual." Shikali thought of the final blow.

It should be due to too much energy being driven.

It was understandable that the control was not as precise as it used to be.

"Perhaps, this time the medal can be researched faster this time." Shikali was confident.

Already had an experience.

This time it's magic, but he Shikali really understands this once.

Because among the countless civilizations, magic civilizations are no longer a few, and the country of light has naturally accumulated a lot of documents.

Parsing is relatively simple.

"Analyze it first, I'm thinking about developing Kamen Rider." Shikali's eyes flickered slightly, and the figure incarnated as Serizawa disappeared in place in an instant.

moved away at high speed.

He didn't notice at all, behind a tree not far from where he once stood.

A figure came out of it, but it wasn't Lu Xiu, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I don't need to do anything deliberately, things will develop the way I want." Lu Xiu smiled happily.

At this time, the Tiga timepiece in the system space suddenly radiated a ray of light.

"???" Lu Xiu left with a puzzled perception, and a picture appeared in his mind.

A figure similar to Tiga and a figure similar to Camilla fought fiercely in the rainstorm

The two Ultra Warriors were covered in mud.


The rage mixed with love and hate in the female Ultra Warrior's voice resounded in her mind.

"Trigger? Trigger? Or Terriga?" Lucius felt that the latter was more likely after the name was settled.

"Could it be that Yuangu next door has launched a new drama, is it Diga's parallel time and space??" Lu Xiu quickly had a guess.

It happened that Tiga's time table was in his hand, and if he felt something, he could barely explain it.

"Forget it, the future timepieces of the Ultra Warriors are hard to get in this era, but I want to get them."

What Lu Xiu regrets is that the time is still early. If he goes on a rampage to the future... Lu Xiu thought of a throne on the wasteland, and an old guy sits on it.

"Well, it's safer not to travel through time and space.".

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