Refers to the time to return.

Anyway, that time was so nasty!

"Is it bad in reality?" Lu Xiu asked rhetorically.

"???" The wind blows.

What passwords are these two talking about? "Two Five Three"

But fortunately, I can feel that Jestis just looked at them with a little more softness and anticipation.

It shows that the knight's plan was successful.

"Knowing such a future, next." Justis wanted to shoot now.

"It's useless. If you don't have at least equal power, you and Gauss can't compete for the right to speak."

Lu Xiu said it very bluntly.

The individual is too weak inside and out.

Jestis didn't refute either, she believed what happened in the future to be true.

"You should be able to, you can directly stop the battlefield battle." Justis felt that Lu Xiu could do it.

With her heart to human beings, she does not want to see too many casualties.

"It is true that I can easily defeat Dracion, but my personality does not belong to this world. It is far better to believe in you when a fierce conflict erupts."

Lu Xiu Road.

"I understand." Justis understood somewhat.

No wonder there were no knights on that timeline.

It's no wonder that this person has been just watching, not shooting.

"You, why did you let me see these in advance." Justis was very brooding about not being able to eat the candy.

This guy definitely did it on purpose!

"Just make some slight changes." Lu Xiu said seriously.

Jestis thought of a few things, but still didn't mind that he didn't eat the candy.

But barely acceptable.

"Get ready, those monsters had better fight together." Justis knew that it was difficult for one person to deal with Dracion's methods.

It is necessary to delay the era as much as possible while reducing casualties and wait for the return of Gauss.

I can't tell humans now, don't attack Dracion's preparations.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." Feng Chui nodded and hesitated for a while, "The matter here and them."

"It's best not to. If you know something, it may lead to unnecessary changes." Justis didn't want to gamble.

There is also a step-by-step danger in the things that follow.

To this end, she must have a firm belief in order to have the opportunity to cause miracles like the future she sees.

"I'll leave first." When Lu Xiu finished speaking, his figure turned into white lights and disappeared.

Jestis' eyes were deep, "This guy should not be human."

"Hey, spaceman?" The wind blew.

"No, his life level is very high." Justis couldn't say it well, he just had such an intuition.

Then I stopped thinking about it, watched the wind blow, and prepared him to get ready.

Prepare for the emergency evacuation of the area where the monster first attacked.

Of course, it can't be evacuated too early. Delacion will notice something. If it attacks other places, it will cause countless casualties.

Jestis didn't want to see this happen.


Somewhere on the mountain.

Lu Xiu looked at a park from a distance, and a lot of wood built a high platform.

His pupils turned red, saw through the dimension, and saw the figure of Musashi and Gauss.

Lu Xiu closed his eyes and his consciousness extended away.


a dimensional space.

A faint glow of energy appeared on Musashi's body, floating in the air.

Yoishi lay on his chest, unleashing his power and healing Musashi.

However, Gauss's own damage is not light, and the process of treatment is very slow.

Delacion felt that the Knights might appear.

Therefore, when ordering his subordinates to kill Gauss, be more ruthless.

avoid Gaussian reproduction,

Gauss's figure appeared on the side, and he said with guilt: "Musashi, I made you hurt because of me..."

"It's not your fault, it's all my choice." Musashi comforted softly.

"Strength will attract stronger power, which will make disputes endless, and means other than war should be used." Gauss.

"However, no matter what kind of dispute it is, there will definitely be a solution." Musashi.

"It was only after I met Musashi that I learned about the limitless possibilities of humanity and the greatness of the word hope."


"I hope to make Jestice understand this too." Gauss wanted to temporarily dissipate.

Do your best to heal them both.

Musashi sensed Gauss's thoughts and agreed.

Even if they didn't say it, there was a sense of urgency in their hearts.

Delacion's power is too strong, and he must go out early to have a chance to prevent the tragedy from happening.

"If the knight is here, that's fine." Musashi didn't want to see the reset Earth after he was healed and could go out.

"They haven't appeared for too long." Gauss said in a deep voice and saw a person appearing in the distance.

The white robe, white hair and a suit of armor exudes a pure breath of life.

"You are?" Gauss was convinced that this guy should not be a villain.

The breath is too pure, no matter how much wicked people are afraid of disguising, they can't achieve this level.

Moreover, at this point in time, is it a knight?

"It's a good prayer, I believe in my companions, I look forward to my companions growing up, you are great, Gauss."

Lu Xiu smiled slightly.

"Who are you?" Musashi asked again.

They care.

"Wind blowing already knows." Lu Xiu didn't answer directly.

"A knight." Musashi was convinced, and he got up with difficulty.

The whole body is like falling apart, and there is a lot of pain.

But he had to protect everything outside.

He begged, "Can you please treat me? I want to go out this morning and become a fighting force."

At this time, the knight teleported to Musashi's side, put his hand on his shoulder, and made him lie down. .

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Musashi couldn't resist at all, so he lay down.

But his eyes were full of anxiety.

Since the knight has appeared, there must be infinite hope.

He hopes to play a certain role in defending the earth.

Most crucially, he learned of an existence called Dracion through Gauss.

Dracion is a powerful organization that maintains the peace of the universe.

And although he and the knights have some differences in philosophy, they also pursue peace.

Definitely, we must find a way to destroy the other side without force!

Musashi was so anxious because he believed in the terrifying power of knights.

The failure of either side will trigger a huge cosmic shock.

"You are really worried and kind." Lu Xiu added silently in his heart.

Excessive kindness.

If it is to protect their own world from being destroyed, and to kill enemies who are also knights, knights are very good at it.

There are such reasons for the battles of knights that have been set off several times.

"Please, there must be a way to restore 29, right." Musashi saw him for the first time.

I didn't think it was an ordinary person.

There is also an intuition that this person will definitely treat.

"It is indeed possible." Lu Xiu saw the hope and joy on Musashi's face, but the next second he said firmly: "But I refuse!"

"!!?" Musashi couldn't believe it, and it was difficult for him to accept the following words, "Why! Why!!?"

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