The second ring is the surface of a square meteorite that is larger than the earth.

The anti-monitor Lao Mo, the monitor Wu Tan, the caster Xiao Zhou, and the old, middle and young people stand side by side.

Eagle Girl stood opposite them, her wings behind her like little suns, shining with bright white light, and the light exuded the aura of supreme energy that made mortal souls worship.

In the golden film ball space two hundred meters away from them, the Essence Club, Louise, Harley, and the Zhenglian Heroes all opened their eyes wide and stared at the four of them for a moment.

Gradually, the white light around Eagle Girl's wings began to converge, and the transparent feathers on the wings were actually dyed with a hint of emerald green, and became increasingly green, with a texture like emerald.

Hey, why did Kendra's wings turn green? Louise asked in confusion.

The Heavenly Father clenched his fists and said excitedly: She is controlling the power of connection! The golden and silver light before were all the light naturally emitted by the judge's origin.

Now she is controlling them, using the power of connection to fuse the positive basic power into the true divine power of creation, so the color is changing and the light is restrained.

The real divine power of creation refers to the divine power used by the Eagle Judge? Why is it shown in green? Green represents the green light energy in the basic power, right? Louise said.

The creation power that Eagle Girl now uses the power of connection to generate contains the energy of the Seven Lamps, but the green it displays is not equal to the green light energy. Heavenly Father replied, then stopped talking and just stared at Eagle Girl attentively.

The divine power of creation is ready. Can I transmit it to you now?

Eagle Girl's eyes were covered with a layer of green light, and her wings were filled with huge creation power, causing the huge meteorites under her feet to tremble slightly.

In the next moment, she can launch the judge's essence through her wings.

The Anti-Monitor King was about to nod with the two brothers when he suddenly remembered something and quickly raised his hand to stop Hawk Girl from transmitting her divine power, shouting: I forgot to ask just now, after the three of us merged into the ultimate monitor, whose will will it be? To control the new Ultimate Monitor body, or who will be dominant?”

I don't know, let's give it a try. When you merge and become the ultimate monitor, you will find the most accurate answers to all questions. Eagle Girl said.

The caster Xiao Zhou glanced at his brother and said: Ultimate Monitor, as the name suggests, a monitor is still a monitor, probably we will become Wu Tan's deputies.

But there is no need for us to care about such small things. Everything is for the sake of the overall situation and to complete the mission of the Eagle Judge.

This is not a trivial matter. The anti-supervisory leader Wang Lao Mo expressed a tangled expression for a while and said, I'm not ignoring the overall situation. Why do I have to fight with you at this time?

You are just a lonely person, but I have many disciples and grandchildren.

When I came here before, I never thought that I would merge with you to become the ultimate monitor.

It doesn't matter if the Ultimate Monitor still retains part of my consciousness, even if it's not the dominant one.

I'm worried that the Ultimate Monitor is a new independent entity.

That is to say, the memories and experiences of the three of us will be retained, but our human thoughts and emotions will disappear.

The three merged into a brand new existence. He inherited our wisdom and strength, but no longer had our emotions.

Monitor Wu Tan frowned, Are you worried that the ultimate monitor will harm your disciples?

The mission of the ultimate monitor is only to suppress our rebellious mother. Even if he is a new individual with a cold personality, he will not pay attention to your disciples. Founder Xiao Zhou said disapprovingly.

The anti-monitoring king said solemnly: As creators, wouldn't you be so stupid as to think that the impact of the collapse and demise of the universe is limited to the positive matter universe?

What I'm worried about is that the Ultimate Monitor completely ignores my disciples.

Even if a crisis befalls the antimatter universe, he doesn't care and lets my disciples and grandchildren perish together with the planetary civilization of the antimatter universe.

Oh, I almost forgot that there are civilizations in the antimatter universe, and they are probably experiencing the same disaster as us. In the golden film ball in the distance, Louise showed a look of surprise.

Then she turned to Harley and said: Both the Justice League and the New 52 TV station have ignored the antimatter universe.

We can’t just focus on the parallel universe within Wan Tian Yi, but we must also provide the best help we can to antimatter civilization.

Harry glanced at her and said, Even the 'Multiple Names' can't satisfy you, so you still want to take both positive and negative and become a 'Positive and Negative Diverse Name'?

I'm not doing it for the reputation of 'Pros and Cons of Multiverse'. I just want to know their news and inform them of the latest news about the multiverse. Louise said seriously.

Harley ignored her and only shouted to the three Creator brothers who were arguing in the distance: Old Mo, Xiao Zhou, please stop arguing. Even if the ultimate monitor does not inherit your emotions and ignores the people in the anti-matter world, I They are not dead, so they will definitely be taken care of.

Anti-monitor Wang Lao Mo looked around and said: The second ring has been separated from the multiverse. It does not belong to positive matter or antimatter. People in the antimatter universe can be transferred here.

You arrange a place, and I will move the ‘Heaven’ on the planet Kovad.

Harley urged: You can merge with them first, and leave the rest to me and the Justice League.

The anti-supervision king hesitated for a moment, and then said: At least let me inform them that I didn't even think about joining together when I came out, and I haven't arranged a lot of chores at home.

Harley was helpless, Then you inform me.

You take me back to the universe first. I can't sense the antimatter universe here. Anti-monitor said.

When the structure of the multiverse is intact, even within the main universe, he cannot directly communicate with the planet Kovad and must use the Oa teleportation point at the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.

Now that the multiverse is torn apart, and cracks appear in the dimensional barrier between the antimatter universe and the positive matter universe, it is not difficult to travel between the two worlds at will with the power of anti-monitoring.

But now they've left the multiverse.

In order to avoid Pam's sight, they also came to the meteorite at the edge of the second ring.

The antimatter universe is your domain, you can't sense it? Harley glanced at Wu Tan and said, Back then, Marnou quietly left the multiverse and wandered around the omnipotent universe, visiting many different worlds. world scenery.

In order for Mal Nou to leave and return successfully, in addition to adapting to the environment of the Omniverse, he also has to lock in his position in our multiverse.

Marnou can sense the direction of the DC universe in the omnipotent universe. Anti-monitoring is at the same level as him, but he can't sense the antimatter universe?

Of course I can sense the antimatter universe, but the space and rules here are so thin that there are almost no rules. How do I open the portal and pull my people over? said the Anti-Monitor King.

Harry frowned and said, You just delivered a few words, why did you bring them here?

Some things have to be said face to face.

Harley sighed, reached out and swiped forward, and a 10-meter-high oval golden door appeared in front of the anti-monitoring king.

The moment the golden door opened, the three creators all sensed the familiar anti-matter breath.

This door is directly connected to the antimatter universe? The Anti-Monitor King was a little surprised.

What do you think the second ring is? If I have the connection power to create the world, I can directly turn the multiverse into the world inside my body. Harley waved her hand, motioning for him to hurry up.

The second ring not only protects all positive matter universes, but the antimatter universes are also protected within the ring.

In other words, the edge of the antimatter universe can also enter the second ring.

The anti-supervisory king put his hand into the light door, fished it out gently, and fished out a majestic man wearing a jade crown and a black dragon robe embroidered with gold.

Seeing the anti-supervisor king, the man was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately bowed and saluted, Teacher, are you looking for me?

The anti-supervisor king didn't talk nonsense. He tapped his eyebrows with one finger and stuffed everything he wanted to say into his mind.

Teacher, don't worry about us, we will definitely take care of ourselves.

The man in the dragon robe first made a firm assurance, and then hesitantly said: Now the four marshals of heaven are leading the immortals to save the rapidly disappearing civilized planet at the edge of the universe.

If we retreat to the second ring outside the universe now, what will all the sentient beings in the universe do?

In the golden film ball, the heroes and the six members of the Essence Club all looked at the man in the dragon robe with surprise.

Harry, that man is dressed like an ancient Chinese emperor. What does he do? Louise asked curiously.

Didn't you hear what he called Lao Mo?

Harley's expression was a little strange, and she felt a little embarrassed for the rebel king.

It's so weird and embarrassing to create a heaven and immortals in the DC multiverse, but they behave so naturally, as if everything is taken for granted

I heard, he called Teacher Wang, the anti-supervisor, but his identity should be more than just an anti-supervision student. By the way, what did anti-supervision teach him? Why did he become an anti-supervision student?

Anti-Supervisor was reincarnated into the ancient celestial dynasty of the 'Steam Universe' and created the Steam Scripture that shattered the void.

Anyone who practices the Steam Scripture and understands the rules can break through the dimensional barrier from the positive matter universe and enter the Kovad planet in the antimatter universe.

Because they are all ancient people from the Celestial Dynasty, they are called ‘immortals’.

Well, Antimatter Immortal.

In order to facilitate the management of his disciples and disciples and prevent them from going astray, he rebelled against supervision and organized the anti-matter immortals into a kingdom similar to the Kingdom of Heaven, which was called Heavenly Court according to the custom of the Celestial Dynasty.

It seems that there are five directions of heaven: southeast, southeast, northwest, middle.

This man in the dragon robe should be one of the rulers of heaven. We call him the ‘God King’, and they call him the ‘Celestial Emperor’. Harry told the story of the anti-supervisory king with an awkward expression.

There are actually five heavens. How many anti-matter immortals should they have! Louise exclaimed.

Look at the appearance of the Anti-Monitor King, and then consider that the Darkseid War has only been a few years ago. Neptune reminded him.

Louise suddenly realized, The time in the steam universe flows very fast, much faster than the main universe.

Not only does time flow quickly, but the Steam Universe has also experienced two reboots.

During the crisis of the Dark Night, the Dark Knights also descended on the Steam Universe as extraterrestrial demons and abducted the senile Anti-Monitor King.

The crisis is over, and the Steam Universe has completed its first reboot.

Because the world of immortality is booming, the magic debt crisis has also affected the steam universe. After the debt crisis, a small restart has been completed again.

Although the world was slightly restarted, the immortals who ascended to the antimatter universe were not affected. Therefore, in just a few years in the main universe, the Anti-Monitor King accumulated a large number of disciples.

My dear, the second man on the left is the Arctic Canopy Emperor. Is he Batman? Someone among the heroes exclaimed.

Just as they were whispering, the Anti-Monitor King reached into the golden light door again and captured fourteen or five anti-matter immortals from multiple planets in the anti-matter universe.

One of them, a man in black armor with the Big Dipper and the Black Bat logo on his chest, allowed the heroes of the main universe to break through.

He looks almost exactly like the Bateman they are familiar with, and the Big Dipper on his armor also surrounds a small black bat.

The Arctic Canopy Emperor seemed to hear their cries and turned his head to look this way.

This appearance and temperament are definitely Bateman’s!

Everyone became more and more certain.

Harley said calmly: What's so strange about this? The Steam Universe is also a parallel universe within Wan Tian Yi.

It's called the 'Steam Universe' because the Bateman of that world lived in Gotham during the Gaslight Era.

The world story has always been in the age of steam engines. The law of steam is the most powerful way. Both earthlings and aliens can only develop steam civilization.

Even with Lao Mo's wisdom as a creator, he had no choice but to create his own 'Steam Ascension Method' to proactively adapt to the rules of the world.

And everyone knows that after losing his parents, Bateman liked to go to the East to learn martial arts.

Now that Eastern cultivators are practicing Lao Mo's Steam Scripture, Bateman naturally has access to the secret book that is enough to ascend to immortality.

It is normal to use his talent to break the void and become an Immortal Emperor.

She spoke calmly, and her face was calm and calm, but she actually had a thousand things she wanted to vomit in her heart.

Batman shattered the void, ascended to immortality, and became the Canopy Emperor.

It can only be said that the Steam Universe has been distorted out of shape by the anti-monitoring king.

Louise looked at the Canopy Emperor Bateman, then at the Bateman in her own universe, and said doubtfully: Harley, you are obviously better than the Anti-Monitor King, especially in creating various magical secrets.

Why is it that Bateman, with your help, is far inferior to the 'Gaslight Bateman' who has taken the road of steam?

Harry said: The 'Tianpeng Emperor' just sounds like a bluff. In fact, that Bateman is at best equivalent to a true god. 'The Emperor' represents status, not a god-king in the mainstream realm of cultivation.

That's better than Bateman, a mortal. Louise said.

Ask Bateman. Bateman also knows the Steam Scripture, why he didn't ascend to immortality, Harley said.

Steam Scripture is very distinctive in terms of power generation techniques and physical training.

Harley was also amazed after reading it, so she intercepted part of the content and taught it to her disciples. Dick, Damian, Jason, and Cassandra all practiced it.

After they practiced, they taught it to Bateman, who only praised good after using it.

Louise looked at Bateman with questioning eyes.

I don't know, maybe my talent is relatively poor. Bateman said.

His talent is actually not bad, what is bad is just his eager desire for the divine realm.

In addition, Steam Scripture also has a strong instant effect.

The fundamental purpose of the anti-supervision king in creating the Steam Scripture is not to improve one's realm and increase one's strength.

It is essentially a map and a road guide that guides people in the positive matter universe to find the gap leading to the antimatter universe, and in the process transform their bodies so that they can adapt to antimatter energy.

Just like the setting of the Oriental Immortal novels, those who ascend will enter the Immortal Transformation Pond to shed their mortal bodies and achieve immortal bodies.

The immortal body of the anti-matter heaven is the anti-matter body, and the immortal power is the pure anti-matter source provided by the Anti-Monitor King.

The entire cultivation process requires very little understanding of the law. It only requires practicing step by step, and there is no need for innovation.

Only after ascending to the planet Kovad can the path of DC cultivation truly begin. Before, it was just a side path of shortcuts.

Of course, although the anti-matter immortals are heretical, this does not mean that their combat effectiveness is low.

In fact, the antimatter immortals are more powerful than the old gods who became gods through normal laws.

In other words, the immortal power used by the anti-matter immortals - the power of anti-matter, is one of DC's three major creation abilities. It is very advanced and very powerful.

Even as powerful as a god king, he cannot withstand an antimatter energy attack.

Most gods simply cannot adapt to an antimatter environment.

The anti-matter immortals are not native anti-matter people. They are anti-matter immortals trained by ordinary people in the positive material universe and can adapt to the environment of both worlds.

Okay, let's get started.

The anti-supervision king didn't waste much time. He only gave a few words to his Immortal Emperor disciples, and then waved them away.

The immortals of the antimatter universe did not leave. Like the heroes of the main universe, they stood on the sidelines and watched.

Because they are immortals, they do not need the protection of Harley's golden film ball, and they directly physically contact the Taixu environment of the second ring.

Seeing the three Creator brothers posing, Eagle Girl no longer delayed, and waved forward the two emerald green wings behind her.

Boom! The emerald green divine power of creation formed a pillar of energy and enveloped the three creators.

Ah, brothers, do you feel it? The origin is above, this is a magnificent power that we have never felt before.

The caster's body was turned into foam by the divine power of creation, but he could still make sounds normally.

This is the creation power of the Origin Judge. Of course it is different from the cosmic energy we have seen before. The anti-monitoring king also turned into bubbles.

The figures of the three creator brothers disappeared completely, and then the bright light instantly converged inward, and a huge armored giant appeared in front of everyone.

After the three Asians, old, middle and young, merged together, they turned into a yellow-skinned white man.

His skin is Asian yellow, but he looks very Caucasian.

Harley frowned slightly: Could it be that the appearance comes from the heart, and Xiao Zhou's spiritual tendency determines part of the appearance of the ultimate monitor?

The Asian white man wore dark blue metal armor, a wide red cloak floating behind him, and held the caster's big hammer in his right hand. The style of the hammer changed and became a bit like a four-edged axe - in the middle The surface of the large iron lump is inlaid with four ax blades of different sizes.

Are you a new life entity, Wu Tan or someone else? Harley asked curiously.

The ultimate monitor's voice was loud, his expression was proud and confident, and he said: I am the ultimate monitor, a transcendent existence that can rival Papetua.

I am both Wu Tan and an anti-monitor and caster.

It's amazing that the connecting power of Judge Eagle can not only unite the basic forces of the universe, but also organically unite our consciousnesses in perfect harmony without any conflict.

One plus one plus one is equal to one plus one plus one raised to the power of one plus one plus one, 27!

Harley's mouth twitched slightly and said, Can you find Papetua now?

Now, no matter how loud the cowhide blows, it is still in vain. Only by taking it out and practicing with Pammu in person can the effect be determined.

The ultimate monitor shook his head, I have the power to suppress Papetua, but I can't find her. She is hidden very deep.

Harley frowned slightly, But your mission is not just to suppress Papetua!

You want to end the crisis. Suppressing Papetua does not mean the crisis is completely over.

Now that the origin is dead and the multiverse is falling apart, you have to use the power of connection to repeat what the origin judge did - reshape the multiverse.

If you reshape the multiverse now, Papetua will either run away or expose his position and have nowhere to hide.

Reshaping the multiverse is equivalent to rebuilding an old house to its original location, and the rats hiding in the corners of the house will inevitably be exposed.

I can't seem to use the power of connection. The Asian white man who is the ultimate monitor has embarrassment and confusion on his face.

What? You can't use the power of connection? half of the six members of the Essence Club shouted.

The heroes also looked disappointed and confused.

The Ultimate Monitor quickly explained: I can partially use the power of connection. I cannot use it to reshape the world, but I can use it to fight.

As he spoke, he stamped his four-edged ax vigorously, BOOOM!

A powerful aura erupted from the Ultimate Monitor, even forming a violent energy hurricane in the second ring without air and space.

The superhero in the golden ball felt that the energy radiance on his body was too strong and couldn't help but raise his hands to cover it.

The antimatter immortals retreated dozens of meters in the hurricane, with horrified expressions on their faces.

Harley didn't even activate the defensive force field, only her hair floated slightly.

That's it? There was obvious disappointment on her face and tone.

What do you mean? Isn't this strong enough? The voice of the ultimate monitor made the meteorite beneath him shake violently.

Try hitting me with an axe. Harley put her hands behind her back and walked as gently as a fallen ginkgo leaf in autumn, falling within the reach of the ultimate monitor's axe.

are you serious?

The ultimate monitor's eyes were filled with eagerness to try, and the faces of white Asians also showed excitement.

Cut it. Only if you can break my defense will you be qualified to face Papetua. Harley said.

The ultimate monitor was angry, raised his ax and swept it towards Harley's waist.


The DC shield with the golden mark on the black background flashed away, and Harley remained motionless. The ultimate monitor seemed to have been shot in the chest, dragging a long-handled four-edged ax and staggering back several hundred meters.

Harder, you haven't even touched the critical point of the thorns and black vortex. Harley waved to him.

Okay, okay, okay, since you are so hard, I don't have to hold back.

The ultimate monitor gritted his teeth as he spoke, holding the four-edged ax above his head with both hands, and ran out of the afterimage with his legs.

Whoosh! He was as fast as teleporting, accelerated to the limit and came to Harley.

Haha! He exhaled and swung the four-edged ax with all his strength. The divine power of creation on his body spread along his arm to the ax blade, wrapping the entire ax head into a ball of bright white energy thunderball.

A hemispherical DC shield appeared above Harley's head again, and this time the shield finally cracked.

The incomparably bright divine power of creation bombarded the shield of DC, causing several cracks to finally appear, and then, BOOOM—BOOOOM!

There were two explosions in succession. The explosions were too fast and loud, and they even partially overlapped.

The first explosion came from the impact of the divine power of creation on the DC shield. The violent energy was like a high-pressure water gun hitting the rocks, scattering in all directions, like a shocking nuclear explosion.

Immediately afterwards, part of the creation divine power attack absorbed by the black vortex of thorns returned to the original path and fell on the ultimate monitor until he was submerged.

This is the second explosion.

Harley was still taking a leisurely stroll, remaining motionless in the ultra-level energy storm. The DC shield above her head was not completely broken. There were only seven or eight spider web-like cracks. The cracks were repaired at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

The anti-supervision king screamed Ouch and turned into a meteor, flying hundreds of kilometers upside down.

Flying in mid-air before landing, it had already broken into three parts - the Ultimate Creator was beaten back to its original shape and split into the three Creator brothers again.

Boom, boom, boom! The three brothers hit the rocky ground hard, creating a deep trench a hundred meters deep and several kilometers long.

Ah, the Ultimate Monitor was beaten to pieces! With her mortal eyes, Louise didn't see clearly that the Ultimate Creator had split into three brothers again. She only thought that his body had been blown apart and broken into three parts.

Shit, Harley didn't do anything at all. He was hitting Harley, not Harley hitting him. Neptune was stunned.

Why is the Ultimate Monitor such a waste? He can't even withstand Harley's passive defense.

It looks powerful and domineering, but I don't want to be so crispy!

The heroes did not praise Harley for her awesomeness, but were extremely disappointed with the ultimate creator.

No, it shouldn't be. The Ultimate Monitor is the ultimate arrangement of the Origin Judge. It shouldn't be so fragile. The six members of the Essence Society seemed to have been hit harder than the three Creator brothers.

The three Creator brothers had climbed up neatly now, with the unwillingness and anger on their faces far outweighing the frustration.

Harley, you cheated. You used the black vortex of thorns to reflect our Transcendent attacks, which is equivalent to a Transcendent attacking us.

You don't have the power of connection yourself, and you can't launch a transcendent level attack, but you borrow your strength to attack us, and you use our transcendent power to attack us. This is not your own strength. cried the Forger.

The anti-monitor king, Lao Mo, pointed at Eagle Girl and yelled, You are a piece of wood! You clearly saw us being knocked away, why didn't you instill the divine power of creation into the ultimate monitor?

Monitor Wu Tan's tone was not so harsh, but he also complained to Eagle Girl: The ultimate power of creation stored in the body of the ultimate monitor is limited, you should continue to provide us with energy.

If there is enough divine power in the body, the Ultimate Monitor should be able to block the damage rebound from the black vortex of thorns.

Eagle Girl was stunned for a moment, and then said apologetically: I'm sorry, I haven't gotten used to my responsibilities yet. I thought you could last for a long time with one charge. Alas, in the future, whenever we encounter battles, I will directly use the power of connection to fight with you. connect them.

Kendra, haven't you already poured the essence of the judge into the body of the Ultimate Monitor? What do you mean, the Ultimate Monitor is just an electric car, or a very rubbish model, and you are a charging station? Black Bolt asked in surprise.

Asshole, what nonsense are you talking about? What kind of garbage electric car are you talking about? We are the ultimate monitors, an existence that is evenly matched with Papetua! He roared in the anti-monitoring dynasty.

He was very powerful and angry, but Black Bolt was inside the golden film ball and was completely unaffected.

Sorry, I didn't mean to insult the Creators, I was just too excited.

Black Bolt apologized first, then turned his attention to Hawkgirl again, Kendra, you need to continue to provide energy to them? Why not fill it up all at once.

Eagle Girl exclaimed aggrievedly: It's full, really. I just thought that the Ultimate Monitor was the final answer to solving the crisis, so I planned to hand over the origins of all judges to him.

As a result, I only charged it for a few seconds. As you have seen with your own eyes before, the reason why I ended charging was not because I was unwilling to send energy, but because it was already full and could not accept more energy.


She glanced back at the three creator brothers and swallowed back the rest of the unpleasant truth.

The Ultimate Monitor is too inferior. The battery life of domestic electric spaceships is not that bad. Louise complained softly.

The anti-supervisor king had very good ears, glared at her fiercely, and shouted: You mortals, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

Even if the three of us brothers unite to become the ultimate monitor, it cannot be equated with transcendence.

Only the creation god with a set of giant hands can perfectly and completely control the power of connection.

The remnants of the Eagle Judge, like us and Eagle Girl, only inherit some of the Eagle Judge's abilities.

Hawkgirl can absorb, store, and transmit the power of connection, and the Ultimate Monitor can harness the power of connection to fight.

When we defeat Papetua, perhaps a new destiny will appear.

The new Destined One will harness the power of connection to resurrect the multiverse.

Harley, is that so? The heroes turned their attention to Harley.

What is the truth, haven't you seen it yourself? Harley sighed.

Why did Judge Eagle make such an arrangement? Why did he want to distribute the power to control the power of connection to different people of destiny? Is he worried that the people of destiny would lose control and become a future trouble for the giant hand clan?

The third smartest man Mr. Zhuo Zhuo analyzed while touching his chin.

Bateman looked at Harley and said in a low voice: Maybe the power of connection is so noble and inaccessible.

The only people who can fully use it are the founders of the Giant Hand Clan.

There is no one in the multiverse who can perfectly control it, not Harley, nor the Creator.

Mr. Excellence followed his gaze and glanced at Harley, realizing something in his mind, Harley is already more powerful than the Transcendent, and even she is not qualified to use the power of connection.

Harley said calmly: The connection power of the Giant Hand clan is not too noble, but too specialized and not universal enough.

For an energy, this is definitely a disadvantage rather than an advantage.

She suspected that the giant hand clan's connection power was not only specialized, but also had a password set so that outsiders who didn't know the password couldn't use it.

The power that the Eagle Judge gave to Eagle Girl, the ultimate monitor, is only a partial code.

Harley had reason to think so, because she could do something similar.

In fact, she has already done this kind of thing: Harley, Diana, and Neptune from the other world all have thick-skinned divine power, and they are all her favored ones, but the same thick-skinned divine power exerts the same effect on them. Each one is different.

Harley from another world is an abridged version, with poor special effects, and even her divine power is diluted; Diana is an ordinary version, with average effects; Aquaman is a VIP customer, with the best effects.

If encountering a large-scale crisis, Harley can once again strengthen the thick-skinned magical effect of the God's Favorite.

If they were in front of her, the feat's effect would be almost the same as her own.

And Harley can do this by adjusting the divinity of the divine power in the body of the God's Beloved through the Law of the Thick-skinned God King in the Sea of ​​Laws.

So does the Great Almighty Universe have something similar to the Sea of ​​Laws and the power of the God King?

Then what should we do now? Maybe I can give you the power of creation? Eagle Girl asked.

It's useless to give it to me, I can't use it. Now you are completely bound to the Ultimate Monitor. Wherever he is, wherever you go, don't give the Legion of Destruction a chance to defeat him. Harley said.

Are we going to find the Legion of Destruction now? Hawkgirl asked again.

Can you find it?

Hawkgirl shook her head.

Wait on the earth, stop with stillness, and guard the main universe for me. With you permanently stationed on the earth, I will feel more at ease when practicing in the omnipotent universe. Harley said.

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