I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

493 Current situation of the Master

Start explaining the anomalies that Fenrir is having with me.

"Originally, Kelvim was going to support the master's spirit in taming the sword. Over time, my master's spirit conformed, and at that point, he revealed who I was, and gradually freed my memory, and I was supposed to integrate my sword with my master one by one."

"But Kelvim..."

"Exactly. Regardless, if she hadn't stood up to herself then both my master and I would have vanished. I appreciate it. But the loss of Kelvim's support began to create a breakdown in the plan."

Besides, that seems to have been the only madness in the plan.

"Growth faster than expected. An unusual series of fierce fights. Massive skill acquisition as a result. load on the system due to the use of potential liberation. Runaway by madness. assimilation absorption of fanatics"

Fenrill counts fingerfolds. If you ask me, it was a dense few months inside. But you're saying that wasn't a good idea?

In potential liberation, after Mr. Annunciation lost his power, there was a great distortion across the system. Fenrill's vicious part went wild in the madness. And eating fanatics further overloaded the internal system, causing a breakdown not only in memory but even in the sealing of the evil god.

"It's proof that my master and Fran have fought desperately. I wouldn't call that a bad thing. But I'm sure it was more of a rush than the gods imagined."

The gods, who are different from people in their sense of time, seem to have had a much sweeter estimate around them. Well, maybe we're a little too hasty to live.

Neither did the gods think that memories or the seal of evil gods were perfect no matter what. That's why Kelvim's remnants - I mean, he left Mr. Annunciation behind. Mr. Announcement said he was supposed to repair it, even if there was some breakdown in the seal.

But Mr. Annunciation has lost his power and his restorative power has dropped dramatically. There, events that rock the seal continuously over a short period of time have led to more loose seals.

"But Alistair fixed it"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got it back together with that one. But even a divine blacksmith doesn't understand God's built system perfectly. It was just a first aid."

'Not this time, you say?

"I don't know the details, either."

The pedestal I'm stabbing right now. This is also a pedestal made by God, and they have various abilities that even Fenrill doesn't know about.

"Anyway, even though the master has not conformed to the sword, his power has greatly exceeded his assumptions. Leaving it like this may break the seal of memory and affect the spirit of the master. Instead, the spirit of the master absolutely goes mad. That's not all. Master, did you hear my voice?

"Voice? Oh, could that be it? He told me to eat everything."

I got annoyed in my ear during the fight, so if I yelled at you, you'd be gone at some point.

"That's right. You already know who I am, right?

"... an evil god"

"Exactly. Precisely, you're a shard of the soul of the evil god, fused with my soul. Nevertheless... kukuku"

'What's the matter with you?

"No, if only that evil god shard would yell at my master and remind me how silent he is... Kuku. I guess I couldn't believe it, like there are beings who don't accept their own rule. I'm surprised I pulled in."

Oh, you mean that. You mean you're surprised you couldn't rule, not be pushed by my temper or something.

"There's only a slight leak in the consciousness of the Evil God yet, but don't leave it alone. And to re-enforce the seal of memory, repair the entire system. That's why I asked you to come to this place."

"So the master will heal?

"Whatever. I don't know, I'm in trouble if my master doesn't fix it. I'm part of the master."

'I see that. So, what am I supposed to do?

"You don't have to do anything"

'Whatever... You mean don't move?

"That's right. And then they say that pedestal will do the work automatically. I'm not familiar with it either, but it's my master's job not to move. I'm sure the technique that was already built into the pedestal has begun to analyze the master."

Copy that.

So you're saying I can't move for a while? I'm a little scared...... Reminds me of a sharpening pain when I had Alistair repair it. That's not gonna happen again, is it?

'How long should I wait?

"Well, I don't know that either. An hour, a day, a week."

'Dude, could it be that long?

"Think about how complicated and advanced the mechanism is in your contents, okay? That could take over a month, right?

"Seriously. So, what's Fran gonna do? Leaving will solve skill-sharing... '

Even if Ursi were there, it would be a lot of danger to go back to Aretha alone through the plains of the Demon Wolf.

"I'll wait here"

'Well, that's the only way... Sorry, it's my fault. "

"Yeah. Go. Plus, it's gonna be just the right period."

"But you don't have me?

"Training to fight without relying on your master. And there's Ursi."


'Right. Right. "

In fact, if you can use your skills, Fran's power won't drop that way either. If we don't go to the outer perimeter, we'll be fine.

If you believe Fenrill's explanation, the Warcraft won't like to approach the pedestal.

"So you want me to give Fran and Ursi an audition?

"Fenrill did?

"Oh. I'm out now thanks to the pedestal, but when the restoration is over, I'll fall asleep in my master again. It's the only time I can give him an audition."

'... Fran, why don't you do me a favour?

I'm also curious to see what kind of archery Fenrill would attach to the Frans. Especially Ursi.

I also found out why I was able to summon a wolf-shaped warcraft in a summons. Definitely thanks to Fenrill. That's what Ursi's title is, "Families of the Divine Wolf" is all about. As the same wolf-shaped warcraft, I think it would be a good study for Ursi.

"Okay. Please."


"All right, all right. Let's just lecture him a little bit."

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