I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

502 True Prologue - Bottom

Inside the temple, where God of the Underworld invited me to step in, two immortal beauties awaited me.

These two may be described as western compared to the gods of the underworld.

The woman who named herself the God of the Silver Moon, as her name suggests, is a goddess with beautiful silver and silver hair, bright white skin and golden eyes. Silver hair shakes and glows every time it moves lightly. The expression was full of motherhood and charity and seemed exactly what the goddess called it.

The goddess of chaos is another woman of a different beauty than the god of the silver moon, with a pranky look on her face. Beautiful crimson eyes that see through everything. Clear, beautiful, lustrous brown skin that you will not want to touch. Silver hair has a slightly stiff glow compared to the silver moon goddess. Can I just call it gray silver? But this hair would look better on brown skin.

The beauty of these goddesses and the outfits that just look like they're wrapped around a thin cloth are also based on my image? If so, my image goodjob.


"These two are like colleagues of Nong. And it's also two people who are looking for the Lord. Well, one way or the other, Noh is helping, and they're in the lead."

Three-pillar God speaks out.

How dare they say they are not gods of the earth. So which god is it? A different world. A world different from the Earth from the laws of the world. He says it is God who creates and manages that world.

It's just not there that surprised me. Of course, I was surprised by the fact that there are different worlds and the fact that I met God, but I was several times more surprised by the story that was told next.

If I die like this, I just join the circle on Earth, but if I can, I want them to go to the world they manage and get a new body there.

"With the power of Non, it is possible to cross into this world by the soul alone."

They are also formerly gods of the Earth, and they have the power to interfere slightly with the Earth. Apparently it is also possible for God in the underworld in particular to summon those who are in the realm of death.

"Ex-Earth God? No, more than that, new in the other world...? Rebirth of different worlds......?

"Right. It could be close to that."

"Uh... why?

"Well, don't rush. 'Cause I'll explain that too."

Well, of course, but there was no way I could just be reincarnated. If reincarnated into the other world, he said, there is a mission that must be fulfilled.

They were also shown footage of the world they managed and of the battle of the gods, while explaining what to do.

He is reincarnated into a sword and saves a divine beast named Fenrill and the evil god who is in it. They told me all I had to do was fight and defeat the Warcraft, but it wouldn't be that easy. I was told that if I were an Earthling, I could jump the dominance of the Evil God......

"Save those kids. Please."

"Hmmm... reincarnated into a sword... Besides, they erased my memory?

"I say turn it off or just let it be temporarily sealed. Because if you remain a man, you will go mad."

"Most of the memories of death, friends, acquaintances, and accidents that caused you to die."

"And then there are the emotional and sad memories that seem to be heavily involved in your personality formation."

"Otherwise, some memories of the first sexual intercourse and the encounter with the opposite sex will be sealed."

So to speak, they're going to seal the memories that are particularly strong in my memory and deeply related to my backbone.

"If you get used to the body of the sword and it is determined that you will not go crazy when your memory returns, you will put it back. Without it, when you join the circle again as a person, you don't know what's going to happen to you."

"Uh, died in another world? In the case of a sword, if it breaks? What's going to happen?

"As a man, let's join the circle of the earth. That's not all, is it? The same is true when the Lord fulfills his mission."

Says it can be reincarnated into Earth again, not into another world. And just a little privileged. Well, they don't remember then.

"Well, what happens if you refuse to reincarnate?

"You can be so frightened. I won't punish you. Your Lord will return to the circle of the earth like this, and Noah will only look for the next candidate."

Anything, I'm not the first one to pull my soul to this place, apparently. It's just that they say no because the sword means reincarnation.

I have anxiety, and I have fear. But my answer was fixed.

"... ok. I'll be reincarnated."

"Are you sure?

"Is that okay?

"Yes. If I'm going to die like this anyway, I want to see another world. Besides, I'm sorry if I could help you with your mission, right?


"Oh, but would you mind turning off the data on your PC? I didn't think God would listen to such a fine request."

"I know. I know. Let it go."

God had full after-sales service. They say they erase eggy memories from the girl I helped to the time I got hit by a car and died, and they erase the data on my home computer and dispose of my secret book.

No, that's not what I decided, is it? Though the sword, there is still romance in being able to reincarnate with cheat abilities. Also, the reward of being happy in the next life is huge. Other than that, the gods showed me...

"Well, let me introduce you to these two."

If I was making an excuse for someone, two in front of me? new figures appeared.? It comes with it because you can't successfully recognize one figure.

"I'll see you first. I am God of Wisdom."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Futunushi. He is the God of the Sword."

"Oh, thank you"

If you named yourself God of Wisdom, it was a neutral aesthetic that you didn't know if it was a man or a woman. Sarah blonde long hair with luxurious thin frame round glasses. A thin body with no irregularities is wrapped in clothing that looks like a shapeless hunting garment.

Maybe this god is based on my image, too. Eyeglasses because they are gods of wisdom. Um, exactly as I imagined.

It's just that the other god was everything different.

"F, Master Futunushi? Do you have a name?

Even though other gods don't name names. Speaking of futsuneshi, he is quite a famous Japanese god. It must have been the god of the sword.

"And what does that look like...?

Futunushi looked like he could only be described as a black shadow. He was an incredible figure, as if the Yurayura and irregularly shaking darkness had solidified into the human form. My image, what's going on? But this god didn't seem to include my image.

"He is the only God with a name among us. In the battle against evil gods, instead of being summoned and activated by some of his own divinity that he had left on Earth, he was bound again by the name he was supposed to have thrown away."

Speaking of which, when you showed me footage of the battle between the gods and the evil gods, you had a god to summon and wield a giant sword.

The gods abandoned their old names when they came across a new world and were reborn as new gods. In the first place, he says, he is not a one-pillar god, but rather like a mixture of the divine personalities of the various gods interested in a new world.

But the God of the Sword was to maximize his divinity as a Futunushi, who was only part of himself, in order to beat the Evil God. Because of this, he said, he was fixed on a sword god named Futunushi, from a free god not tied to a name that contained many divine personalities.

"Being fixed, I can't even change my appearance. But if you look at God, you can't stand it in a man's soul. So excuse me for looking like this"

Other gods can easily change their appearance because they don't have a name, but Futunushi says they can't do it.

"The divine sword you are to dwell on is the God of the sword and the family of the God of wisdom. That's why we need two pillars of cooperation."

After that, the goddesses will show you what kind of memories can be sealed. No, this was embarrassing.

At first, it was better. Memories of pain and negative emotions when you die. Memories of my favorite video work or a VR game I was hammering. There were a lot of sights and stuff like that that touched me.

But it starts stepping into the personal part gradually......

"This is a memory of a popular movie. Something I saw on your first date, and it stays strong in you."

Even now, watching the reruns brings back memories of the time because you feel sweet and sour, right?

"You remember being separated from a cute dog."

This is Fran, the mutt dog I bought at home. I was a dog like a white mop. One day, suddenly my mother called me saying she was dead, and I flew home. I guess it's at least a salvation that I was a big student at the end of the day. For a while, I couldn't help but cry when I saw a similar dog.

"This is not the memory of the first day I lay my skin with a woman. Various failures remain as bitter memories."

Hey, God! This memory...!

From there on out, it was seriously torture. Kill him first! No, he was dead! So much so that I do one noritsucker like that.

Remember the first time you went to the cabbage? No, no, because that was just taken by seniors! Ahhh! You can show me your favorite color DVD memories or whatever!

After that, I was too mentally tired and gutted to give me some power, and I was transferred my soul into the sword. I've been around for a while.

The goddess of chaos calls out to me, standing before a beautiful sword with an angel emblem on the pattern.

"The next time you see us is when you fulfill your mission. Well, without some irregular,"

"What's Irregular?

"Come on? But talk to me. You get it, right? There's no way we're omnipotent, is there? Sometimes unforeseen things happen."

Can I just say this is gonna be enough?

"But if you ever meet us over there, because then we gods will pretend to meet for the first time"

"Huh? Why?

"How much do you think would shake my memory of a matter about God? It's not good if the seal is unsealed, is it?

"I see."

Sometimes even a seal imposed by God can be broken? No, the fact that you're not omnipotent, I guess that's possible.

"I still did what I could. Especially the system that controls your power is my work. I've been playing a little too much."

"Uh, play?

"Playing is important, isn't it? Certainly mission is important. But it's also important that you enjoy different worlds. Can we play at the most?

"Ha, ha"

"You won't remember it when you wake up because you're supposed to seal the memory here, too. Well, that means good luck."

"Yes. Thank you."

"Ugh. Okay, good chaos."

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