I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

504 Talking to the Goddess of Chaos

Uh, I don't know what this feels like...

The feeling of your body rising and freeing you from the weight you were pressing on.

From the dark seabed, slowly surfacing towards the sea level? Or ascend from the bottom of a well of gravity towards a space free of gravity?

Anyway, liberation and refreshment. Those two were a mixed and strange state.

In the first place, where am I?

I don't see anything. I was in true darkness.

What have I been up to?

I feel like I've been asleep for a very long time. I just don't sleep too much and it doesn't mean Dalouis. On the contrary, my whole body is light. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm just feeling a little sleepy.

"Yes, yes, I need to talk to you for a second. Is it still Mr. Neboske?


When I was bawling, I heard a woman's voice from nowhere. Strange colorful, then naughty, characteristic voice.

Sounds familiar.

"Dear goddess of chaos?

"I thought I'd talk to you a little bit before you wake up completely."

It was a goddess of chaos. I don't see her, but I can't even forget her voice.

"First, I decide to unseal some of your memories"

'Huh? Really?

They said that abruptly. Aren't you going crazy when you get your memory back?

"Because you seemed to care a lot about not having memories, and leaving this sealed would have the opposite effect and it would seem"

"What are the negative effects?

"When you remember something you can't seem to remember, you're really curious and you try to remember something, right?

"Oh, sure."

That may become a calling water and unseal some memories in unexpected ways, he said. As a result, they say it could even affect the sealing of other memories.

"Even you don't want to go crazy like Fanatics, do you?

Fanatics said that, too. Apparently it is dangerous to have a person's soul in the body of a sword. Well, that's somewhat understandable, and it reminds me of the madness of fanatics. Sure, I didn't want to be.

"So I decided to unseal it with respect to the part that I think I could put back in at the moment, not everything. So, you want to go?

"Huh? Hey."

Soon as I ask back to the goddess, all sorts of memories overflow in my head at once.


It's an indescribable feeling. It doesn't hurt or itch, but it's disgusting. I wonder what it is. It could be similar to the moment you ate Fanatics together. Well, this one's a little better.

The memory of when it was a human being who came back to life and the memory of when he was hit by a car. Identity of the three mysterious women who remained in the corner of their memory. And it is the memory of a scene that is sealed with memories by its three-pillar goddess.

I guess I didn't have all my memories back, but I could understand the great part about why I didn't have any memories, which I was most concerned about.

Well, because of that, I also remembered the memories of humiliation. Like playing shame on the goddesses opponents......

It was just an embarrassing memory for me to have no special sexual preference.

"What's going on?

"Nah, it's nothing. Because you got some of your memories back, and after you wake up, you can still do what you always do, right?

"Yeah. Don't worry there."

So you're saying we should collect demon stones for Fenrill?

"Nevertheless...... I was hit by a car trying to help a strange child, and I traveled to help a child who was dying in this world as well... You really like kids."

'I don't like the way you say it! It's like a lollicon!

"Ugh. Just kidding. Oh, it's like time."

"It's time to wake up."

'So, the restoration is over?

With that said, I don't feel like my consciousness has awakened so clearly in a long time. That's since Fran and I broke up in front of the pedestal. Now, it doesn't feel like a moment. I understand myself that I've been asleep for a long time. So I don't think it's been a long time.

"Ugh. Say hello to Black Cat, too. Good chaos, then."

That's the second time I've heard that! Is this the kime dialogue of the goddess of chaos?

60 seconds to complete awakening of individual names and masters.


I wondered if the signs of the goddess of chaos had left, and now I heard a strange voice that was inorganic but also warm. I feel like I've heard it before......


"Ah! Mr. Annunciation!


"Huh? Can you talk?

"It's only now possible to have a conversation. But it will be back to normal soon. Now, when the main personality is dormant, it is an emergency measure.

"Erm? Master?

You mean me? I mean, only while I'm asleep, the power I usually use is given to Mr. Annunciation to allow for just a little conversation?

"With the awakening and replacement of the individual name/master, the temporary name/Mr. Annunciation's area of competence will be stripped. Before that...... Master, thank you again.


Again, I got a chance to use my powers for the gear registrar.

"But the ability to strip... That means you're gonna fall asleep like before... '

In the future, there is a 77% chance that Mr. Tentative Announcement will regain power with Fenrill, and some of the powers that were frozen will be restored.

'So you're saying you recovered a little?

"Yes. By assimilating and absorbing the virtual personality of the Abandoned Sword and gaining some of its power, we have secured some of the required computational areas."

Um, so you're saying you worked for someone who's had better fanatics?

Looks like time has come.

"Mr. Annunciation! If I restore Fenrill's power, you can come back! I'll do my best!

Thank you.

And then there was a change in my sight.

I wondered if a glimmer of light had plugged into the field of vision that had been anointed with pitch black, and when the light swelled up as if it had exploded, it wiped out the darkness.

I don't have a retina. That's why I was looking straight at you. If it was a normal organism, wouldn't it have been blinded?

The color returns.

Blue in the sky and green in the plains.

And standing in the center of it is one girl.

Dark hair, healthy skin. Unconvex body. And characteristic black cat ears and cat tails, with big eyes that seem pleasant.

You can't forget it, you can't see it wrong.

"... franc"


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