The master was gone and Fran was depressed for a while. It's not on my face, but I don't have power in my voice or my eyes.

At night, Fran, buried in Ursi's fur, staring up at the stars and bawling, looked like a child of his age.

Still, after a few days, I got back on track a bit.

"Let's do our best, shall we? You surprise your returning master, don't you?


"I'm going to be busy, too!

"Where to peek"

Fran's determination was real. Instead, it's a little too much of a temper, enough to scold me over and over again.

Because when I came back from Aretha, my protective equipment was frequently heavily damaged. It wasn't just that, there were times when the sword I had procured was broken or while I was healing my injuries.

Apparently, he repeats that when challenged by a superior Warcraft, he is repelled. And then, I guess we're having an unscrupulous series of wars.

Whatever I say, I'm not a child to stop, and I have no right to force you to stop. Fran is already a fine adventurer. Make your own decisions, and everything is your own responsibility.

Even if he was badly injured in his studies and died. Sometimes it's hard to be cautious because I've been so strong by doing unscrupulous training myself.

All I can do is increase the frequency of coming to this plain or work out to keep her from dying.

However, after a little over a month as it is, Fran and Ursi get a strange visit. I started losing my hegemony visibly.

And there was also a change in diet. Until then, morning, noon and evening, I was eating something called a curry, a brown sauce on Gohan. But that reduced it to one meal a day, to one meal every three days, and finally stopped eating.

I love Fran, but he's hard to make. Plus, he says it's a very hard dish to collect ingredients. Fran seems to be good at cooking, but he doesn't have the ingredients.

In the end, some of the spices I use for the curry were sourced by Aretha, and she managed to delude herself by eating them sprinkled with meat or something.

If Curry had been infinite, Fran and the others would have made more progress.

"Well, can you tell me this?


"Fine! Yes, yes! Read their intentions and be careful not to be guided!


Fran moves better and sharper every day. I look like nothing and wiggle a whip, but inside I'm a cold sweat dagger.

No magic, even a weapon-only mock fight, but it was about time I got one shot in.

Me and Fran aren't the only ones studying in mock warfare. Combating warcraft is also training.

The opponent is a Warcraft with a Threat D or so. Sometimes only with sword moves. Sometimes only by magic. That's how you fight and stop while you tie them up. I'm like insurance when I have to.

And the funny thing is, if you think you're bawling sometimes, you can suddenly move better. I just think I got some advice from someone, but there's no sign I'm talking to anyone.

Fran said he was a spirit of the sword, but there was no sign of the spirit. It's hard to tell because you're a true face, but Fran can make jokes now, too.

Well, maybe you're adjusting your movements by organizing various objects in your head. I still don't know the bottom.

"Sword, you're worn out again."


The problem was weapons.

Fran had some weapons for dimensional storage, as well as demon swords. But they couldn't stand Fran's power. Even the strongest phantom brilliant stone demon sword was lightly smashed and scattered in the first two weeks or so.

So I sold the warcraft material that Fran defeated at Aretha, and when I bought the sword, I started to give it to her, but I couldn't possibly get a sword that was worthy of Fran sooner.

Fighting with a weak sword is also a training thing, so it turns out to be O'Rei. In the end, until Alistair showed up, it was difficult.

Alistair - The woman, a divine blacksmith, appeared on the plains of the Demon Wolf around the beginning of winter, when the snow began to tingle. Because they had super powerful hidden magic props, they suddenly appeared near the pedestal without us even noticing them. Honestly, I'm in a hurry. A mysterious woman dressed in high-quality martial arts, surprisingly high in her own combat skills.

Honestly, I thought I was a person in the Reids Kingdom's Secret Service, so I accidentally spoke to the fighting waist. Over there, he seemed to have similar feelings, and if Fran hadn't gotten in between, he could have killed each other.

He was a nice guy to talk to, so we became friends right away, though.

That Alistair created for Fran is a demon sword made of heavy demon steel. I didn't know you'd make all that stuff in a week, that's a god-class blacksmith. So much so that you accidentally asked me to make my whip.

It is promised that they will make it as long as they collect the ingredients, so they will run for it next year.

That Alistair, at my request now, is leaving the plains of the Demon Wolf. Apart from the whip, there was something I wanted you to make. Alistair seemed to think the same thing, and he took it on without one or two.

And the days of training flow. That would have been a few days after Ursi lost her right leg and right eye after being impotent about something.

At last the day is coming.

"Shh, no! Right there!"



He played my whip moves with his sword moves and scratched and dived straight through the whip gap and was approached! I let go of the kick as I pulled the whip back, but it was also perfectly poked in. The last attack would be dagger moves.

Unprecipitated collaboration that perfectly combines swordsmanship with swordsmanship and observation of surroundings. And even control that handles physical strengthening system skills accurately. They were somehow unleashed in a flash of defense.

"It's the first time you've had a perfect shot."

"Mmm! But not yet."

"Ugh. So, shall we go next?


I'm really looking forward to the end of my studies.

Around another month or so after that. It was a few days after Urushi, who lost his legs and eyes but didn't give up and kept fighting our samurai, made a surprising evolution.

"Fran, what's wrong? Aren't you going to school?

Unusual, Fran was awake from sunrise. And I don't try to move, holding my knee in front of the pedestal and sitting around. By the side, a freshly evolved Ursi sits well behaved.

When I asked Fran, who looked happy for some reason, what she was doing, the answer was surprising.

"Mm-hmm. The master is coming home"

"Huh? Really?

"Master, he said he'd be back in about 150 days. Today is just day 150"

"I said before, what's the voice of the Spirit of the Sword?

I don't hear you, but apparently you really hear the Spirit of the Sword. She's not a master, she's a woman with a strange name, Mr. Annunciation.

They don't respond every time, but they also give their opinions on the master's recent situation and sometimes the efficiency of his training.

"I'm almost saying it. But I don't know exactly. Maybe in two hours, maybe in two days."

"Huh? Two days later?


Fran nodded cocklessly and went back to the task of staring at the pedestal again.



They stared back at me with a face that felt like what was natural. He's really going to keep waiting for his master.

"Wow, I'll wait too..."


Master, come back soon!

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