"I see it, that's Sekiguchi"

"Already? That was fast."

"Mm-hmm. Ursi is amazing"

The day after I saved the Karnas. The Frans, who departed with the sunrise, were about to reach the checkpoint on the side of the Kingdom of Verios in less than two hours.

I put everyone on Ursi's back and ran through.

The only warcraft on the road is a nearby one, and the others are ignored. The safety of the Karnas is paramount.

Whatever happens, I took on a request for an escort, so it has to be done perfectly.

"Going on like this makes a scene. Once Down"


"... is it something that can serve so many warcraft?

"Mm, I can't. Never heard of it."

Deane and Sheller remained blue faced all the way over Ursi's back. You understood that it was not just big, it was also accompanied by strength.

Sheller has been on Deane's side ever since he understood Fran's prowess. Apparently, Deane uttered rude words to try not to piss Fran off any more. Thanks to you, I'm glad it's quiet.

"Shall we go then?"


Take Fran to the precinct first. We talked about pretty tough scrutiny, but can we make it through safely?

This location was no less large than that of the Kingdom of Kranzel. We must guard against warcraft and enemy forces, and they are built as fortifications.

You're being targeted with a bow from inside the fort. However, I guess this is a preparation if rogue or enemy soldiers were disguising themselves as travellers. Neither me nor Fran dare ignore it because I didn't feel a clear intention to kill.

"Stop! Is that a foursome?


"Show me your ID."



Take out your ID as you are told, and hand it to the soldier. Well, I was surprised at first, but when I found out the guild card was real, I was allowed to enter without any particular problems afterwards.

Again, the title of high rank adventurer seems strong. Even as the Kingdom of Verios, it would be advantageous to have more strong adventurers in the country, and I guess there is no reason to reject them.

"This one with the three of you? You're not talking to that girl?

"Fran is the escort and directions I hired the other day."

"Hmm, Maury Chamber of Commerce? Never heard of it..."

"Because it's a small chamber of commerce"

"The courtier of the Chamber of Commerce and his two servants..."

Oh? Looks like the Karnas are under some suspicion. Apparently, Karna was the daughter of a chamber lord. I see, when you say it, that courage looked like a merchant. I just feel elegant for that.

A lady from the Great Chamber of Commerce would understand, but would a daughter from a small Chamber of Commerce like the Immigration Officer, who would have a lot of information in mind, wear such an elegance? No, I can understand if you mean you got a tough education...

And Deane's presence is a mystery. She had named herself a knight, but her profession had become a swordsman. I mean, not that the profession is a knight, but that the identity would be called a knight.

Would a Chamber of Commerce escort give such a name? Of course, it would be possible to simply admire a knight. But you should have been running with the clarity and the Red Flag Knights.

Some lines were picked up by the Chamber of Commerce after they were necked, but would you keep naming them knights for that?

(Master, what happened to Karna and the others?

'Hmmm...... I'm just gonna take a look. "


If I have to, I have to insist it's irrelevant.

"Where is the Chamber of Commerce located?

"The port town of the Kingdom of Kranzel. It's Darth."

"What is the name of the Lord of the Chamber of Commerce?

"Raymond Maury"

"What's the purpose in the kingdom of Verios?

It's a special autonomous region.

"... um"

This immigration officer man. Actually, I have a lie breaking skill. The level is low, but I should have felt as uncomfortable if they lied. But I guess there was no response to that skill. But I was still looking at the three Karnas with an unconvincing face.

Even though years of experience show that they are suspicious, their skills and identity cards show that they have no suspicious parts.

I used the logic of falsehood, too, but there was no lie in Karna's words. Is she still a chamber of commerce lady in the Kingdom of Kranzel?

An administrator who was asking questions is consulting with a man who looks like his boss and Kosokoso. It sounds to me, though.

"What do you want to do?

"That girl is an adventurer in the Kranzel kingdom, isn't she?


"If you were to hire an escort at the Adventurer's Guild in the Kingdom of Kranzel, you can say that its identity was proven by the Guild. The destination for that is the Special Autonomous Region. If you don't mind."

"Are you sure?

"If only it was that place. However, don't forget to inquire later if you've really entered the Autonomous Community?


Was this used by Karna? I see, if you took the Adventurer as your escort, anyone would think you made a request in the Adventurer Guild. This would mean that the Adventurer Alliance admitted to not being a suspicious person.

I wasn't fooled, but Karna was still strong.

In the end, there was no further detention, and the four succeeded in crossing the border. Well, I guess there's nothing more I can do than that.

Besides, it also seemed to be a missed reason that the destination was the Special Autonomous Region. Apparently, the Autonomous Communities are a different national treatment among the kingdoms of Verios. I guess there's also the thought of pushing it that way.

At a short walk out of custody, Fran faces Karna. Deane and Sheller are checking maps and such at a remote location.

"That's it for the request"

"Yes. Thank you, escort. And thanks to Mr. Ursi, I was able to enter the kingdom of Verios as soon as I could not think of it."

"Mm-hmm. Hey?

"What is it?

"Is Deane a knight?

Fran actually cared, too. Just like me, I guess he kept his mouth shut because he didn't want to be stopped at the precinct.

"... yes. Do you care who I am?

"Hmm? Nothing?


"Adventurers don't care about the past"

Many adventurers have abandoned their past. It's a shame to pry into that past. As he spent time in them, he totally got the spirit. Well, sometimes I say I'm indifferent to my identity or something.

"More than that, I got worried"

"Worried, is it?

"Mm-hmm. Deane was usually a knight, and he was a knight."

From now on, there will be other people out there who wonder who Karna is. Fran was purely worried about Karna. After all, he seems interested in this strong girl.

"Oh is that what you're saying...... She just borrowed it from my father's handout, not the complete subordinate of mine... At first I tried to make the adventurer look good, but I really hated it."

He seemed to have a tremendous bias against the adventurer, and he would have no choice. It's like telling Fran to pretend to be the Blue Cat Clan. Even if he dies, he will refuse.

"Besides, there are parts of you that are not accommodating and have a narrow field of view, because your arms will stand there. It's hard to find a strong woman."

Even talent with personality difficulties like Deanne would be a valuable escort for a woman.

"Thank you for keeping your mouth shut at the precinct."

Karna bowed her head deeply again. Indeed, if Fran had pinched an extra mouth on that spot, the Karnas could have been in a predicament.

Deane's suspicion. That I hired Fran after I crossed the border. I just thought I didn't want to get involved in any trouble, not just pure goodwill.


"Hehe. Being able to meet you was really lucky for me. I'll see you again."

"Mm-hmm. Again."

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