The day after Seftent's Alliance Master asked me to take the request.

Fran's figure was on a small boat. Next door is the Alliance Master, Grandma Jill.

The aim was a medium-sized ship called the Adventurer Ship, which docks about 100 metres from the port.

At first I tried to make my way in Ursi, but Grandma Jill stopped me. Because it panics. There is certainly a risk of being mistaken for a Warcraft raid than there is a way to make it known to all.

If there was panic in this place where the ship was dense, there could have been more damage than the whole town. That's what makes a ship that tried to escape crash into another ship and sink or something, seriously.

"Is there an Adventurer Guild over there?

"Oh, yeah. It's not a big ship, just so you can get around when you have to."

"A ship just for the Alliance branch?

"Well, an adventurer's quarters or a training ground. And then there's the weapons store in the demolition yard. Think of it as a ship with everything an adventurer needs."

"So it's also that training ground that does the exams?

"Oh. That's right."

Request from Grandma Jill to Fran. It was the examiner for the Adventurer's promotion exam. Though we are not judging whether or not to accept, but to stand up to each other.

As usual, they say the opponents of the tests to measure combat power are calling from remote towns in the country. However, the effects of the war noise and incidents in the country have been postponed for about six months, he said.

Why bother calling outsiders, they say, to lose their sweetness and to make them feel the breadth of the outside world.

Many adventurers in the area were born and raised around Lake Vivian compared to other areas and became adventurers as they were.

In normal areas, many people travel in search of a dungeon of difficulty suitable for them, in order to raise their arms. Even if it wasn't as exaggerated as a journey, if you were interested in dungeons and demonic realms, it was quite natural to move bases when you were younger.

But the number of settled adventurers has surprisingly increased as a result of growing adventurers around the community, mainly in the commercial fleet, he said. Can I just call it a community-based adventurer's guild? I'm from the local area, so behave well, and I know exactly what the implicit understanding is. It was a bad idea.

On the other hand, there was also the harm of familiarity occurring. Particularly problematic, he said, is the sense of crisis, and a thin sense of competition among low-ranking adventurers.

Many adventurers are familiar with each other, and the adventurers of character are the heroes they admired when they were little. Because of this, even if they beat me up with exams and such, I thought, "If you lost to ~, you can't help it," and many people don't even do things they regret.

"So the examiner calls as many strangers as he can. People in other parts of the world don't want to be licked because it's the same everywhere."

"Mm-hmm. I know."

"Oh, yeah?

"Me too, I don't like the Black Cats being licked"

"Oh, that could be close to it, for sure. So beat the kids at best."


"Hihihi. Whoever won this exam had bad luck."

You have a bad personality, Grandma Jill. But I agree. The adventurers who lose to Fran will be quite shocked. Girl, stranger, black cat, doesn't look strong.

Yeah, I'd cry. If you resent me, resent Grandma Jill, who asked Fran to do it knowingly. Can I give Fran a hand? Ha, it's impossible.

"Besides, I want to show the others about you."


"Commandments and goals."

"I just need you to show me your power."



"Ho. Good magic. Oh, I'm starting to look forward to it. It's nice to meet you too, Ursi."

I knew you had a bad personality.

Five minutes later.

From the docked boat, Fran embarks on the Adventurer ship.

"You look like a normal ship."



Except for the flag of the Adventurer Guild standing on the mast, it has the same appearance as a medium-sized ship docked near here. But I found out that was a mistake if I let you in.

Anyway, the Adventurer Alliance reception lobby was still on board. There are many adventurers out there. Vibrant and dull.

A fair number of adventurers should have landed in the seftent, but you're still on this one.

As Jill took me and stepped in, the gaze of all adventurers turned to this one. Quite an armed adventurer observes Fran as he deserves.

Many have a surprised look. Looks like he's looking at Jill, looking at Fran, doing his eyes behind it or something.

I guess the story of Grandma Jill bringing in the examiner is already known. But he hasn't told me that's a girl. It's about Grandma Jill, so I guess it's on purpose.

The adventurers who value Fran are those who felt that Fran was not a miscellaneous fish. Perplexing would be those who only see Fran as the girl he looks like.

"Well done, Baba."

Thank you for welcoming me, Jizzy.

Like Grandma Jill, my little, wrinkly grandfather greeted me in front of the reception. I guess this grandfather is Gilmouth here.

"Non is Garfilan. He's the guild master here. Call me Grandpa Gal."


"Mm-hmm. Then I'll explain today. So come here. You're welcome."


Grandpa Gal's normal acceptance of Fran must have allowed him to understand that he was an examiner. The high-ranking adventurers nod as convinced, and the lower adventurers raise their voices of surprise.

Then a young man with an unconvincing face stands in front of the Frans.

"Grandpa Gal. That's today's -"

"Stupid mon!


"What's that attitude to an adventurer who took the trouble to respond to this request! You don't even know how to be polite!

My buddy is helping out a young man who lost his back when Grandpa Gal yelled at him.

"I'll introduce you later. You can also identify your strengths. Keep your bonkers quiet!

"Yes, because..."

"In the first place, don't you realize that Noon was a very important opponent? I don't even realize that - the bokenas don't want to work out again...! Be ready later!

Is this the same familiar harm that Grandma Jill said? It would be the subject of sanctions, such as an argument that interrupted the conversation between Gilmouth and the guest, or treating them with a licked attitude. If this was the Eliante we met in King Kranzel's capital, it wouldn't have been strange to be slashed.

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