

"Come on! This! Hey, hey!

A man provoked by Fran sticks his spear out in a row. But Fran took all the attacks with a single piece of paper. Shortly after the poke, all the tweezers and serial pokes also cut off the sky.

After about a minute, Fran started lightly putting in a counterattack. This is also an attack that identifies the target as critical.

I can react to a split up or down, but it's sweet to deal with a left or right streak. Where the attack was about to hit, Fran inched and pulled.

The man continues to muddle and attack, even though he clearly knows he is being moderated. This is not good either. If you don't calm down, you don't know how many times you've already died. But he got extra annoyed when Fran pointed that out to him.

In the end, we met for about five minutes, and at the end, Fran's flying kick burst into the head of the exhausted man, and it was a battle. It's okay, 'cause I heeled him right up on the blown up guy. I remain unconscious, but I am already intact.

"Okay, next!

"Ha, ha!

The second woman was cautious because she was watching a man get hit like no other. With the spear resting on his back, he moves like an outboxer to carve steps and circle around the flan.

Looks like we're exploring a gap. Shortly afterwards, Fran doesn't miss the gap he showed, and a woman pokes her spear in. It's a good poke, I'm going to give you a fatal wound from the start.

But Fran lightly slammed the thrust that struck his back from behind. Well, it's a gap Fran made on purpose.

Even then, the woman who launches an attack to be directed by Fran and dodges everything. I seem to have gradually realized that I am being made to attack, and no longer come aboard the invitation.

That face has a rushed look on it. I guess I don't know how to attack anymore.

"If so -"

Oh, hydromagic. If you can't spear, it's not bad to say it's magic. Just don't get your skill level too low yet. The bullet released had been lightly smashed with Fran's back fist.

"The magic refinement is too sweet. This is useless in action."


"Then my turn is next. How much?"

"Come on!"

Attack shifts. Like the man earlier, he makes a number of attacks to see how the defense reacts.

Five minutes later. Like the man earlier, his consciousness had been pruned where he was exhausted and in dull motion.

I have no voice from the adventurers around me. I guess you didn't think Fran would be so strong in the future and a unilateral development. Especially since you have to fight Fran from now on, Rank F Adventurers and other tears.

But Grandpa Gal was laughing with a face that seemed sincerely happy.

"No! That's great, Fran! That's more than I expected!

"Right. This is hardly an easy battle to evaluate. Do me a favor next time like this."

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

The runaways then took less than three minutes each and were defeated by Fran.



"But cute!

Well, I don't have more strength than the previous two, and I don't have much choice because I have fewer moves to see.

After the first tour.

"What, that move..."

"Um... sloppy..."

"Ha ha, more..."

The adventurers who regained consciousness look at Fran with a desperate look. Just because you lost doesn't mean you failed, but you got hit without a good spot at all. I guess it's pretty shocking.

Some Rank F adventurers have seriously started crying. Yeah, the guy with the slightly worse angle of kick and a broken neck bone. I put a greater heel on him immediately. He really tasted the danger to his life and broke his heart.

Other participants looked similar. Well one, some of them feel woken up......

There was just one thing in there that didn't lose its fighting spirit. I've been flying killer on Fran since the beginning, that boy.

It would have been the longest of the Rank F. It was still about 5 minutes. Yesterday, I guess it's guts that I don't think I just met the rank up conditions critically.

Besides, it's not bad in terms of technology. Capably speaking, it even had the potential to reach D instead of Rank E. At this young age it is quite talented.

Well, I didn't say a word, so I still don't know why I should stare at Fran.

"Next time, then. Everybody out front."

"Huh? Do you still do it?

"Naturally! It's not over yet! By and large, if the battle just ended earlier, they'd all fail! Show me how you feel! You start like this when you're saying a mess, okay?

Did you regain your motivation by Grandpa Gal's drinking, or did you realize you couldn't escape? Adventurers line up in a row before Fran.

"Next, they're all against Fran. There's Baba, and there's potion. You can be serious enough not to break the ship."

This must have been a word for the adventurers. It is a word for those who feel relieved by the number, or who worry that Fran won't just be sorry if they multiply it by this number of people, no matter how much, to set it up to be serious.

But it was Fran who reacted to it.

"Are you sure I can do this?

"... if you don't let me get hurt badly"


The second battle between Fran and Grandpa Gal began with the blue-faced adventurers listening to the conversation. And it's over.

Yeah, like 10 seconds?

Two Rank Es, who are leaders in the first blow of a super-fast, penetrating franc, are blown out. After that, the adventurer fell off at a rate of 1 second, 2 stuns, and settled lightly. This is what happens if you don't help and solidify.

Around Fran, who stood relaxed, the adventurers, pruned of consciousness, fell asleep.


"Uh...... Right. Awesome."


"It's just..."


"Maybe these guys don't know what they've been doing"

I guess. It would feel like I was falling when I realized it.

"I don't think you know the difference in strength."

"It was. It's gonna be a bumpy bumpy bump."

"Nose, huh? Yeah, it's a metaphor, huh? Stretched nose. That means breaking your pride, right? It doesn't mean you broke a bone or anything, does it?

Next to Grandpa Gal telling Fran with his anxious face, Grandma Jill is kicking the heads of the adventurers and waking them up.

"Look, wake up! Next!

Their ordeal is going to last a little longer.

It was too early to know what had happened, which meant that we were going to fight for a little more time this time.

The adventurers are now scattered from the beginning and armed.

When it was solidifying, you thought it would kill you instantly. But is that okay?

"Okay, here we go!

Shortly after Grandpa Gal screamed like that, Fran was in front of the man on the far right.

"... are we going to the torso?

"Ugh... Grr!

I'll blow the man to the wall while he's in the sheath. And then the repetition. Fran approaches an isolated adventurer, shouts out and then adds one blow.

It took longer than just now. Still about 5 minutes though.

"Damn, the mess...... I'm afraid they'll knock you all together. Because it spreads too well!

Yes, it is. Just the right pieces only had the effect of slightly lengthening the time to be destroyed each. It's too far apart to even attack Fran from behind in the middle of an attack by his buddies. There will be no need for Grandpa Gal to get angry either.

"Next! Get up!"

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