I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

536 School of Magic Wall

"Is this the School of Magic... or is it big or expensive"

"I'm stuck."


After we took our room at the green Ancient Wood Pavilion, we were coming to the School of Magic again.

At first I was going to the Adventurers Guild, but besides my thoughts I realized that the College was close.

When we left the inn, we thought we'd see the town from the high ground for now. And more than 500 steps up a narrow staircase, and I looked around at Lady Blue from the square just ahead. Then the School of Magic looked amazingly close.

I got a little lost again before I went to college from there, so it took me quite a while though.

It shouldn't have taken me 5 minutes if I'd gone from the top...... Well, Fran and Ursi are delighted because we've made progress in our exploration.

It seems the waffle is a specialty in this town, and I have discovered various shops. I didn't think it was just a sweet flavor, even something with ham or cheese stuck in the non-sweet dough.

This also sounds interesting to try to unearth a lot of shops while you're in Lady Blue. If I can afford it, why don't I make it, too? Even if I ask Fran what kind of waffle he'd like, I'd just call it a curry flavor anyway.

By the way, the freshwater fish curry that Fran said he wanted. I thought about one slightly different species and one straightforward one.

The first is an eel curry. The peppers were fortified and served with an even less sweet sea urchin crisp. One eyelid style curry? I thought it was a little too much, but Fran was eating it looking delicious. They still said Curry was the strongest.

Another carp curry was eaten fairly normally, but it's a fish curry. There's no novelty, and they made it a little too hard to get the muddy smell, and this one was a better hit on Ursi.

"Let's just find the entrance"


What we're standing on right now is in front of the outer wall surrounding the School of Magic. Even from there, you can see the tall towers standing inside the School of Magic. Thin, tall towers, like buildings, will see more than ten. There could be more if we go in the back.

Apart from military installations such as castles and fortifications, buildings as tall as this would be rare. At first I thought it was for the effective use of the narrow premises, but apparently not.

Whatever, I can't see the gate on foot or on foot. In retrospect, when I saw this city from outside of town, about a quarter of it should have been occupied by the School of Magic. It would be bigger than those towns if it were to be a quarter of the size of a lady blue that could be called a city.

I think the grounds of the School of Magic are bigger than Kia-Lazen, who stopped by on the road.

"... climb? That way people come."


"Da, no!

It's a place I'm going to take care of for a short time, but I can't have a problem. Besides, this wall wasn't just a wall. There are signs of magic.

At first glance, it seems like an alarm magic trick. That's what Fran decided, too, and I guess he suggested an over-yancha operation, where he dared to sound the alarm and call people.

But when I got the Magic Control SP, I could feel any other magic. Alert Sorcery is blind, and it looks like some different sorcery is hidden in the shadow of its magic.

I can't feel exactly what sorcery it is, but it will definitely be a hassle. At least we don't feel like trying it ourselves.

It would be auspicious to walk down the tunnel here.

'That's why. Fran, you.'

"...... hmm. Okay."

That's how I walk with my blah blah blah blah to wall telling, and I finally see something other than the wall. It just doesn't look like it's the front door.

"Master, is that it?

'Hi, it looks like there's an entrance... Why are you so small?

The gate of the School of Magic, finally reached, was surprisingly small compared to the enormity of the wall. So much so that I think it's tactful. No, actually, I guess it's something close to that.

"Thank you for coming to the back door."

It was thought to be the back door used by servants and staff on the go.

"What do we do?

'Well, you can go to the main entrance, but let's just call to see if you can handle it here. Yeah, you're gonna keep Alistair's references, right?


"Ursi is... well, can I stay that way"

It would be better to show yourself from the beginning than to be in the shadows. Save me the trouble of introducing you later.

Excuse me.

Speaking of back doors, there's a guard. So for now I decided to give that person a voice.

"Oh? What is it?

He seems like a kind uncle. I wonder if the guards should be so soft per capita, but I guess that means they have good instruction for the staff.

"I'm here on a request."

"What, you're an adventurer? That's unusual, outsourcing..."


"Oh, I'm sorry. So, what kind of request?

Thanks, I think you can catch me here. Fran hands Alistair's references to her guardian uncle.

"Request for mock warfare. It says a lot about this."

"Excuse me. What... what... yeah?

My uncle is surprised to read the references. Well, I have no choice. I found the Mock Warfare instructor talent that the Dean of the College was looking for, so I'll let him have a reference and send it to you. Because it says something specific.

And then it says Alistair's name. I hear Alistair has a title as a faculty member at this School of Magic. In addition to envelopes and letters prepared by the School of Magic, her signature would have provided a firm response.

"Um, do you have an adventurer card?

"I have it. This."

"Let me take a look."

After checking the cards thoroughly, the guard's uncle opened a small window next to the back door and started talking to someone over there.

"May I take a few of these references?


And when my uncle hands me the reference across the small window, he tells Fran to just wait here a little while I return the card.

"Um, for now, I can't make the final decision, so there's a few more great people coming. Please wait."

You've changed your attitude a lot. Until earlier, I was treated like a child, but now I guess I'm treated like a kick-ass customer. So he handled it well without deciding it was a fake.

Well, what kind of people are coming?

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