I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

569 Food and Learning Reform

It was Cock's Noritz, who showed up in a butiguirred manner, but when I listened closely, I found myself intrigued by the curry.

The tone is angry. But the contents were that they wanted me to eat curry far away. Tundre in Osama. You don't adore me at all!

I'd really like to have curry myself, but I'm mad that I made a scene, and yet the smell looks delicious. While I'm a little hurt by what the students say and do, I'm interested in new dishes though.

It seems that such various emotions have become a good mix and the result has been a tundra response.

"Ku... isn't it delicious? A lot of spices are still used..."

Noritz analyzes things while eating the curry that Fran gave him.

"That's the developer. Two or three steps ahead of the recipe we're selling."

"You know the recipe for curry?

"Oops. Only the one that deals with Lucille Chamber of Commerce. Silver-ranked cooks are interested."

What a member of the culinary guild Noritz is, apparently. It's not that big of an organization, but if you're a chef at a big restaurant or something, they're mostly members.

And he learned that the curry developer was a silver-rank member of the culinary guild and decided to buy it.

"It was a shock. However, it would be costly to make it according to the recipe..."

The nutritional balance is the most important thing for Noritz to be aware of when cooking. The next quantity. The last is flavor. Of course, they don't serve unsavory dishes. However, there were limits to devising within the budget.

We may be able to do as much as we want at home, but we have to build thousands of people in small numbers. There is not enough time or labor to work through small ideas.

"By the way, what's the cost of this?


When I told him the cost I zackled and the ingredients I was using, Noritz held his head. He takes stock with Warcraft bones, uses large quantities of Warcraft meat, and also uses magic plants at all costs. Well, it wouldn't be a level I could offer in a learning meal.

They're also trying to come up with a lot of ideas and make cheap and delicious curries, but they're not going to do very well. Reducing expensive spices can only make it look like a soup with a little spice.

In the first place, spices are expensive in this country. No, Barbora, the port town, was particularly cheap. If I use spices like that as recipe would, the price would really go up.

That's how I saw the troubled Noritz, and Fran seemed to have something to feel. I guess he found out from the bottom of his heart that he wanted to feed his students as good as he could.

(Master, anything?

"Hmm, actually, I've come up with something"

Noritz's failure would have been aimed at reproducing its flavour based on a recipe sold in Barbora. I guess it's because of the assumption that curry is this... But I'm impossible with limited money and materials.

"... I have an idea"

"What? Could you give me a hand?


"Oh! Thanks! So, what do we do?

"Lend me the kitchen."

"Copy that!

And Fran cooked as I instructed and made that dish. The first to taste it is naturally Fran and Ursi.

Good eating. Following that, Noritz also mouthed the dish.

"Damn... It's curry, but it's not curry. But it's cheap and tasty..."

"It's Curry Marlborough Rice"

"Marvo? That's an interesting name."

"A little different from curry, but delicious"

What we created was a curry marvo with less spices and more pepper. This country, in fact, has cheap access to various peppers. Anyway, it's native there.

But the Noritz didn't think of it as something they could use for curry. It would be a difference in thought. I didn't think that cheap peppers, which I use in large quantities from time to time, would replace high-end spices. The smell is quite different.

I laid eyes on it and arranged a curry-style dish resembling Marvo, flavoured with pepper, soy sauce and sugar, which originally existed in the land. I tried to strive for a taste where spiciness became a habit that was different from curry.

At cost, it's no different than before, but it's a recipe that we at Cooking Skills Canst really thought about. Moreover, there was an unprecedented novelty in using even a few spices from abroad. The students will be pleased.

"If you change the flavoring and trout slightly, you can even put it in a steamed bread or pinch it in a rolled bread"

"I see! And you can change as many utensils as you want! This guy's been taught some good stuff!

Besides this, I'll also teach you how to arrange curry fried rice and other existing dishes. Noritz's arm would improve the taste of learning food now more than ever.

"Thanks. Now I can feed the kids a delicious meal. So, thank you..."

"Hmm? I don't need anything else"

Fran declines the gratuity. Well, this means an apology for making half of it noisy, because it's for other students.

Besides, I've seen Noritz make tearful efforts to keep the cost of materials down. Now if I get a recipe gratuity or something like that, I'll also lose the point of teaching you a recipe to make it cheap because of it.

When I told him that, Noritz said he couldn't take it for free, he would pay for it on his own stomach.

And as a result of a short discussion, he settled on having the College write a referral for a chamber of commerce that had a deal with him. For the future, I wanted a lot of peppers. Just fine.

That's how it was us finishing the job with school food, where we fulfill an unexpected encounter. That was when I was headed for the exit in an attempt to stay behind the school meal.


That was a brown-haired boy who still looked about 3 or 4 years old. How excited he was to eat, the boy who smiles and rushes into the dining room stops moving the moment he sees Fran.


Fran and the boy staring at each other. Flipping from a smile, the boy is staring at Fran. In his eyes was a strong anger and a slight fright. I don't remember being able to turn such a gaze on a boy like this - you had it.

As we stared at each other for about a few seconds, the woman we were with gently touched the boy's shoulder.

"Romeo, stopping here is a nuisance to others."

"... oh, sorry"

"Shall we go? Right?"


Suddenly, a woman looks sorry and bows her head. Boy - Romeo keeps staring at this one. I guess he's a caretaker.

"I knew that was Romeo."


"Fran? Don't Care Too Much"

(those eyes...... I think I've seen them somewhere)

"Huh? You mean Romeo?


I thought Romeo was staring at me and I was depressed, and he seemed concerned about something different.

"Can't you remember where?


We're new to Romeo. Did the hostility and frightened caged eyes against this one overlap with the opponent you once fought against?


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