"Lady, thank you for your help..."

"I can't believe Modoki went out to a place like this..."

"Oh, the load..."

Five sailors rescued by Fran were groaning on the ground. Some have drank water, but life will have nothing else.

The oldest captain mourns as he stares at the sinking ship.

"The load, if it gets wet in the water, no good guy?

"Cereals would suck. I just need to collect the Scarlet Water Pills somehow. Because it's not enough. It's in a sturdy box, and there 'll be safe bottles."

"Scarlet water pills?

"Recently developed medicine made from scarlet grass. The effect on wind and earth disease is the same as the previous tablets, but it seems to be more potent with water pills."

They said the ship was loaded with that new drug.

"You'll be asking adventurers to raise your meds...... I hope it's somewhere with less warcraft."

I wonder about that. Now it seems that other organisms have escaped thanks to Modki, and I can't feel any signs. But he'll be back in a little while.


"You want to go?


We can go get it now.

"Where is that medicine?

"Huh? It's a warehouse on the side. Just around the corner where the Modki bastards were sticking out."

The captain points to a large hole in the port side of the ship that sinks with the starboard side facing downward.

There's no problem there. It would rather have a big hole and it would be easy to get in. Well, about half the reason it sinks is in that hole. The other half is cracks that have been made everywhere on the hull. It was because of Modki's tentacles.

"Wait a minute."

"Oh, my lady?

Waving gently at the astonishing captain, Fran pops out again.

"Collect the medicine"

"First, let's see if we can store that thing on the hull"

"Oh, I see."

It would be quickest if that were possible. But I can't store the hull. Maybe there's an organism on board. Even if you're not human, you won't be able to serve dimensional storage just because you have fish and rats.

"I can't..."

'I have no choice. I'm in charge of breathing. Fran asks you to move around with water magic'

(All right)

If you are exploring a narrow ship, it would be safer for Fran to move around small on his own.

Fran jumped from the hole drilled by Modki into the ship. There's already water inside, about half of it's submerged.

Fran looks around the warehouse as half of them descend on a crate soaked in water.

"Which one?"


I tried using magic sensing because I heard it was a magic drug, but it doesn't work.

Trace amounts of magic were felt from the entire water in this room. Maybe the scarlet water bottle is cracked and the contents are dissolved in water.

It's just something's wrong. I'm in trouble when people say what's weird...

'I have no choice. I guess I'll just have to check the label on the box. "


I'm going to check the box that hasn't been soaked in water yet, but there's no scarlet water medicine. No, when this happens, you should store all the boxes and check back later.

"Let's Just Store It"


That's how I started collecting loads, but the franc that went in the water quickly got up out of the water.

Not so much in a hurry, but he looks somewhat surprised.

"What's up?

"... magic is weird"


"Something... a little too good"

'What do you mean?

If you listen to me in detail, they have a higher output of witchcraft than they assume. Fine, but if you manipulate the water to move about 10 cm, it will go a few millimeters further than the estimate.

Normally, I guess I wouldn't mind, but Fran, who gained a high degree of sorcery control through his training, apparently noticed a slight discomfort.

"Maybe there's some magic drug leaking out there besides scarlet water pills."

It won't be poison because crisis detection isn't working, but it's a little creepy. Let's just finish collecting and get out of here.

I left the flan and I went in the water, and Papa and I finished storing the load.

I tried water magic too, but it does make me uncomfortable. Thanks, there seems to be more of a problem with the water you manipulate than with the activated hydromagic. It is still likely that some kind of magic medicine is melting away.

Or is it the effect of the modochi that dissolved in the water? That seemed possible, too.

"Anyway, let's get out of here."


Use the metastasis to get back to the lake shore at once. The captains, who saw him, rushed over with a relieved look.

"You're safe! All you have to do is pull up the pills! Don't be too impotent!

"Go. More than that, I brought my stuff."

"What? No, that's a metastasis... Could you possibly use space-time magic?

"Mm-hmm. Can I get you out here?

"Ah, oh. Please."

They picked out those who were already healthy among the sailors and sent them to Seftento. The rescue was meant to come soon.

However, as Fran piles up the crate, the captain's face changes dong. Joy at first. Then confusion. And it becomes a hasty expression, and at the end of the day it is astonishing.

Space-time magic is very weak when it has low levels. That's what the item box wasn't weird even with its small box size.

As captain, he probably thought he'd only found a box with scarlet water meds and recovered it. But we've been collecting all the shipments.

They've piled nearly 30 crates in front of them and put them through joy.

"Is this okay?

"Oh, oh...... Yes, thank you."

Mecha, you're in trouble. Still, I didn't expect you to thank me, he's a good man.

There's just nothing we can do about it, is there? I'm in the middle of taking on a student escort now. We left because it was an emergency, but we need to get back under the students as soon as possible.

I'd really like to carry my stuff to the seftent, but that would disqualify me as an escort.

Yeah, before I went back, I asked you what you cared about. About the discomfort of hydromagic. However, the captain didn't seem to know very well either. At least they weren't loaded with magic drugs other than scarlet water pills.

So, is Modoki's fluid theory powerful? Yeah, it could be caused by Scarlet Water Medicine itself.

I just can't tell you to split it up for an experiment now that you don't have enough drugs.

Anyone who seems to know more about it later - why don't you ask around Grandma Jill?

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