I'm about to become a sword to the spirit. I'm trying to be a bystander.

That's what Lane said.

Then let's be human and be the guardians of Fran.

If you ask me, I don't think I've had a lot of mouth these days. Besides, I had thrown my decision to act on Fran. No, even before, I've been letting Fran do everything he says he wants.

But lately I may have felt more like I was throwing judgment than trusting Fran.

I also find it difficult the other way around when I become conscious, but I'm going to get it back from the conversation first.

"Hey, Fran."


"You were surprised when you heard Zero Thread call Romeo's name earlier, weren't you? That, what's going on?

Even in this conversation, Fran seems happy to respond.

"Because his voice was the same"

"The same, with whom?


"What? Just like me?

"Mm-hmm. My master said to me, 'Are you okay?' It was the same voice as when I heard it... A gentle voice."

It was an unexpected answer.

Me and his voice are alike? A kind voice? Of course, I guess that atmosphere means it's not voicey...... I don't know for myself, but Fran seems certain.

"Is Zero Thread really worried about Romeo?


There was talk that the blood of the Magnolia family was affecting something...

"Is Magnolia's blood that powerful? So much so that you change it from the root of your spirit?

"I don't know. But those words were true. Never."

'... if Fran thinks so, I believe it'


I also found out why Fran was a wolf. You must have been surprised to see Zero Thread, the enemy, tenderness toward Romeo.

And then they felt sad compared to the good change in zero lead and my bad change.

I... you're a bad guardian. I didn't even realize that I was grieving Fran.

"Hey, Master"

'Yeah? What?

"Today, sleep with me, okay?

'... of course'


"Ursi's with me"


Fran with such a pleasant grin, I may not have seen it in a long time. I'm stunned by that fact.

'Well, let's all sleep together!



Dive into bed with Fran holding me back.

My fullness is peeling. When Fran wants to be sweet, this is how she hugs me without a sheath. Oh, the blade has already been erased due to morphological deformation.

"Hey, Master"


"... make breakfast tomorrow?


"Mm-hmm. No?

'That's good. What would you like?


'Oh, well. Long time no see.'

"Mm. Hey, Master"


"You know..."

Me and Fran talked as we wrapped ourselves in Ursi's fur. It's not a particularly fruitful story, it's just a chat.

But for us right now, it would be the most important thing. Fran is making me happy.

That makes me happy, too.

Would we have talked for nearly an hour? Our conversation ended when Fran fell asleep unbearably drowsy.

"... have you slept"



Don't make Fran sad about me anymore. Can it ever be just a sword?

I cuddled with Ursi and saw Fran sleeping, and I thought so.

"Mr. Announcement."

Yes, sir.

'My spirit... Is my heart about to become a sword?

"Yes. The spirit of the individual name and master is beginning to adapt to a vessel called the sword."

'Right. Look, how can I prevent this? How do I not have to grieve Fran?

"The demands are conflicting. Failure to provide clear answers

'What? What do you mean?

"It's easy to keep your spirit as a person. Erase the adaptive system to the sword and we'll work it out.

Adaptive system. Was that thing ready for me? That seems to be making my spirit a sword.

'Conflict means Fran will be sad if I stop adapting to the sword? Why?'

"The adaptive system is God's prepared salvation. By stopping the adaptation, there is an 88% chance that the individual name/master will lack mental stability and go crazy. >


My spirit is about to become a sword, is that the salvation God has given me? No, I did talk about putting people's spirit in the sword and it would go crazy...

Individual names and masters go mad, 100% chance of individual names and francs grieving.

I mean, if you stop me becoming a sword, one day I'll go crazy and grieve Fran. But if it keeps turning into a sword, does that mean it makes Fran sad, too?

'If so... what can I do? What am I supposed to do...'

"Suggestion. If an individual name/master succeeds in acquiring the flexibility, toughness of a spirit that just doesn't go crazy as a sword while retaining a person's spirit, it's fine."

'Is that possible?

"5% chance of success."

'... you're not zero, are you?


I just decided not to grieve Fran anymore. Then I wasn't going to give up even if it was unlikely.

'Why don't we do it? Can you help me, too, Mr. Annunciation?


I wonder why. I felt like Mr. Annunciation was happy, even though he was an inorganic voice as usual. Are you out of your mind?

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