

Hilt, who was staring at Fran for a few seconds, squeaks small.

"... I see"

What's it gonna be? I don't know what Hilt means by words, and Fran tilts his neck.

"It also means that Corberto is convinced that he will lose. This strength at this age......"

Is that what you mean? Hilt and Colbert, obviously Demitris associates, should have been close before. Maybe it's the same door or something. For instance, Fran is the person who inspired a friend to be broken.

Of course it's totally repugnant, but I guess it's also not something that I can honestly break off.

I also understood the meaning of a staring expression. Even if reason knows Fran has nothing to do with it, there must be complicated thoughts in front of him.

"Friends with Colberto?

"My friend... is my ex-fiancée. Well, because he broke the door, so did the story."

"Ma'am, it's just that I was one of the fiancée candidates."

He said he had more than one candidate for fiancée and that the man he thought most deserving of was officially going to be Hilt's son-in-law.

My son-in-law must be the man he deserves as Hilt's rightful successor to Demitris Stream. Naturally, the broken corbelt had been removed from the candidate.

"And Charlie, who stayed until the end, is a stronger and better man than me. You're close, and you look great, don't you?

"Really? I think so."

Oh, it might not have been a simple story like friends.

Returned lightly to Corbelt, Hilt shrugs his shoulders in an equally light tone. But the look was clearly depressing.

Is this possible that Hilt is talking about Colbert...? I wonder if Corbelt hasn't noticed?

Me, Corberto just said I feel good with Mr. Io...

"Hilt goes to a militant tournament? Corberto's Enemies"

"I don't want to be a spectator."

"... yes"

Hilt doesn't appear. I'm horrified, but Fran looks sorry. Hilt seems strong.

No, it's Demitris now, more than that.

"Fran, don't forget what you came for."


You must have remembered the request in my words. Fran turned to Demitris.

"I heard from this man that the Lord wants to see Non, but what can I do for you?

"Mm-hmm. This. From the kingdom of Berios."


I kept it, take out the leather bag to give to Demitris and put it out on the table.

I urged ahead with my gaze as Demitris received it.

"He said he wanted to hire me as one of the adventurers to send to the Goldician continent. There's a letter in there."

"Hmm. I see."

Demitris opens the bag and opens the removed envelope on the spot. Demitris is nodding several times as he runs his gaze on the letter that was in it.

Well, now the request is accomplished. After that, it's between the kingdom of Verios and Demitris.

Unlike my prior expectations, I was able to accomplish quite a few requests.

But that's not the end of it.

"So, what do you say? Bellios, will you let the kingdom do this to you?

Fran asked Demitris a question. As a matter of fact, the Kingdom of Verios tells me that if I persuade Demitris, he will pay the bonus.

"Well? Well, it's going to be a boring request without Weena Lane. Aren't you going to say no?

"Do something there"


Demitris thinks a little into Fran's utterly heartless words.

And I glimpsed Hilt, my grandson.

"... right. So, how about this? Princess Black Thunder. The Lord's going to the martial arts, isn't he?

"Mm-hmm. Momo"

"Then if the Lord triumphs over Hilt in this martial arts tournament, I will give Bellios a lift. What do you say?"

"That's where I want it!

Not even a nickel, but a strong grandfather who makes interesting suggestions. Fran is naturally motivated. More than a bonus, I'm sure you'll be happy to fight Hilt.

However, in contrast to the Frans of Norinoli, it is Hilt who is perplexed.

"Hey, Grandpa?

"And it's Hilt. If the Lord triumphs over Princess Black Thunder, Noun will hide and give up the seat of the lord of the genre."

"... it's...!

"Hmm. I had a wife and a child. It's not made of wood stone. Thought you didn't know?

"... that my own son-in-law, if he is the master, may choose of his own free will?

"It's the main thing. You can do whatever you want about the genre. Don't worry about Grandpa Hideaway. Can we fold the dojo? I originally taught the hopeful in the wilderness."

"Okay. You don't say you don't like to be a spectacle because you hang all those rewards."

Now it's not just a stare.

Fran and Hilt beat each other up.

I heard the downstairs get noisy. I guess the adventurers who were in the guild reacted to the rapidly emitted offensive signs.

"Grandpa, what happens if you don't hit it on the way?

"In that case, the winner of the higher-ranking"



Neither would ask the question if we lost the first fight and had the same ranking, etc. We're going to win in the first place. I guess you don't think you're the first to lose, etc.

Nevertheless, don't let every militant tournament get you out of your mind. I also made a bet with the Beast King last time, but this time Diaz and Demitris are the opponent's bets.


It's Corbelt, the one with the troubled face. Excuse me. Maybe, but your future is going to be determined by Fran's victory or loss.

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