Chapter 28 The storm is coming, and the evil lizard and the snapping turtle are born!

Being hit by a car, evolving “collision resistance”!

Being beaten by a metal rod, “strike resistance” has evolved!

Being chopped by a fire axe, “tearing resistance” has evolved!

In the ice and snow, adapt and evolve “cold resistance”!

In the hot lava, adapt and evolve “high temperature resistance”!

In the radiation room, adapt to evolve “radiation resistance”!

In order to adapt to flying, the “wing membrane wings” evolved!

In order to adapt to diving, “fin fins” have evolved!

In order to adapt to hunger, the “organic filter photo” has evolved!

Until just fell to death–

At that moment, Luo Ji understood the power of “Indestructible Nie Si”.

Its shape can change with the attack environment!

When under attack.

It can evolve parts or organs that adapt or resist by itself, and change its shape with the environment.

Eyes, legs, tail, heart, claws, etc., from crawling to standing, grow thorns, blades, tentacles or wings, change color, appearance, and even learn to breathe, dimensional strikes, etc. by adapting to evolution. Space distortion and other capabilities.

Therefore, the extremely high strength, regeneration, response evolution, adaptation and immortality of the immortal grass lizard make it extremely difficult to kill it.

Just like a sentence: “The process of evolution is not beautiful. On the contrary, it is very ugly and extremely ugly. But only through this ugly process can we truly understand the beauty of life.”

This is how the immortal grass lizard exists.

By constantly adapting to external damage, the immortality is evolved.

Because of this, it is a real life form that is immortal.

At this moment.

The death lizard stood up from the ground tremblingly, shook his neck, made a snapping sound of bones, and then turned to look at the horrified crowd of onlookers.

“What to look at!”

After moving a little, Luo Ji noticed the group of people in front of him desperately backing away.

Every step he takes.

The group of people took a few steps back.

A group of people a lizard.

With big eyes and small eyes.

These people seem to be able to feel the madness of Hysteria from the scarlet pupils of the immortal lizard, and their hatred of all living things, as if they want to swallow them at any time.

It turns out.


After being resurrected and running quickly, the lizard rushed towards a person watching the excitement, seeming to want to attack him.

When the others saw this, they were scared off by crawling. Everyone screamed and ran into the house. The streets that were still lively became much cleaner in just a dozen seconds.

At the same moment.

In the distance, the sky is full of dark clouds.

A tropical storm is coming.

“Go home to take shelter from the rain!”

“Don’t go out!”

Similar sounds came from the streets and alleys, and it seemed that many people knew it was going to rain.


The huge lightning tore the firmament apart and illuminates the night sky.


The wind is raging and the rain is raging.

The heavy rain fell frantically from the sky, and the momentum was violent. In just ten minutes, the whole world was in the rain.

Then, Luo Ji, the immortal lizard who was bathed in the rainstorm, held his head up and looked at the sky with his nostrils. He seemed to have an unruly face. At this time, there was a series of noises in his mind.

[System: You adapt and evolve into “breathing underwater!

[System: You have adapted and evolved a “swimming dorsal fin”!]

It seems that the immortal lizard’s skin was covered by rain, which resulted in a certain characteristic evolution.

Looking at the end of the sky.

It was pitch black, and gradually covered with black clouds, announcing the coming of darkness.

“Help, help!!!”

“The monster is coming!!”

A scream of screams sounded all over the street, the city was enveloped by sudden fear, and thousands of snapping turtle larvae rushed out of the sewers and manhole covers. They were large in the size of cars and tanks, and small in the shape of pet dogs. Great, these are living fossils from ancient times, carnivorous animals, and fierce in nature. Although cement can seal the entrance of the sewer, it does not mean that it can stop their advance.

It is said that the mature crocodile monster is huge, and it would be strange if the cement can stop it.

The sharp claws, the thick carapace, the upper and lower jaws can bite off steel, and the telescopic long tongue can entangle a person’s neck tightly and drag it into the water.

The crocodile monsters swim in the water at a speed comparable to that of crocodiles. In addition, the precipitation is extremely high at this time. Many drainage pipes are blocked by a large number of crocodile monsters and a few giant mothers. They also seem to have a certain degree of wisdom. , Using a huge body to completely block the drainage outlet of human floods, causing many parts of the city to be submerged by a lot of groundwater, becoming their huge territory.

On the streets that were gradually flooded by rain, the water level had risen to about half a meter by this time.

People are anxious and expect the rain to stop soon.

But on the road submerged by water, a lizard was floating on the water, like a wood motionless, drifting with the flow.

At this moment,

A snapping turtle larva appeared nearby, and ran over hungry as if it had found some prey.

He spit out a long tongue in the direction of the lizard’s tail, dragged it in front of him, and then was about to bite it down, but found that the lizard had come to an objection, biting off the neck of the snapping turtle larvae, and taking the lead in swallowing it. In the belly.

“Who are you hunting (good money), brother.”

The immortal lizard that swallowed the larvae of the snapping turtle now had a huge abdomen. With the evolution of super acid, it wriggled in the abdomen and shrank little by little.

In the end, the snapping turtle larva disappeared completely.

[System: Absorb snapping turtle larvae, energy points +27 points!

At the same time, the size of the Immortal Lizard also began to change, from more than 2.5 meters long to 3 meters long.

It seems as long as you continue to eat.

It will grow bigger and bigger, and it may become a super monster.

“Kill them!”

For a while, gunshots rang out in the city.

This is probably because the Self-Defense Forces and the police started to act, but these have nothing to do with Luo Ji. These snapping turtles can’t be killed. There are too many of them.

The only way to destroy them.

It is to create natural enemies.

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