The superior nodded with satisfaction: "Professor Lin, the danger has been lifted, lead 095G to return quickly, we are waiting for you to come back in Huaxia!"

The words fall.

Lin Yi smiled: "Leader, there is still something to do, we can't return to the ship yet."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and all looked at Lin Yi.

You could tell from Lin Yi's laughter that he must have some bad idea.

But you can rest assured that what Lin Yi thinks must be good for China.

"What else?" the superior asked curiously.

Master Huang was also a little puzzled.

Lin Yi's face froze: "I request, go and collect the fragments of the enemy's exploding nuclear submarine and bring it back to Huaxia for research."

The debris after the explosion is very valuable for research.

Although at present, the 095G nuclear submarine is relatively perfect and can be completely comparable to the Ohio class, but the Ohio class has dominated the world for so many years, and there are some technologies that are worth studying.

Therefore, Lin Yi immediately decided to bring those fragments back to China and conduct a good study. If the 095G nuclear submarine can be strengthened, it would be better.

Of course, even if the 095G cannot be strengthened after the research, you can have a full understanding of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine.

No matter what, Lin Yi made up his mind to collect these fragments.

Everyone took a deep breath again.

For a while, they didn't know how to evaluate Lin Yi.

Isn't this a bit arrogant?

Although one of the enemy nuclear submarines has been bombed, there is still another nuclear submarine watching.

It is true that the other nuclear submarine retreated, but it was obvious that it was only affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

Moreover, the other nuclear submarine hasn't gone far yet. Picking up explosive debris at such a time?

Doing this kind of thing in front of others is such a great feeling, just thinking about it!

The superior leader was stunned for two seconds, then shook his head and laughed: "Professor Lin, if the enemy counterattacks, you must ensure your safety. The fragments can be discarded, but you must all come back!"

Master Huang also echoed: "Professor Lin, you must be careful, if the enemy's dog jumps over the wall, don't shard."

"Please rest assured, leaders, if the enemy dares to counterattack, then the number of nuclear submarine fragments we can pick up can be doubled!" Lin Yi said with a smile, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hahaha, okay, Professor Lin, I'll leave it to you!" The superior leader naturally understood what Lin Yi said, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Everyone in the headquarters and the control room also laughed out loud.

Seeing this, Lin Yi turned around and ordered: "Move towards the explosion area immediately! The fishing team is ready! The torpedo weapons are ready!"

"Yes! Professor Lin." The staff shouted loudly.

"At 15 o'clock, the speed is 30 knots."

Afterwards, the nuclear submarine galloped away straight towards the explosion area.

In this way, the 095G swaggered towards the wreckage of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine, and did not care about another Ohio-class nuclear submarine at all. It was extremely arrogant.

And when it is about to approach the explosion area.

The staff said loudly: "Another nuclear submarine has retreated!"

Hearing this, everyone in the control room almost jumped up with excitement.

The bad breath in my heart was finally cleared up.

Enemy nuclear submarines saw them fishing for debris and retreated directly.

What does this show, it shows that they are afraid, they are afraid of the 095G nuclear submarine!

Huaxia's 095G nuclear submarine has truly gained a firm foothold in the world!

At this moment, everyone felt proud.

All the hardships, all the hard work, and all the sweat they put in in the past ten months have paid off with the retreat of the enemy!

Now their mood, let alone how cool it is!

It's so cool!

Let M country be arrogant, and there is also a stick country, thinking that getting M country's Ohio-class nuclear submarines will be able to restrict all activities in China's waters?


Under the leadership of Professor Lin, in just ten months, Huaxia's nuclear submarines directly tied the world, even more powerful than the world's top nuclear submarines!

Now everyone wants to shout that Professor Lin is awesome!

The superior leaders and Mr. Huang were also very excited.

The 095G nuclear submarine, this time is really winning glory for the country, allowing the Huaxia Navy to gain a foothold in the world!

They looked at Lin Yi through the big screen, and couldn't help showing a touch of admiration.

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