Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Lin Yi was still looking at the information, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he knew that he was very tired by looking at it.

But Lin Yi still didn't give up and was still looking for the reason.

At this time, he picked up another document and read it without rest.

When he was flipping to a certain page, Lin Yi stared, watching the progress of the 102nd experiment of the atomic energy reactor, his expression immediately froze.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched, and his face was full of ecstasy.

"I found it! The problem is here! Damn it! I've been looking for it for so long!".

Inside the Temporary Research Institute.

All the old teachers were sitting or standing in the hall of the institute.

Everyone had a worried look on their faces.

They are all waiting for the appearance of Professor Lin Yi.

Since two days ago, Professor Lin Yi discovered the problem in the research.

Professor Lin Yi collected all the information, took it to the office, and started research.

This study took two days.

These old professors also waited in the institute for two days.

ta ta ta

At this moment, a hurried footstep sounded in the hall of the institute.

The researchers in the hall and the old professors all followed the sound.

I saw Lin Yi holding a document in his hand, with a faint excitement in his expression, and rushed to the crowd.

"I found the reason!"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of all the old professors and researchers changed.

Immediately, Master Fan and the old professors all gathered around Lin Yi.

"Professor Lin, where is the problem? Can it be repaired? When will the research and development work be carried out normally?" Mr. Fan asked several questions in a row, and he was very anxious.

The old professors were also curious. They have been looking for the reason for the past two days, but they have not found the reason for a long time.

When they heard Lin Yi said that they had found the reason, they became even more curious, what kind of problem was this, so that none of the professors could find it.

In front of everyone's eyes, Lin Yi picked up the information in his hand, flipped out one of the pages, and displayed it in front of everyone.

"The reason is very simple. It is the Mirall formula. When I first formulated the plan, there was a formula that was used in every plan. It is because of this formula that all research processes are unstable. Case!"

Lin Yi was right. It was precisely because of the Mirall formula that nine scientific research projects were created. During the experiment, unstable conditions were found.

It is also normal for 9 scientific research projects to use a formula.

After all, the 9 scientific research projects are not a single scientific research field, but a combination of multiple scientific research fields. Only by integrating knowledge points in many fields can a research and development plan be formulated.

This is why, when Lin Yi found the reason, he was very surprised.

Just because, he never thought that there would be a problem with this formula.

Moreover, what Lin Yi didn't expect was that there was no problem with the formula itself.

"Professor Lin, you mean, it's because of Mirall's formula? Then, is it necessary to replace it with another formula?" Professor Xue asked quickly.

At this time, Lin Yi shook his head: "There is no need to change the formula."

When the words fell, all the old professors looked at Lin Yi with bewildered expressions, with unbelievable expressions in their eyes.

There is a problem with the formula, why don't you replace the formula?

What to do then?Should it continue like this?

Lin Yi took a deep breath and continued to explain: "The formula is no problem, the main thing is the calculation method. The calculation methods we use now are basically done by the Shenwei computer, but what should I say, the calculation speed of the Shenwei computer is absolutely It is much faster than the human brain, but it still has a little loophole.”

"That is, in the process of the calculation method, the Shenwei computer will ignore a very inconspicuous point... eventually causing the instability of the entire experimental body, because the Mirall formula is very inconspicuous in the whole scheme, which is why I found It took so long to find out why.”

"Next, during the experiment, as long as there is a calculation process about Mirall's reaction, try to avoid using the Shenwei computer. All the calculation process, leave it to me."

Lin Yi finished the whole thing in one breath.

When the words fell, the old professors suddenly realized.

No wonder, no wonder they couldn't find the reason either.

They all knew that there was Mirall's formula in the plan.

But no one thought about it, and the Mirall formula was indeed a little unremarkable.

As soon as the incident happened, their thinking was very likely to be a big problem, which caused them, old professors, to keep paying attention to the big problems that might arise, instead of paying attention to those small problems.

Now, as soon as Lin Yi finished explaining the reason, the old professors all smiled bitterly.

"Okay, professors, you have been waiting for a long time. Now that we have found the reason, shall we start immediately?" At this time, Lin Yi smiled and suggested.

"I didn't expect that this is the reason. Since this is the case, I will be fine. I can start at any time here, Professor Lin."

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