Of course, if the mecha is intact and there are no problems, it will be completely different.

You must know that in Lin Yi's data, the combat data of the wanderer mecha recorded, plus the combat data of the wanderer mecha calculated by them, can be found.

The combat strength of the wanderer mecha is no less than that of the Dongfang aircraft carrier, and even more powerful than the Dongfang aircraft carrier.

In this way, the wanderer mecha is fully capable of taking on this important task.

After all, the flexibility of the wanderer mecha is very strong. Although the combat capability of the Dongfang aircraft carrier is strong enough, if the combat capability of the Dongfang aircraft carrier is at such a close distance, it is simply impossible to play a huge role. 380 role.

Originally, the combat capability of the aircraft carrier is reflected in the ultra-long-distance missile attack. If the aircraft carrier is fighting at close range, the target of the aircraft carrier is too large, and the power of the missile III is obvious to all, and it is very possible. Even the aircraft carrier will be damaged, and the limitations are a bit big.

The mecha is completely different. The mecha developed by Professor Lin Yi can fly in the sky. That is to say, once the mecha enters the airspace, it can be said that for those people in country m In other words, it is a destructive existence!

It has both flight ability and flexibility.

Not to mention the combat capability, can it be comparable to the combat capability of the aircraft carrier Dongfang?

In this way, as long as there is no problem with the walker mecha, then this plan can be completely implemented!

Thinking of this, the superior leader couldn't help but look at the information on the wanderer mecha on the table again.

This is all the hard work of Professor Lin Yi, and it is also his contribution to China.

Huaxia's current status in the world is all thanks to Professor Lin Yi.

And now, the big and small things in Huaxia are almost inseparable from Professor Lin Yi.

Today, this is to welcome the return of Professor Liang Zhiwei, so they are here to discuss the final countermeasures and send an escort team.

In the end, it still depends on the 095g nuclear submarine developed by Professor Lin Yi, as well as the Dongfang aircraft carrier fleet, and even the ultimate hope is still on the Walker mecha developed by Professor Lin Yi.

It can be seen that if there is no Lin Yi, it is impossible for China to have such a weapon, and it is impossible to have the current status in the world.

Thinking of this, the superior leaders could not help but admire Lin Yi sincerely.

It's really a country of nostalgia!Great country scientists!

At this time, in the conference room, everyone was still expressing their opinions.

Now that they are almost there, there are only a few insignificant points left that need to be discussed again.

At this time, the superior leader waved: "Everyone, be quiet first."

When the words fell, everyone stopped discussing and turned to look at the superior leader with serious expressions on their faces.

After a while, the superior leader asked in a solemn voice: "Everyone, I already know about the results of your discussion just now. So, let's discuss it at the end. Do you have any comments on Commander Zhao's plan?"

When the words fell, a senior executive of Huaxia said again: "Leader, the question we are discussing now is how to ensure that the Apprentice Mecha can be applauded on the day of the action. After all, the Apprentice Mecha is now a domestic No one knows about it, and it was all developed by Professor Lin Yi. If there is a problem, you can only ask Professor Lin Yi, but Professor Lin Yi is still far away from the interest-free supercomputing center, developing computers. , no one of us can guarantee the combat capability of the wanderer mech at a critical moment."

When the words fell, the superiors nodded.

This is indeed a problem. As long as this problem can be solved, then this solution will be foolproof.

At that time, Huaxia's escort team will be able to keep it.

"Then what was the result of your discussion?" the superior asked again.

Everyone stopped talking.

They have no other way, can't let Professor Lin Yi come back?

This is unrealistic. Professor Lin Yi is developing a computer, which is also a major event. At this time, Professor Lin Yi's research work cannot be delayed.

It is even more impossible for Professor Lin Yi to remotely control it.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, the superior leader asked a question again: "The 095g nuclear submarine, and the aircraft carrier Dongfang, have been used so far, have there been any problems?"

As soon as this sentence was asked, everyone was stunned.

The superior leader asked the meaning of this sentence... What is it?

Do nuclear submarines have any problems with the aircraft carrier Vostok?

Should be, isn't it?

At this time, a senior Huaxia executive who knew this aspect shook his head: "Leader, there are no problems, just some simple minor accidents, which are not enough to affect the overall operation, and have never affected performance and other aspects."

The superior leader nodded: "Is that so..."

After the words fell, everyone realized that the superior leader wanted to say something.

At this time, another Huaxia executive widened his eyes and asked: "Leader, do you mean that you don't need to worry about the failure of the wanderer mecha?"

The superior leader nodded his head: "Indeed, from the 095g nuclear submarine and the Dongfang aircraft carrier, from the military weapons developed by Professor Lin Yi, the military weapons developed by Professor Lin Yi have a very low failure rate. It can be said that Almost none, you must know that the 095g nuclear submarine is already in its second year of service this year. It has been almost three years. The three-year nuclear submarine has not experienced any major failures. This is an incredible thing. Moreover, the aircraft carrier Dongfang also After serving for a year, there was no major failure, which shows how low the final failure rate of the things that Professor Lin Yi developed."

"So, I decided that I don't have to consider the problem of the mecha's failure. Everything will be done according to Commander Zhao's plan."

"Anything we do, we have to take risks. Next, it's time for Huaxia to face the test."

After the words fell, everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.

The superiors were right.

To do anything, you have to take a part of the risk. If you don't take the risk, you can get great benefits. This kind of thing does not exist at all.

Therefore, after these considerations, coupled with the trust of the superior leaders in Professor Lin Yi, and their own trust in Professor Lin Yi, they are full of confidence in the action of the escort team.

As long as the Disciple Mecha can function normally and can guarantee that in times of crisis, it can be transformed into a sharp blade of the country and appear in the frontal battle, then all these crises can be easily resolved.

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