And what Jackson said is right, as long as it can help country M return to its peak, then they will also get corresponding benefits. When country M is strong, they will become stronger.

It's a pretty straight-forward truth, and it's what they've always wanted to do, and now that Jackson agrees with the launch plan, they don't have any reason to argue against it.

After all, if something happens, then there is still Jackson to bear the blame. Even if someone is to blame, it is their honor to be able to bear the blame for Jackson.

So they didn't have any hesitation at this moment, they all wanted to perform better in front of Jackson, and they all wanted to be the most capable go-getters under Jackson.

They also want to rely on Jackson's strength to go up one liter on their own.

After all, even if country M fails in this plan, their country M still has a foundation and a strong strength, but they will always be ranked second and third, although they are not willing to depend on the first Two and three.

But if the plan fails, they have no ability to resist, and they have no chance of turning over.

But this is only at the national level, but for them personally, of course, the higher the position, the better, the more benefits they can get, and the benefits they can get are huge, so since they have already There is a chance to be nice to Jackson, so why didn't they?

So in this case, they all expressed their views, although they may not be so in favor of starting the plan.

But in this case everyone is supporting the launch plan, if one person says to stop the implementation of the plan.

Then this person will be the enemy of all, and will be the enemy of all.

There are some smart people present, they would not do such a thing, nor would they let others target them, because what he said would only bring them into a moment of crisis.

At this time, after hearing the response from everyone in the conference room, Jackson sneered at the corners of his mouth, and the expression on his face also changed. It used to be cloudy and gloomy before, but now he has changed his usual posture. very happy...  

After all, the implementation of the plan was proposed by him, and he advocated the implementation of the plan.

So in this case, he very much hopes to see that everyone agrees with his views, and also very much hopes that everyone can support him unconditionally.

Only in this way his plan, his status, and all the efforts he has made can be rewarded due to them, and they can all accomplish everything he envisions faster and better.

Only in this case can he achieve his purpose, and only in this case can it be firmly embraced.

That's why Jackson was very happy after seeing this scene, and he was also very excited, because in his opinion, he had the support of these people, coupled with the strength of their country M and the military strength of the cherry blossom country and the lamp country.

Then implementing this plan is a very simple thing for them, and if they want to do all the steps in the plan, there is probably no problem at all.

As long as they deal with the details, they can do it perfectly, and even allow them to achieve their own goals, and it is even possible to obtain greater benefits, allowing them to move forward again.

After all, you must know that among the escort 2.2 delivery team sent by Huaxia this time, it is very likely that there will be combat mechas, 095g nuclear submarines and the Dongfang aircraft carrier.

You must know that these three things are the treasures of Huaxia, and they are also a big reliance for Huaxia to surpass any country in the world in the military field.

If they can implement these three things through the plan, even after the plan is completed, they can only get the corresponding wreckage, it is very beneficial, and it is also a huge benefit for them.

After all, these three things all contain technologies that belong to the future. It can be said that they are technologies that they cannot reach now. They still want this technology very much. As long as they can obtain such technology, then their country M If you want to return to the military peak, it is a matter of minutes. .

Therefore, Jackson wants to implement this plan, the main purpose is to get these three technologies.

It is a very important technology both for country m and for the whole world.

After all, these three technologies are enough to change the whole world situation. As long as their country M can obtain one of them, it is also a powerful technology that can quickly improve their military strength.

Therefore, Jackson has to unswervingly implement this plan. After all, if he wants to lead the M country to a more brilliant future and lead the M country back to the peak, then this technology or these three technologies are all necessary. What they get must also be firmly grasped in their own hands.

Although they are not as talented scientific researchers as Professor Lin Yi, they can obtain such technology through this way to improve their abilities.

So after thinking of this, Jackson looked at the senior executives of the M country sitting in the conference room again and said loudly.

"Everyone, then this matter has been decided for the time being, so what we need to do next is to make the whole plan as smooth as possible."

"Also try our best to make all our plans seem so reasonable and smooth, and then we may have a very important battle next."

"And this fighter is about all of us, about the future development of our country m, and even about the future situation of the entire world. These are all crucial, and they are what we said we should think about in advance."

"It can be said that everything we are doing now is planning for our bright future and paving the way for our bright future."

"No matter what, we have to win this battle beautifully, we have to be beautiful, and implement this plan. Only in this way can we get what we want, and only in this way can we get what we need most."

After hearing Jackson's words, the expressions on the faces of all the senior officials of M country present became excited.

They know that what Jackson said is not wrong, and they also know that what Jackson said is indeed what the M country needs most now, and it is also very urgent to get it.

After all, if the plan is successfully implemented, then they will be able to get the three top military forces from China, and they will also be able to get the corresponding technology.

As long as these technologies can be obtained, then their country M wants to rise to the top, to soar into the sky, and to regain the position that truly belongs to them, it is simply as easy as the palm of your hand.

It's just that all they have to do now is to make the whole plan look flawless, and to perfect all the details.

After all, if you want to implement this plan, all the details of the problem may become a crucial problem that destroys the smoothness of the entire plan.

Moreover, if you want to implement the overall plan smoothly, you can't be sloppy at any point, and any point may undermine the smooth progress of the overall plan, and you can't let go of the details.

As long as they can do this, as long as they can complete all the details, then they want to complete the whole plan will become very smooth.

So, after thinking of this, all the senior executives of the M country present looked at Jackson excitedly, as if they had now completed the entire plan and got everything they dreamed of.

"Okay, everyone, this is the end of today's meeting. Let's prepare as soon as possible. We are about to usher in the glory that truly belongs to our country m, and we are about to usher in the glorious moment of our country m!"

At this time, Jackson looked at everyone present and said solemnly.

At this moment, his eyes were full of light.

At this moment, Jackson seems to be the god who dominates everything.

He seems to have regarded himself as the master of this world, controlling all the world's situations.

Controlling the overall operation of the entire world, this is the influence he has had on him for a long time, and it is also a kind of conceit that he is born with.

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