The Harlequin Troupe is a descendant of Xi Lego, also known as Hua Bean Sprout.

They are considered a relatively reasonable force in this chaotic galaxy.

The other two factions of the Eldar, the white bean sprouts of the Arkworld and the black bean sprouts of Commorragh, one is arrogant and the other is crazy. They dislike each other and will fight each other when they meet.

However, both of them have a very welcoming attitude towards the flower bean sprouts that visit their territory.

Only with the coordination of Hua Dou Ya can the two families occasionally reach a temporary united front in front of the enemy.

In addition, Huadoya will also quietly participate in the fight against Chaos. They will even solve the local Chaos problem before certain forces can react, and then quietly disappear from the scene of the incident. .

Huadoya has a very tolerant and open attitude towards other forces. As long as you don't hinder them and go against Chaos, they will be happy to cooperate with you.

Therefore, even if the Empire's Inquisition openly opposes all kinds of aliens, they will turn a blind eye to the sudden visit of the Harlequin Troupe.

Of course, their inability to catch these elusive clowns was also a reason.

If there is any force today that knows the most about the application of the Web Channel, it must be the Harlequin Troupe.

Clowns may appear at any time and anywhere, including the palace of Holy Terra.

Fortunately, they stood on the opposite side of Chaos and communicated well, otherwise the spread of subspace power would have been even more rampant.

The huge commotion Wei Mu made on Waste Saturn has attracted the attention of many forces. Naturally, Xi Legao's family members also need to understand the situation here.

Ever since, a unicorn appeared on Waste Saturn.

The Unicorn is the elite of the Harlequin Troupe, an absolute master of martial arts, and its combat prowess is comparable even to that of the Emperor's Imperial Guard, known as the ultimate creature.

However, since the role of the solo performer in the troupe is that of the archenemy Slaanesh, their souls are locked by Slaanesh, and they are destined to be possessed by Slaanesh after their death, and there is no way to stop them.

Silegor sometimes uses deception to deceive the soul of the One Horn from Slaanesh. The specific process is unknown and the success rate is not high.

In other words, this is a super fierce man who is destined to face tragedy.

The flower bean sprout's name is Sarkozy, an elegant and gorgeous one-horned clown who appeared on the waste planet silently.

Through some clever words, Sarkozy soon learned the general story of the matter from the orc boys.

It is said that a shrimp boy predicted the terrible doomsday brought about by the bad boss.

The bad boss wants to monopolize the best fighters in the galaxy. He wants to deprive the kids of their happiness and leave them with nothing to fight for.

It was the shrimp boy who saw through the evil intention of the bad canned boss and promptly reminded the second brother, Gomao. Then the second brother went into a rage and asked the boys to kill the bad canned boss.

Then, the boys also showed Sarkozy the "Green Book", a small booklet made of alloy. There was no text in it, and it was all extremely abstract patterns.

The booklet "predicts" the appearance of the green-skinned savior of destiny, and also predicts the tragic ending of the bad boss being drowned in a manure pit by the green-skinned savior.

After understanding the entire incident, Sarkozy knew that these greenskins had definitely been deceived.

The Black Library contains many classics. The real classics are unique and full of magical energy.

The content of some classics is unlimited, and the mysteries contained in them are endless. The contents of some classics are dynamic and will continue to change with the development of reality.

And this so-called "Green Skin Sacred Book" is completely fabricated, like a novel, without any mystery or wisdom at all.

But it is this kind of thing that can fool the greenskins into confusion. It can even alarm the two greenskin masters and forcefully push the greenskin race to the opposite side of chaos.

The so-called "Xiami Boy" must have very extraordinary abilities.

If you have his help, you might be able to do many things that you never even dared to think about before.

Having made up his mind, Sarkozy launched a multi-faceted exploration and tracked him all the way to the planet's governor, Karl Franz.

Regarding the sudden appearance of the Eldar One Horn, Governor Karl remained calm and vigilant in the face of danger.

After Wei Mu deceived the greenskins, he was responsible for the remaining tasks, such as dispatching personnel to the greenskins of Waste Saturn and printing a large number of "The Greenskins' Sacred Book".

So Karl is very clear about Wei Mu's ability.

That young man is a rare talent and will definitely make more contributions to the empire in the future. Although he is a bit skinny and can cause trouble, he must be well protected.

It was impossible for him to reveal any information about Wei Mu until the flower bean sprouts in front of him could clarify his true intention or show his due value.

"I hope he can use this ability to promote the alliance between the Eldar and humans. There is no fundamental conflict of interest between our two races, but we have a common mortal enemy. We should not waste energy on guarding against each other, let alone because of some small frictions. And deplete each other's strength," Sarkozy said.

There is no doubt that the clowns are a group of very sane Eldar, otherwise they would not have collected Eldar knowledge in advance, established a black library deep in the webway, and would not have toured the Eldar world to warn them through performances. Other fellow Eldar.

But that wasn't why Carl opened up to them.

What a beautiful and noble act it is to exchange sincerity for sincerity.

However, the cruel reality is that with just a little suspicion, conspiracy and betrayal, this nobility and beauty will instantly turn into a blood-stained tragedy, giving birth to hatred that will not die out for generations.

As the Governor of the Sector, Karl Franz should have eliminated this unnecessary risk, but he happened to be a very ideal person.

And he knew that Wei Mu was a more ideal person, otherwise the boy would not have gone to Waste Saturn alone and risked life and death to sing such a wonderful show.

So in the end, Governor Karl relaxed.

"Go and contact him. That boy's name is Wei Mu. He lives in Middenheim, the capital of Midden. He is currently planning a work about the empire."

"Unlike abstract painting books like "The Book of Green Skin," I can still suppress the problem with the influence of the Governor. His new work is too involved, and the publishing houses in the empire can't help him publish it. .”

"If you clowns can help him solve the current difficulties, I believe everything will develop in the direction you expect."

"But before that, you have to be mentally prepared. Although that new work will help improve the current situation in the Order camp, the content in it may have a very strong impact on the self-esteem of your Eldar clan."

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