In this way, Wei Mu was shackled by the Dark Angels and thrown into prison under strict supervision. What awaited him later was a personal trial from the leader of the Dark Angels Chapter.

Obviously, the Dark Angels did not intend to kill him directly, because this would be too cheap for this kid.

They must clearly list the crimes committed by this kid one by one. It is best to make him clearly realize his mistakes, deeply reflect on his actions, and finally be sentenced to death with endless guilt and regret.

This kind of treatment is usually reserved for the traitors of the fallen angels.

The person responsible for guarding Wei Mu during his imprisonment was the same Dark Angel team that arrested him, and the new recruit Maul was on duty here.

"You kid, you are full of lies, nonsense, and distorting the facts. Who are you working as a lackey for?"

Before the formal trial, Moore began to torture Wei Mu's soul in private through the prison fence.

The young Maul really couldn't understand how someone could be heretical to such an extent, and this person was not corrupted by Chaos. There were some things that he didn't like.

"Who are you saying is full of lies? My books are all based on facts, okay? Adaptations are not random fabrications, dramas are not nonsense. I still have the most basic professional ethics."

Wei Mu said righteously.

In order to compile these books, he spent so much time collecting information and quoting scriptures. Now he is said to be full of lies. Who can bear this?

"Based on facts? There is not a single word of truth in your anti-book from beginning to end. For example, at the beginning, Horus participated in the Great Crusade and accompanied the Emperor to sweep away the ignorant Old Night era, and Khorne accompanied Ska What has Brand done, and what is this decadent era of pleasure?”

Mor asked in a stern voice.

"Of course it refers to the chaos in the subspace caused by the birth of Slaanesh. What else can there be?" Wei Mu put on an instructive look, "The new Lord of Joy, Slaanesh, did it first. After overthrowing the Eldar gods, he later competed with Nurgle for Aisha, the Eldar goddess of life, and competed with Khorne for Caine, the Eldar god of war. At that time, Skarbrand destroyed one of the seven rings of Slaanesh's palace. , these are all big events in the subspace, you just don’t know about them because you don’t care.”

After hearing Wei Mu's rebuttal, Moll's expression was slightly startled.

I didn't expect this guy to be really good at it.

"What about the so-called rebellion later? What kind of injustice did Skarbrand suffer? Aren't the Khorne demons just a bunch of single-celled creatures that only know how to hack and slash?"

Then, Moore changed the subject again.

"The Demon Army of Khorne is upright, but they are not stupid. Look at the treatment of the Demon-Ascended Primarch, and then look at the treatment of the Great Demon, the Lord of Gods. Originally, the Demon was the number one capable officer under the Evil God, but now the Demon-Ascended Primarch is treated Later, he directly replaced the big devil and became the center of attention of the evil gods. In this situation, if you were Skarbrand, how could you endure it?"

Wei Mu explained in detail.

Moore was completely dumbfounded after hearing this.

This explanation was so perfect that he couldn't fault it at all.


Because the Emperor once created the powerful but flawed Thunder Warriors in order to unify Terra. Later, with the more perfect Astartes, the Thunder Warriors were banned.

A large part of the reason why Warmaster Horus launched the rebellion back then was that he was afraid that one day such a ban would happen to him. He was worried that after humans ascended to become a perfect race, they, the Space Marines, would no longer be needed.

This is a national memory that belongs to all the people of the empire, and it is impossible for More to deny it.

The Great Demon God is afraid of being replaced by the Ascended Demon Primarch, and the Astartes are afraid of being replaced by ascended humans. They follow exactly the same logic.

Now judging from what this kid said, it's not easy for the demons. Everyone has been robbed of their jobs by the demon-promoted primarchs, and it's not just the primarchs, but also various demon princes. If there are more, all those big demons will probably be laid off.

Horus and Skarbrand were in the same boat.

Weimu's explanation was so reasonable and well-founded that Maul even began to suspect that Skarbrand might have taken action against Khorne because of this incident.

No, how could I agree with this kid's ideas?

You should use the truth to refute this arrogant boy who is talking nonsense, let him realize his mistake, and finally kneel down and shed tears of regret.

"Strong words, no logic!" Almost being led into a ditch by this kid, Moore quickly changed the topic, "Since you are so good at talking nonsense, explain to me why you want to mention the Emperor in the book. To write him as a cruel and cruel invader, but to write those dirty and despicable demons as his victims? You are clearly slandering the Emperor, and his crime is so heinous that he deserves to be punished!"

In the Human Empire, the Emperor himself is the truth and cannot tolerate any doubt. The reason why the human species has survived to this day is all dependent on the Emperor's efforts. When More talks about this at the moment, he is standing on the moral high ground and is completely invincible.

But Wei Mu did not give a direct answer to this, but asked instead: "Since you talked about this matter, I have to ask you, is Terra in the real universe or in subspace?"

Moore replied vigilantly: "Of course it is in the real universe. What do you want to say?"

Wei Mu waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, let me ask you another question. Is the Webway in the real universe or in subspace?"

Maul continued to answer: "The Webway is originally equivalent to a highway in subspace, of course in subspace."

This kid is definitely not holding back anything good, but there is nothing wrong with his two answers, and he should not be led into a trap by him.

After getting the answer he wanted, Wei Mu sighed: "In that case, wouldn't building the Webway on Terra be an active invasion of subspace from the real universe?"

Once again, Moore's expression was completely dull.

Warnima, this seems to make sense!

If this thing is really done, humans can even build the webway all the way from Terra to the face of the evil god.

For Chaos, this is the physical universe expanding towards them, an existential crisis.

But Moore was still unconvinced and said: "It was the subspace that took action against the real universe first. The demons have always been trying to confuse mortals!"

"Humanity's interstellar voyages have always relied on subspace engines to run rampant on the devil's territory."

"Demons are greedy for the emotions and souls of intelligent creatures. They are a group of evil pests!"

"Then the psykers are also extracting the energy of the warp for their own use? The Emperor himself is the most powerful human psyker."

Time and time again, More was rendered speechless by Wei Mu's arguments with facts, and he even had deep doubts about his own views for a while.

And what surprised Maul was that Wei Mu clearly stood on the side of the devil and belittled the actions of humans, but he did not feel any resistance.

This is of course not because his loyalty has wavered, but because Wei Mu's logic gave him a very subtle feeling——

In people's original understanding, subspace is a cancer that intelligent creatures cannot get rid of, and a suffering that they have to go through. Demons have always been in the position of perpetrators, ravaging mortals with one-sided bullying, treating mortals as playthings and food.

However, in fact, the reason why those guys are so arrogant is just trying not to become victims. What people have done in the past has also driven them to the brink of destruction.

After reading that absurd anti-book, a concept was quietly injected into More's mind as a reader.

This Chaos Demon doesn’t feel very scary...

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