I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 40 The Origin of the Emperor

"What were you talking about just now?"

Moore's eyes widened and he looked at Wei Mu with disbelief.

"Huh? What did I just say?"

Everyone around him looked as surprised as if he had been struck by lightning, which made Wei Mu confused for a while.

"It is the origin of the Emperor. You just said that Sister Stern's experience is similar to the origin of the Emperor. Everyone here can hear it clearly. Don't say that you are just fooling around."

Moore said excitedly.

After seeing so many incredible things about Wei Mu, Maul had reason to believe that he really knew the emperor's nature. Moreover, this boy's reaction just now was completely unconscious and subconscious, and the possibility of lying was very low.

However, this kid actually turned around and forgot after he finished speaking.

"Oh, I think I said something like this just now." Wei Mu touched his chin, "What, do you want to know?

Fortunately, this kid remembered, and everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

If this kid takes care of this, I'm afraid they won't have a peaceful sleep in the rest of their lives. As soon as they close their eyes, their minds will be filled with thoughts about this matter.

Moore and Stern, as well as the clowns around them, all nodded, with expressions of great anticipation on their faces.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the Supreme God-Emperor. As devout servants of the Lord of Mankind, the hearts of Space Marines and Battle Sisters are trembling with excitement.

"Then what will you do if the origin of the emperor I mentioned does not meet your expectations?" Wei Mu asked suddenly.

They must be vaccinated first to prevent them from being unable to bear the huge psychological gap later, resulting in their Taoist hearts being broken and their beliefs collapsing.

Now it was Moore and Stern's turn to be dumbfounded.


What if the Emperor's birth is not as great as they imagined?

Countless cases have proven that when the object of worship does not meet psychological expectations, this kind of spiritual impact can directly defeat a person.

"Even so, the Emperor's continuous contributions to mankind over the past ten thousand years are worthy of my lifelong service." Stern vowed.

"me too."

Although Moore's answer was simple, his eyes were very sharp.

"very good."

Wei Mu was very satisfied with their statements.

What he hopes to see is someone who can stand up and share the pressure for the Emperor, rather than someone who prostrates himself in front of the Emperor's statue and prays for salvation.

With a little training, these two have a lot to offer.

However, at this solemn and solemn moment, the discordant voices of clowns came from around.

"The same goes for us! The same goes for us!"

"No matter what the truth of the matter is, His position in our hearts is unshakable!"

"That's right, that's right, so tell us the secret of His origin!"

The clowns on the side cheered.

As a result, Moore and Stern almost burst into violence on the spot and wanted to kill the bean sprouts.

You guys are the same ass! A group of aliens who watch the fun and don't take it too seriously.

Wei Mu didn't pay much attention to the clowns who were making noises, because as soon as he opened his mouth, the clowns would naturally quiet down in order to hear what he said clearly.

"Before the first human city was established on ancient Terra, our ancestors were still living a primitive tribal life, and were still far from forming civilization."

"However, at that time, psykers had already appeared among the human species."

“Human beings at that time called these psykers wizards or shamans, and their duty was to use their extraordinary power to communicate with, worship and divination the illusory gods cast by superstition. "

Wei Mu said slowly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. This is the situation that generally occurs in the budding stages of intelligent civilization."

The clowns interjected from the sidelines.

This move made Stern and Moore very unhappy.

With such a crucial topic, can you onlookers please stop interrupting?

If they weren't eager to hear the truth, they would have really wanted to drag the interfering flower bean sprout into the martial arts field to practice hard.

Wei Mu himself did not pay much attention to the interruptions from the clowns, but continued to speak on his own.

"At that time, our primitive ancestors lived a pretty good life. They would chase rabbits on the grassland during the day and go back to the cave to make little people at night. They did not need to deal with everything in the galaxy and subspace every day like they do now. A lot of monsters and monsters."

"Until one day, all wizards and shamans in Terra had the same dream."

"They dreamed of a dark future, where the human race struggled in endless suffering, suffered the deep malice from this chaotic universe, and could not see even a glimmer of hope."

"These first human psykers were frightened. They knew that this was some kind of revelation. If they couldn't find a way to stop it, it would inevitably become a reality."

Wei Mu continued.

"What is this dream about? Can you explain it a little bit?"

A clown jumped out and asked.

"At that time, you humans were just a group of primitive races chasing rabbits on the grassland with stone spears in hand. How could you foresee something so far away?"

Another clown asked curiously.

"Uh, I'm not sure about this."

Wei Mu replied awkwardly.

Regarding the origin of the Emperor, he only knew a rough idea. There were not so many details to provide, and he was afraid that adding details indiscriminately would cause them to misunderstand.

"How about you clowns pause for a moment and wait until he tells the whole story before asking questions?"

Stern said word for word.

Although she pretended to be calm and composed, her tone and eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the clowns quickly became obedient and shrank back.

"In short, this is how the shamans received their revelation."

"Of course they have to prevent that dark and scary future."

"But as mentioned before, they are just a group of uncivilized primitive tribesmen from the Stone Age, and they can't do anything about this matter at all."

"Since they can't do anything individually, then they can do it together, right?"

"So, with the determination to save mankind, the shamans made the choice of self-sacrifice. The souls of those who took the initiative to sacrifice gathered together driven by the same belief, and were eventually poured into the body of an ordinary boy. ——That boy is now the Emperor."

Wei Mu slowly told how the Emperor was born.

People around him listened quietly, for fear of missing any detail.

The situation goes on like this, continues...

It wasn't until a long time later that Moore, who felt the atmosphere was a bit depressing, finally couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you continue talking? Is there anything left?"

Wei Mu looked puzzled: "What's left? Haven't I already told you how the Emperor was born?"

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