The swarms continued to attack the fortress walls, and their numbers continued to grow.

This was the result of the vast majority of ground reinforcements being intercepted by the demon army of Khorne. The insects that could reach the front line all used underground passages.

Even so, this army was enough to surround the entire fortress and launch an all-round fierce attack on it. A large number of airdrop pods were dropped around the fortress as if they were free.

Wei Mu and Moore continued to inspect the fortress walls, trying to boost the morale of the orc soldiers in front.

Not to mention, the green prophet buff on him is really powerful.

Wherever the Wei Mu appears, the greenskins around them are fighting extraordinarily bravely, and even the power of firearms and artillery fire has increased a bit. I don't know if this is an illusion.

The classic "I can guard this wall until I die of old age."

Okay, old death is indeed a bit exaggerated, but it is still no problem to defend for a few hours. At least until 70% of the artillery fire on the city wall is removed, the insect nest overlord should not take the risk of showing up.

Just when Wei Mu was planning this, the demon who was supposed to be resting at the rear actually came to the front line.

"I heard that we lost all our peripheral positions. What happened?"

As soon as they met, the orc warlord shouted at the top of his voice.

When it learned that the frontline battle was losing, it felt extremely manic and couldn't sit still at the rear.

"It's just a little trouble, it's not a big deal. Overlord, you shouldn't come here. You should get more rest. We need you to win the duel with the Hive Overlord later," Wei Mu said.

He had clearly told the greenskins around him not to disturb the Overlord before. If this happens now, it must be the Overlord's own initiative. After all, it is the nominal leader, and other greenskins cannot stop it.

"Later? I can defeat them now!" Ba Mo said loudly.

Somehow, it also sensed the importance of this promotion battle, and some unknown fate was urging it to come and fight.

"Are you sure?" Moore reminded, "Your current situation is not complete."

"I say I can, I mean I can, I'm a demon, don't question me!" the orc warlord roared loudly.

In its view, Moore is a guy who is its defeated general, but has always been thinking about its boss status. He is full of rebellion, so naturally it will not give him a good look.

Of course, because this phenomenon is common in green-skinned society, the Overlord will not really do anything to Maul.

"Okay then, I will arrange a battle between you and the Overlord of the Swarm."

Now that the parties involved have said this, Wei Mu will no longer stop him.

This is a very orcish decision, the overlord chooses his own destiny.

There have been countless powerful orc warlords who have walked on this path, but no one can truly lead the orcs to rise. Those warlords are often killed by other enemies around them before they can fully grow up.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. This is a very simple truth.

But Wei Mu knew that this road was definitely feasible, because it was a road specially paved by the ancient saints for the greenskins.

He tried to use this method to achieve them, but whether they could reach that point in the end depended on their own creation.

So just like that, the Overlord led a group of super-heavy armored bosses and countless green-skinned guys and once again killed them out of the fortress.

This time, it no longer relies on the power of the Green Seer, but relies on its own strength to completely defeat the enemy in front of it.

The rolling green tide led by the overlord was unstoppable, crushing the endless swarm of insects from the front. They only spent a charge to successfully regain a lost position. The negative impact of the previous defeat in the battle was immediately wiped out. The enthusiasm for victory washed away.

However, after receiving the news of the Overlord's appearance, the other bugs immediately gave up the siege of the fortress and instead began to gather in the direction of the orc warlord.

The Hive Overlord only wants the death of the Overlord.

Since the arrogant orc warlord still dares to run out of the fortress, he must seize this opportunity.

As a result, under the leadership of the generals of both sides, the two huge armies collided head-on again. With just a cover, thousands of lives were killed.

The bugs and orcs attacked each other fiercely, using the blades swung in their hands and the bullets sprayed from the guns. The high-pitched roars and explosions shot straight into the sky like thunder. The wild and violent artillery fire made the whole world tremble.

The flying slurry quickly infected the ground, and the amount was so large that even the soil could not bury them. Countless corpses were piled together like an ever-growing hill of flesh and blood.

The Hive Overlord suddenly arrived with hundreds of Tyrant guards. They cut their way through a group of orc super-heavy armored bosses as big as Dreadnoughts, sending the forerunners of the Great Devourer directly to the Overlord. in front of.

The Overlord let out an angry roar and faced the Hive Overlord head-on. The two strong men once again fought hand to hand, carrying a deep hatred for each other.

The Overlord is like an orc warrior who bears the fate of the entire race. He still has no hesitation in the face of countless difficulties and obstacles ahead.

Similarly, there are a bunch of hungry behemoths behind the Hive Overlord waiting to be fed. A large number of reinforcements sent by the Wei Mu are chasing the branches of the swarm around the Octalius sector, leaving not enough time for Leviathan. .

Both sides have reasons why they must win.

However, there is often a thin line between the brave and the reckless.

The green tide and the insect tide collided fiercely, and the two leaders fought each other without reservation. Just like the law of survival of the fittest of the blood god Khorne, only the strongest one can survive and step on the corpse of the loser to a higher level. .

"Although I don't know what your plan is, it seems that you have failed." The murderer said with a smile, "Another failure, I don't know if this will awaken your blindness."

It can sense the final result of that promotion battle, the huge green-skinned waaagh! The energy is rapidly dissipating, which usually occurs after a warlord is killed.

After a fierce battle, the swarm overlord had two arms chopped off.

But it succeeded in piercing the two bone blades into the overlord's head and tore a large hole, sending blood, brain fluid and fragments of the broken helmet flying everywhere.

The Herald of the Great Devourer thrust its maw into the Overlord's gaping head and feasted on the orc warlord's brains.

It roared loudly, announcing its victory to the surrounding creatures.

Seeing this, the orcs seemed to have lost their backbone, and began to retreat in a panic, and the battle line suddenly collapsed thousands of miles away.

Even the big orcs who fought with Stern fell into a state of mental depression and were being massacred by the demon army of Khorne.

Only the Emperor's saints struggled to hold on with their supernatural strength, but she was soon alone.

Faced with the collapse of the situation, the risk of being heavily surrounded by the demon army of Khorne, and the damn "great game of the gods", Stern did not feel discouraged.

She still looked calm and her eyes were firm, and she slowly asked a question to the bloodthirsty demon in front of her.

At the beginning of the war, everyone asked Wei Mu what the most ideal outcome of this war was. Wei Mu did not answer, but asked everyone the same question.

"Do you think God bleeds?"

He asked everyone at that time.

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