"This... this is impossible!" the murderer roared angrily, "Obviously that huge green energy has dissipated, why did it gather again in such a short period of time, and it is even more powerful than before? powerful?"

The bloodthirsty demon glimpsed a thread of destiny. It saw an orc warlord rising at a speed it had never heard of. The edge displayed was so powerful and unstoppable.

"What exactly did you do to those orcs?"

The Killer never imagined that in what it thought was a promotion battle, the two powerful men in it were both used by Wei Mu to use a set of so-called "prophecies", and finally used them as a stepping stone for Tiepi.

At this moment, the new warlord who has received the blessing of destiny is crushing over with the rolling green tide with an unrivaled and absolute attitude.

"This is the second time you've opened champagne at halftime." Stern reminded coldly.

She is in very bad shape now.

The long battle had exhausted the psychic energy in her body, forcing her to use her sword to support the ground to save energy.

But this did not affect her cynicism towards the bloodthirsty maniac in front of her.

As an inanimate being, the devil always likes to place his status too high and enjoys watching lowly mortals cry and struggle in suffering.

From a villain's point of view, there is actually nothing wrong with this behavior, but it is especially easy to get slapped in the face when you meet a mortal with real abilities.

"I'm going to kill you, kill all of you!" the murderer said angrily.

The warrior general of Khorne no longer had the calmness of a "higher-dimensional creature" at this moment, and began to attack the battle sister in front of him at all costs.

The killer must not only defeat the saint of the cursed family in front of him, but also must find the destiny orc, interrupt its rise, plunder its luck, obtain its head, and offer it to the blood god as a trophy. .

It knew that Khorne longed for this to happen.

However, at this moment, the murderer suddenly felt a knife in his knee.

It looked down and found that at some point, an orc wearing a red scarf and camouflage on his face suddenly appeared there, and slashed its thigh with the saber in his hand.

"The boss wants me to support you, Al-Man!" Sly Beast said loudly.

Appearing with it were the group of special operations boys under it.

Although these boys were not many in number, they had the most sophisticated equipment among the green-skinned legions, and the firepower they provided was so fierce that the Khorne demonic army was unable to hold its head up for a while.

Their sudden appearance forced the killers to shift their attack targets.

The bloodthirsty demon swung the battle ax in his hand with all his strength, trying to kill the orc commander who sneaked up on it.

But Sly Beast was agile and could dodge the murderer's attack with a sideways movement.

It even took the opportunity to throw the saber in its hand, and successfully hit the wound on the murderer's chest with an accuracy unimaginable by ordinary orcs.

This was not a decisive blow.

Sly Beast's throw only caused the killer to pause slightly.

However, for Sly Beast Bo himself, this is a huge flaw.

Because as long as the bloodthirsty maniac recovers from this short pause, it can easily kill the orc commander in front of it who is doing bad things to it.

Sly Beast stood in front of the bloodthirsty demon, unarmed but with a proud expression.

Facing the coming fatal attack, it didn't even intend to move, even though there was a plasma pistol on its waist.

This is not its contempt for the bloodthirsty demon, but its absolute confidence in its own judgment.

The murderer's ax blade just passed by the tip of its nose, but it failed to hurt it at all.

Because Stern didn't give it the chance.

Taking advantage of the opportunity created by Sly Beast, the Battle Sister rushed forward, swung the long sword filled with holy power in her hand, and directly tore the bloodthirsty demon's chest.

The serious injury made it impossible for the murderer to continue to exist in the real universe. The bloodthirsty maniac could only let out an unwilling roar from his mouth, and then his body turned into dots of light and was exiled back to the subspace.

There, waiting for it will be severe punishment from the Blood God.

The death of the Great Demon greatly weakened the Chaos Corruption on the planet, but the remaining demon army did not seem to intend to leave at this point, but rushed into the physical universe from the subspace rift even more crazily.

They don't want the fight to end here, they want to drag this world into hell.

"We have to close that subspace rift, otherwise the demon army will be transmitted continuously - I need time to recover my strength to do this." Stern reminded.

"It doesn't matter, I have a clever plan!" Sly Beast said confidently.

For this situation, the orcs have their own unique response plan.

Sly Beast stepped forward, still with his hands empty, facing the subspace rift full of weirdness and distortion. The special operations boys around him were frantically attacking the Khorne Demon Army to prevent them from disturbing them. The boss of the house does things.

Just when Stern was wondering what the orc commander in front of her was planning to do, Sly Orc's next move made her dumbfounded.

I saw Sly Orc tilting his upper body 120 degrees, looking like a curled green rubber rod - no one would think that Orc could make such a soft posture if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes. .

Then, Sly Beast Bo suddenly tensed up, used all his strength to draw an arc on the head with the red turban, and used a super invincible and shocking headbutt, hitting it hard. Above the subspace rift.

Its so-called clever plan is not to delay Stern's recovery, but to smash the crack with its head to close it.

This is really off the mark.

Let’s not discuss whether it is right to use this purely physical method to close the crack. How much force can a mere headbutt produce?

Do you still expect that the subspace rift will be like a fart whose scalp has been scratched, stroking the wound and crying at the same time?

As a result, when Sly Beast's headbutt hit the rift in subspace, it seemed as if time and space itself felt the pain.

The incredible energy impact produced a huge roar, and the distorted part of reality suddenly faded away like a tide - it really looked like a person had his scalp broken, let out a scream, and then covered it up with his hands. That wound.

It was through such an outrageous method that Sly Beast successfully closed the subspace rift.

The bloody storm in the sky gradually stopped, and the surrounding rich chaotic energy was rapidly dissipating.

The restoration of the laws of physics made it impossible for the demons to maintain their bodies and disappeared like smoke. The influence of the evil god was completely driven out of the world.

The warp rift was like a fart whose scalp had been scratched, but Sly Beast's head was intact.


The orc commander who completed the mission gave Stern a thumbs up, but the latter was still in deep shock and could not recover for a long time.

She really didn't know what kind of monsters Wei Mu had raised.

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