I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 70 Bleed some blood

Wei Mu knew nothing about the concerns of the judges.

He is still tinkering with various things in the green leather factory at the rear, hoping to improve the strength of the orc army as much as possible.

Until one day, a big tech master named Green Finch suddenly shared a technology with him, and Wei Mu finally decided to officially start the third phase of the war.

That technology is ship splicing technology.

In fact, all the ships built by the greenskins have a spliced ​​back door, but the big tech masters didn't think about it, so they never knew about it.

And once they think about this matter, all the green-skinned ships can be spliced ​​together in a short time to form a super invincible giant battleship - the Battle Moon.

With such a powerful and explosive thing, he can go on that grand expedition with confidence and boldness.

Therefore, while Wei Mu asked the technician boys to start building the battle moon, he recalled the green-skinned troops who were chasing bugs everywhere in the star sea.

The formerly fierce Leviathan Hive Fleet was no longer important at this moment. He wanted to arrange a new round of combat missions for the greenskin army.

That day, more than 50,000 super-heavy-armed bosses were gathered in the square in front of the Oster Star Governor's Palace. Looking across, it looked like a vast green ocean.

This is a terrifying force that can shake the world.

Their military appearance is powerful, their momentum is overwhelming, and their extreme violence that goes deep into their bones seems to be able to destroy any great thing in this world.

The leader of such a violent army is an ordinary-looking human youth.

As soon as he spoke on the rostrum, the thousands of orc heroes below would immediately become silent.

"Brother Mao is the bravest warrior. I am very happy that we have won this war."

"After more than half a year of bloody fighting, the bugs have been driven out of this star area by us and fled into the void in a panic."

"You have once again proven your strength. Even the ultimate predator from the extragalactic galaxy is still no match for you."

"They can't eat you like food like other enemies. They are the losers who are thrown into the fields to enrich the soil - there is no force in the galaxy that can stop you!"

Wei Mu first praised the results achieved by the orcs in the past few days, initially stimulating their emotions.

"Yes, we are the winners, we defeated the insects!"

"Victory belongs to the greenskins and Brother Gomao. We are invincible, waaagh!!!"

The affirmation from Wei Mu made the orcs cheer.

Extremely excited, they roared one after another, and their power was enough to make the entire city tremble.

"But..." Suddenly, Wei Mu changed the subject, "Does this kind of battle alone satisfy you?"

Wei Mu's sudden 180-degree turn caught the cheering orcs below off guard.

They had obviously beaten away the bugs, and the armies of other gods were no match for them. What else could the Green Seer be dissatisfied with?

If it were any other orc warlord, his hair would have exploded by now, but Ironhide didn't make any move, he just stood aside and listened quietly to Wei Mu's account.

The Green Seer must have some big plan.

"I once promised you that I would take you to fight a mythical war, and now, this war is right in front of you."

Wei Mu continued to speak on the rostrum, and Jawa, the little man in robe, found the right moment and helped turn on the star map projection that had been arranged in advance.

In the vast starry sky catalog, a certain marked world was shining brightly, immediately attracting the attention of everyone present.

Judge Kuipman was secretly shocked when he saw this, thinking that the boy was really going to attack Holy Terra. However, when he looked carefully at the world in the star map, he found that it was a strange place that he did not recognize at all. Star area.

"That's... Tiamat." Kliptman muttered.

"Yes, Tiamat Sector." Wei Mu nodded, "Although the Tyranids are a group of outsiders, living a nomadic life of going and eating wherever they go, they still chose a world in the galaxy as their home. Base area, and this world is located in the Tiamat sector."

"The Hive Mind built a cone-shaped building spanning the continent on this planet called Ziafria. The thing was made of chitin and flesh, and it continued to release powerful spiritual energy to the outside world. Can scream."

"Although we don't know exactly what that thing is used for, its completion will definitely not be a good thing for many creatures in the galaxy. The activities of bugs will inevitably become more rampant as a result."

"So we have to attack the Tiamat Hive Fleet and completely destroy it before it is completed."

At this point, Wei Mu paused.

His eyes suddenly became sharp, and there seemed to be some kind of terrifying light shining inside.

"The Great Devourer spent thousands of years and invested countless precious biomass in order to complete that building. If we dismantle that thing for Him, do you think the Thousand-Armed God will feel pain or injury? , or even howl?"

Wei Mu's words shocked the thousands of orc bosses below.

Although the orcs are a warlike, confident, and naive race, no orc is arrogant enough to think that they can compete with the gods.

In their view, fighting with other gods is the business of Brother Mao, and they are only responsible for killing the boys in the families of other gods.

And now, their all-powerful shrimp green prophet actually wants to make a god-like existence suffer.

This idea is too waaagh! isn’t it?

The orcs knew that the greenseers had never failed them, and this time was certainly no exception.

At this moment, they only felt that the blood in their bodies was burning, and all of them became clear-minded, as if a line that had been disconnected for many years was reconnected.

Not only the orcs were deeply shocked, but also Judge Kuipman on the side.

Now he finally knew how Wei Mu was going to deal with the problem of the greenskins' excess combat power - this guy actually wanted to take these greenskins to kick the insect's hometown.

And judging from the current situation, the terror of the Hive Fleet has prevented all major forces in the galaxy from avoiding it, let alone actively provoking it. However, Tiamat's nest must be eradicated with the help of green skins. The power of power is really the best solution to the problem.

Not only does this matter have a beginning, it must be done.

"So, spread the word quickly. Tell every greenskin in the galaxy that their green seer is going to take them on a great mythical war waaagh! He needs all orcs with a height of more than two meters and four meters, Need all the bastards who know the multiplication table, and all the fierce stuff they have in their hands.”

Wei Mu said loudly.

"He wants to give a little blood to a god-like being."

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