Kaido's wound was torn open again, which was the scar left by Kozuki Oden back then.

Over the years, this scar has never disappeared or healed.

Kozuki Oden's men attacked this place again, and they felt that they had found the key point.

The skills they used happened to be Kozuki Oden's skills at the time.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts actually fell to the ground in pain, and blood continued to flow out. This time the serious injury seemed to be much more terrible than the last time.

"Your persistence seems a bit like that of Kozuki Oden."

"I always feel a dull pain when I think of that man. The battle of life and death many years ago. If something unexpected happened in those few minutes, I might be the one who died. 27"

Hundred Beasts Kaido raised his dragon head

"It's a pity that there will never be such a terrifying warrior in this world again."

Hundred Beasts Kaido showed no fear. He raised his head and towered over all the creatures. Although the blood was gradually flowing, he still persisted steadily.

All Kozuki Oden's men were stunned.

Even though he hit with all his strength, he didn't tear the wound into pieces. How powerful is this monster?

"Next, you fakers, just limit yourself to the power of this top-notch combat power."

Hundred Beasts Kaido gathered powerful power, and countless airflows were condensing the air in his mouth, with a death-like silence.

When he roared again, there was an endless violent wind, and every violent wind was like a sharp blade, The distant mountain peaks were cut in an instant

"Be careful, this is something called a sickle wind, and it is by no means an ordinary strong wind."

Denjiro shouted loudly, regarding this thing as a murder weapon. He didn't expect that this dragon could release such a sharp wind and kill incomparable enemies. At that moment, blood was also flowing, and a warrior's arm fell.

Xiaoju's arm unexpectedly It was chopped off. At that moment, he felt the pain, but still did not give up, trying to stabilize his body. When the soldiers saw this horrific scene, their eyes widened. Their companion's arm was actually chopped off. Coming down, it was something that shocked them.

A large number of fur tribe warriors were also affected, and countless enemies fell to the ground after being bombarded by the strong wind.

These fur tribe warriors could turn into moon lions, but they were severely injured one after another. It was a disastrous defeat.

The next step was to retreat. After all, the rough tribe only came to help, but it was very difficult to persist. Kaido of the Hundred Beasts looked like the front.

They still wanted to continue to persist. These people were indeed crazy.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido felt funny when he saw it. They would indeed be injured in the battle of life and death. This injury could not kill them at all. After all, they had a firm will.

After picking up the sword, they were ready to return again.

"The way of the samurai always has a spirit of mortality, but are you people really worth it?"

"Both Roger and Whitebeard have this kind of mentality, but you guys let me down, which is far worse than Kozuki Oden."

Hundred Beasts Kaido has finally transformed from the huge dragon form into a human form, proving that he has decided to be serious. At this moment, he is walking forward with a mace, and every step he takes is extremely powerful.

"Only death can make a person whole, right?"

"Let's settle it"

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