I’m A Baller

Chapter 268: Good man is me

  【A small piece of prawn meat contains countless thoughts, so delicious is not just delicious. You activate a mysterious reward]

  【Vegetarian Spoon】

  【One-time special reward】

  【Currently locked in Qiuli】

   [Explanation: Yu Qiuli is a careerist who aspires to become a strong woman. In her simple world view, striving for a career is a woman’s greatest safety, and she hates all housework]

   [Requirement: Let her personally make a meal for you, morning, lunch and evening]

   [Reward: The degree of deliciousness will be divided into four grades, bad reviews, fair, excellent, and explosive. 】

   [Bad review: no reward]

   [Successful: double the salary for breathing on the day]

   [Excellent: one of her skills has been improved]

   [Explosion: All the external points of you and her +1]

   [Note: This state is only valid before you have an intimate relationship with her, once it occurs, the state disappears]


   Wang Dashao's eyes suddenly rounded up, and he felt like a dog.

   If there were no such broken rewards, something that the people would love to see might happen tonight.

   Yu Qiuli’s favorability is re-sprinting to 80 points. Although the rate of increase is much slower than before, her favorability at the moment is obviously stronger.

  The so-called firmness can be understood as being less easy to fall off.

  'S previous rise in favor was caused by Yu Qiuli's various fantasies about Wang Yan in a relatively blind state.

   Wang Yan at that time was good with everything.

   is different now.

   After learning that Wang Yan has a girlfriend, Yu Qiuli will of course not be like that again...Uh, blindly impulsive.

   Of course, it is precisely because I know that Wang Yan has a girlfriend, and the accumulated goodwill makes him particularly firm.

   Being mentally prepared and not being mentally prepared are completely different things.

   In fact, the system is not considered. When we look at the relationship between men and women in reality, they all follow the same rules.

   Lovers who have gone through many trials and walked out of the trough hand in hand many times will have a strong relationship.

   The degree of goodwill between them is to repeatedly pull down and then pull up again, and eventually if they don't break up, it will remain at a fairly high level.

   This is human nature.

   Self-reliance is not easy, and external force is always needed to bond and consolidate.

   The stickiness was not good and it was crushed.

   So when Wang Yan was at 89 points, he frankly said that having a girlfriend is not a bad thing.

  Brother just like that, loves to walk, love to stay, no time to lie to you.

  Yu Qiuli immediately adjusted her position and adjusted her mentality.

   At present, the relationship between the two is very healthy, and there is no lies or deception.

   According to normal development, it is actually very possible that something will happen in the evening.

  Ran goose...

   It's all in the water.

   Before this prodigal lady succeeded in making a charity dish of at least [excellent] level, Wang Yan could not touch her.

   Can't tell which is lighter and which is heavy? !

   If you are lucky enough to be at the [Explosion] level, it can add beauty, body shape, and special points!

   Brother really wants to improve a little special points, see what changes...

   Well, curiosity, no other reason.

   After thinking about it carefully, Wang Yan immediately began to knock on the side: "It tastes good. By the way, can you cook?"


   Yu Qiuli is a little dazed, why is the topic unexplained?

   After thinking for a while, she replied vaguely: "How can I have time to study? You don't know how busy high school is."

   must be encouraged!

   "University is not so much, you can learn. There is a saying, if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach."

   "Isn't it the first to catch him...haha!"

   Yu Qiuli retorted and blurted out. Halfway through, she consciously failed to speak, and laughed.

   Wang Yan: ⊙▽⊙! ! !

   Are you trying to attract crabs?

is it? is it? is it? !

   If it was replaced before the new reward, Wang Yanzhun climbed up the pole and teased her harshly.

   It seems like no one can!

   However, the situation is complicated now, decent Wang can only be decent.

   "I don't usually have many hobbies, and food is one of the more important ones. It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer girls who can cook now. I can't figure out how to cook a dessert according to the recipe. It's miserable."

   The temperature was mild, and she sighed like a small chat.

   Ha ha, the hook is a bit straight.

   But to treat different people, they should have adopted different strategies. After Yu Qiuli heard it, she really took it seriously.

   "Really? Then your girlfriend can't cook?"


   Wang Yan shrugged, selling for thirty thousand is not polite.

   "Can't wash dishes. She has never been in the kitchen."

   Yu Qiuli's eyes suddenly brightened.

   "Then you still like her so much?"

   "The current liking has nothing to do with life, and who has no shortcomings?"

   Wang Yan is very open about this.

The disadvantage of   30,000 is that he is too persistent in artistic pursuits, and he is extremely restrained from Wang Yantian, and he is always worried that insufficient physical fitness will affect training.

   For her, the best state is to be with Wang Yantang, hug, chat and kiss but not drive.

   doesn't even do anything, just in a daze.

   No matter how Wang Yan develops, her physical needs are always light. As long as the spirit can be met, nothing else is important at all.

   Because of this, her soul is so full and interesting.

   In fact, based on her love for life, when one day, her body functions begin to decline, she is likely to fall in love with cooking, like a dance from the heart, thinking about what to make for Wang Yan every day.

   But that day was too far away, and now the 30,000 young ladies don’t bother to wash their bowls.

   In their dormitory, Lu Yuanyuan and Nawu will always wash the dishes, and the rest are all elders.

   In fact, Yu Qiuli dislikes housework even more, and also dislikes cooking.

   But the problem is, she came too late!

   As a latecomer, wanting to dig a wall with a hoe, of course it is to go straight to the opponent's Achilles heel!

  Wang Yan likes food, but his girlfriend doesn't know anything about it. God-given opportunity, is there anything? !

   spell it!

   Putting determination into a banner, inserted in her heart, Yu Qiuli started to inquire about thirty thousand things again.

   Wang Yan didn't want to say it anymore, for fear that it would hurt her enthusiasm.

   You can do your best, don’t think too much!


   Although Tang Pavilion is a Cantonese restaurant, the dishes are served in accordance with the rules of Western food, and the eighth dish is the staple food.

   Wang Yan smashed the fried rice, and slowly became Qiuli.

   The girl has a small appetite. She is full without eating two bites, wipes her mouth, and can’t wait to start replying to Moments messages.

   first block out those meaningless speeches that lick the dog.

   such as "good life", "come back", "I have time to ask you to eat Wangpin's steak", "Today is so beautiful" and so on.

   Then concentrate on dealing with the girlfriends.

   There are good friends and plastic sisters. What a shame, what a shame, is roughly this set of processes.

   was busy for a long time, glanced at Wang Yan, who was also playing with his mobile phone, and sent a WeChat message to a female classmate in this city who had a good relationship.

   "Lili, do you know where there is a pastry training class near the school?"

   "Huh? Snake disease? Why do you ask me suddenly?"

   "I had two great desserts, I was suddenly a little interested and wanted to learn and make it myself."

   "The eggs are delicious, why doesn't Lennon raise a hen by himself?"

   "Oh, just ask if you have any, where are so many strange things?"

   "Wait! Help you find out!"

   Yu Qiuli, who is extremely mobile, really saved it. Unfortunately, she really has no concept of cooking, so she went straight to the more difficult pastry to get started, fearing it might be cold.

   It doesn't matter if she is cold, but Wang Yan was so miserable after waiting.

   But there is no way. If you want attributes, you can only wait.

   went out to check out, only in early 4000, only 2000 yuan per person.

   went downstairs back to the hotel, and Yu Qiuli was pushed by Wang Yan to go swimming and SPA. The young and old waited for Wang Yunxi to report to work in the suite.

   In one month, Wangting Entertainment probably made more than 7 million profits.

   is mainly composed of three major components: reward sharing, turnover rebate, and advertising revenue.

   The reward share is only about 1/5. Of course, the 4 million that Mr. Wang used last time has been deducted.

   Wang Yan was a little surprised at this.

   "Oh, I have always thought that the main broadcaster is relying on rewards and meals, so the percentage is so low?"

   Brother Xizi smiled: "You said that was the show host, and it was a non-head show host."

   The so-called show host is about the "face value area" of Douyu today.

   is mainly in the form of singing and dancing, chatting and selling cute, and performing with wheat, and living by rewarding.

   The main categories tied to it are game anchors and outdoor anchors, which have fewer rewards and live by contract fees, opening Taobao stores, bringing goods, and receiving advertisements.

   The big stomach king eats and broadcasts, in fact, it can be considered outdoors. The reason for the temporary independence is that the industry is not standardized enough and the classification is not clear.

   The host of the show can eat commercial performances after the big fire, and Mizi Lingya and the others eat advertising fees, anyway they don’t rely on rewards.

   But the reward money is definitely not small money.

   At present, all big platforms aim at financing and listing, and strictly manage the show.

  The small platform only does show live broadcasts, so it is relatively indulgent.

   High-scoring girls, hi-chat elder brothers, bitter singers, and naked smugglers, show hosts with monthly incomes ranging from 100,000 to 500,000, and more than 100 platforms across the network, at least 300 numbers can be counted.

   If it’s the kind of Huangbo platform, the half-young can easily earn 30 million, and the anchor will share the other 30 million, which is a mustard exaggeration.

   There are no other kindergarten friends and fake brushes. Every time a house is investigated and dealt with, there will basically be a group of kindergarten friends who can’t get in the car shouting "It’s late".

   The overall market for live broadcasting this year is only more than tens of billions. The industry generally judges that live broadcasting will break out on the mobile terminal next year. By then, the situation will only be more exaggerated.

   Wang Yan is not very interested in how much money he can make, and only cares about how much money he can make.

   Brother Xizi asked cautiously: "There is a relationship at home and I need...huh?"

   Wang Yan nodded: "It's not a loss anyway, right?"

   It is indeed not a loss. Wang Yan brushed out more than 4 million last month, and the last settlement, he returned more than 360. If you count the increased influence, it actually made a profit.

   Of course, the conditions to play this way are more demanding, not everyone can.

   Brother Xizi calculated it and replied: "For the time being, 500 per month, when I train some new anchors, it can be quadrupled, no problem, but the platform must be dispersed and the family cannot be killed."

   That is 20 million, which is enough.

   "What's the matter with their advertising fees?"

   Mentioned this, Wang Yunxi was very excited.

   "The operation is very thoughtful. The traffic conversion rate of Weibo is not high, so we started to do the official account at the same time. The current situation is gratifying."

   "That's not bad, you can really get results, remember to raise the salary."

   Wang Yan nodded and ignored it.

   However, the big and young finally walked away. The current public account is actually a treasure that can transform a vast amount of money.

   Of course, it doesn’t really matter. The career belongs to Xizi Lingya, and the young and old only need the name.

   "Xiaoyan, do you transfer your money?" Wang Yunxi asked.

"On the dividend day, transfer it to you, and then call it to my account on a monthly basis, and then you will operate the account of Mr. Wang. From now on, I will charge some money in it every once in a while, and you can figure it out. "

   Wang Yan is divided very clearly.

   Legally, Wang Yunxi is the major shareholder of Wangting Entertainment, and Mr. Wang is just a big player on the platform.

  The platform is happy to see the result, and it is tacitly aware that the treatment that should be given will be given to Mr. Wang's account.

   On the other hand, they settled the flow with Wangting Entertainment according to special circumstances.

   After Wang Yunxi received the dividend, he slowly transferred it to Wang Yan, which was equivalent to invisible holding, and the specifics were not expanded. Anyway, there were many ways.

   All in all, Wang Yan can spend 500 each month in exchange for 450 legal income, and then after three months, get a company dividend once a month.

   Talking at 2:30, Lingya and the others arrived one by one.

  Wang Yan hugged them one by one, congratulations, and talked with them about body, sleep, parents and other parents. The communication was very harmonious.

   The body is not among them, no management is involved, it is purely personal friendship.

   Everyone is grateful to Wang Yan, and admire his charisma, so he is very docile.

   At 5 pm, everything that should be removed was removed and prepared for the live broadcast. Wang Yunxi and Wang Yan went to mix up Mr. Ai's meal.

   After Yu Qiuli came back from the SPA, she shut herself in the bedroom and tossed the suitcase.

   Finally, I wore a small dress style skirt. Tsk, the front is convex and the back is warped, I am almost struggling.

   In the end, Wang Yan went to a party with three people, standard size, dogleg, and Xiaomi configuration.

   Mr. Ai invited Mr. Zhang Delei, Mr. Zhang Delei, Mr. Zhang, the vice president in charge of advertising for Tenwo Food, the regional manager of Haidilao, the head of the advertising department of Throat, and a wholesale wine collector specializing in wine cellars.

   It can be seen that it is extremely targeted.

   Zhang has always negotiated with Wang Ting Entertainment for the advertising endorsement cooperation of UEC. Lingya and the others carry that stuff with them every day. Dagang can kill four bottles in one breath, and the advertising effect is good.

   The rest of the accompanying guests basically have advertising needs, and they are corresponding.

   Haidilao even wants to engage in the third big appetizer eating and broadcasting, the title is "Liu You Ruan".

   is funny.

  Wang Yan basically smiled and didn't say anything about his intention to cooperate. He only exchanged feelings with everyone~www.readwn.com~ whoever started to brag, just be a fan.

   When others asked about themselves, there was only one evasive line: "I'm so incompetent, young and immature. I don't understand what you ask."

   doesn't understand anything, whoever mentions the word "mine" will not say anything immediately.

   This attitude is more and more impressive.

   After a meal, nothing was negotiated, but Wang Yunxi could talk about it later, laying a solid foundation.

  The reason, Yu Qiuli did not figure out until the end of the game.

   But whether you understand it or not, the style on Wang Yan can be seen by people with long eyes.

   The beauty of the posture is a great contribution.

   doesn't speak, he is still handsome.

   went upstairs from the field, and Yu Qiuli suddenly asked to see the Bund.

   It's past 8 o'clock, and it's 10:30 after two turns, and it's 11 o'clock in the middle.

   Oh, the bedroom is closed!

   My God, what should I do? !

  The script is so bloody, everyone will edit the next development.

   However, Wang Yan smiled softly, and came up with a thoughtful expression of concern.

   "Let's go, you didn't drink less today, I will send you back to school and have a good rest."

   Yu Qiuli: (⊙?⊙)! ! !

  Brother dei, are you serious? !


   Wang Yan smiled and nodded. .

   A good man is me, and I am a good man.

   I am loyal to love and reject the most beautiful woman. My name is Wang Yan and I bring salt for myself.

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