I’m A Baller

Chapter 385: What are you going to give up

An Xiaofang glanced casually, and was immediately shocked by the handwritten font on the cover.

What a beautiful word!

Witch: Super power is out of control.

There are only six characters on the snow-white cover, half line and half letter, with a strong personal style and extremely impactful.

It is rare for young people to write such master calligraphy. Wang Shao’s tutor is much better than the average mine second generation.

Secretly admiring, An Xiaofang suddenly captured another detail

Under normal circumstances, the main title of the script is the title of the proposed movie. If it is not a series of movies, there will be no subtitles behind it.

And there was a colon behind the witch!

and so……

Is it a series? !

An Xiaofang finally raised some interest, and she had more expectations in her heart.

Turning to the first page of the script, I glanced briefly at it, and immediately concluded that the format was rigorous, and it was a real book, not a shit.

The first act, **** night.

Base room, night, inside.

The black agent stood with a gun, a child lying on his back, close.

One second later, the Secret Service pulled the trigger and fired at the children under his feet. Three muffled guns sounded.

The camera zoomed in on the child, his body twitched, his chest was bleeding, and his eyes were hateful but indifferent.

The child suddenly fought back, and the concrete floor at his shoulder shattered like a spider.

The captain made up the gun, hitting the child's forehead, vitality passed away, close-up.

The camera pulled back the captain.

The captain chewed gum (bloodthirsty smile): "If you don't want to die, just aim my head. Do you think they are scum like you?"


It's just the beginning, and the shock hits the face.

Simple, direct, and sharp, the style of the whole film is very strong.

And there was a hint of suspense in the tension, which made people look down impatiently.

A good script can directly form the picture, An Xiaofang quickly sketched the opening picture in his mind, and got goose bumps all over.


There is no such type of film in China!

If you hire a director who is good at composition and atmosphere rendering, the movie will give the audience a strong excitement at the beginning!

Regardless of the plot going forward, just look at the opening, this book is definitely above the standard line.

An Xiaofang couldn't help but raise her head to look at Wang Yan, nestled her body deeper into the sofa, and leaned against the back of the sofa.

"I have to watch it for a while, you guys talk about yours."

The previous contempt was an inherent thinking bias, but the current emphasis is her true level.

Wang Yan smiled and raised his glass: "Sister An, please."

An Xiaofang began to write the script seriously, and the more he watched, the more he became frightened.

The whole script is very complete in terms of structure and is not as mature as a novice work.

Especially the last big, An Xiaofang only has one feeling hearty!

That kind of mysterious and magnificent imagination is simply breathtaking.

For example, the witch’s lightning-fast kick (stable torso, body static, right foot kicking forward 4 times the special effect), Chen Xiao blasted through the wall (like a cannonball), flew ten meters horizontally, and hit the electromechanical box. Human-shaped dent, difficult and slowly raised his head.

This is Marvel, dc level of blows!

Because Hollywood blockbusters focus more on special effects, the witch has a chance to be better than action!

Especially the contrast between dynamics and statics is the essence of Chinese traditional culture.

If you can shoot well...

It will open up a new generation of action movies!

Strong style, outstanding selling point, controllable cost, high ceiling, sequel plan...

This film is worth doing!

The only question now is what Wang Shao plans to do.

An Xiaofang suppressed his excitement and turned to look at Wang Yan.

"Wang Shao, the book is ok. Is the investment quota determined?"

An Xiaofang was very calm, and Li Yixu did not see her actual attitude.

Wang Yan also failed to see through the real entertainment industry star, but he had confidence in his own book, or to be more precise, confidence in the quality of Witch's film.

There are so many problems in the original version, but it still explodes, and it has won an excellent reputation all over the world. As a senior producer in the industry, An Xiaofang can definitely see the value of the script.

What's more, Wang Yanmo's revised script is much better than the original.

It doesn't need to have much intelligence, just a normal movie fan. After watching the whole movie, he should always complain about the dissatisfaction, right?

Delete the places that cause strong complaints, strengthen the cool places, and look forward to the improvement of the cool but not cool places. What a simple thing.

Anyway, Wang Yan thinks that the new script is not procrastinating, but cool enough, and it's a good one.

Now, only a good director and a group of good actors are missing to realize it.

An Xiaofang would not be tempted by such a rare good book?

Whoever believes is stupid!

Wang Yan was confident in his heart, so he smiled calmly: "I don't know how to make a budget, but it is acceptable if it is less than 100 million."

Li Yixu was startled, and blurted out, "Brother, are you serious?"

"What's the joke about 100 million?"

Wang Dashao chuckled and asked, forcing the table to burst.

Although I can't dig out 100 million now, I am full of confidence!

Isn't it just 9 months of respiratory salary?

Isn't it just picking up a fifth of those two floors?

Isn't it just about licking your face to deceive He Miaomiao's small treasury?

If the system can be upgraded before December, there is no need to lie to Miss He, and it will be enough for four months!

An Xiaofang was stunned for a while, and after looking at Wang Yan deeply, the shock in her heart was beyond description.

Whose child?

With such a big tone, dare to invest 100 million in the first film?

After thinking about it, I revealed a little bit of truth.

"It's not so exaggerated. This film is handed to me. There are 34 million to 40 million, which is enough to get the best results, and another 60 million is used for marketing. New year files are not easy to grab, and a good schedule for summer files is more than enough."

Wang Dashao smiled calmly: "I guess it's pretty accurate, about 100 million yuan."

The other party is a big man, not easy to fool, can't stop pretending to beep.

Li Yixu had seen Wang Yan's arrogance when he held the Big Stomach King competition, but it was an investment with a relatively clear return, with controllable risks. It was completely different from the current situation, so his throat was dry.

"Brother, is it too risky? Movies are not the same as live broadcasts. If the filming is not good, 100 million may lose money."

"Then take it."

Wang Yan was still so calm, his words revealed his determination to move forward.

"If the domestic filming is not good, I can ask the Hollywood team to shoot. In short, the script I wrote personally, my best friend is the starring, it must be beautiful!"

The starring is a girl.

An Xiaofang and Li Yixu "understood that ~www.readwn.com~ this film is for admiration."

"Brother, you beep!"

Li Yixu gave a sincere thumbs up, and he had never seen such a seed of infatuation holding a woman.


No, my sweet lady in society seems to be praised this way too?

There are precedents, Wang Yan is not the number one.

Looking at it this way, Wang Dashao's behavior is not abrupt, at best he is rich and willful.

An Xiaofang thought more and began to evaluate the lower limit of the film.

Action movies are best at small fights, low investment, and controllable risks.

If you let yourself control the project and get the basic quality of the auction, it should be no problem to get 180 million box office.

With a production cost of 40 million, 120 million can be paid at the box office, and the marketing cost of 60 million is more complicated and inconvenient to discuss in detail.

But in short, the possibility of loss basically does not exist, you can vote!

Once the upper limit was sold, the box office exploded...

That is another masterpiece in his career!

An Xiaofang was tempted, and she never thought of getting in the car, because she couldn't save face and read the script.

However, the driver had the final say if the car couldn't drive.

Wang Yan really needs a good producer, but An Xiaofang is not the only one.

The last person who thought he could take advantage of Young Master Wang was Chu Hong. Now, President Chu is arranging to lie down on the list.

In order to stand up, Chu Hongshe gave some flowers to feed the hooligan.

President An, what are you going to leave?

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