Rebana said to Cliff: Be careful, they used the Salmonella Ape Madness Potion, which is a potion that can increase strength several times, but will lose its mind and become a monster similar to Salmonella Ape.

When Cliff heard this, he felt relieved. Although he had just killed a person, he still couldn't accept it if he was allowed to continue killing. But killing monsters, as a bounty hunter, he had no objection at all. There is still a little bit of joy.

Margery looked at Rebana and asked, How do you know this kind of thing? Have you seen it before?

Yes! Not only have I seen it, but I have also killed it! It's just that the one I met is much stronger than these two. Be careful, this monster is a bit tricky! Rebanna said, still not going up. means.

These two mutated Salmonella ape monsters are just perfect for Cliff to practice and let him master his current power. Once there is danger, he will rush to help immediately.

While looking at the battle situation, Pihou said to Rebana: Rebana, where have you seen such a thing?

You want to know where this thing comes from! Rebanna said directly.

Pihou nodded. He really wanted to know, but he was worried that Rebana wouldn't tell, so he could only talk a little bit.

You can ask directly if you have anything, and I will tell you whatever I can answer you. If I can't tell you, I won't tell you even if you ask. Rebana is very direct. He doesn't like to beat around the bush. Many things happen because of beating around the bush. of twists and turns.

This is what happened. When I was eradicating the Salmonella ape family, I found the experimental plan about the Salmonella ape family from a secret experimental base. I found that these Salmonella bacteria were created by a doctor named Marshall. .”

Later, I met a bandit group in McKee Village. The leader of the bandit group used the madness potion. After using the madness flower potion, the leader turned into a huge salmonella ape. These two were only half The lycanthropic Salmonella ape is not on the same level.”

Pihou said: In other words, this is all Marshall's work? Then we can use this as evidence to prove that there is collusion between the Caesarlu Thieves Group and Marshall.

Rebana was still very worried about Skin Monkey's thoughts: It's just that the potion was used. And you haven't been able to prove that the madness potion belongs to Marshall!

Can't you prove that Marcil is related to Salmonella ape? Pihou asked puzzledly.

Yes, I can prove that Marshall is related to Salmonella, but we can't prove that there is a direct relationship between the Madness Potion and Marshall, understand? Rebana's words were like a basin of cold water that wiped out the monkey's blood.

Cliff was brought with him by a boomerang because he came to the bar, so he had to pull out the thorn.

Salmonella Ape C rushed towards it. These Salmonella were indeed, as Rebana said, a group of brainless idiots who could only run rampant without any strategy, but his brute force was enough to kill the opponent. No intelligence is required, just brute force is enough.

Cliff tried to compete with Salmonella Ape C for strength, and he was knocked out, knocking over several bar chairs before he barely stopped. Rebanna frowned. He told Cliff not to be reckless, but he just didn't listen. He must have been hurt now!

During the battle, it was difficult to preach directly. If Cliff was distracted, he would only die faster.

Margaery also wanted to try the power of Salmonella Ape D. After seeing Cliff fly out, she wisely chose to fight against Salmonella.

Margaery faced the Salmonella Ape D who rushed towards her and nimbly turned around to avoid it. Then she grabbed the broken wine bottle and stabbed it in, causing the Salmonella Ape D to scream in pain.

Five wine bottles have been pierced into Salmonella Ape D's body. Salmonella Ape D's white fur is covered in blood, but his physical strength has not diminished at all.

Margaery became furious and stabbed Salmonella Ape D in the eye with a broken wine bottle. With Salmonella Ape D's scream, Salmonella Ape D fell to the ground.

Margaery shouted at Cliff, saying: Cliff, that bag, their key point is their head!

When Cliff heard Margery's cry, he quickly understood. Faced with the Salmonella Ape C, who had eight holes punched in his eyes, Cliff was almost at a loss.

After knowing the weakness of Salmonella Ape C, without the slightest hesitation, he first slipped around Salmonella Ape C twice. When Salmonella Ape C was stunned and fell, he directly inserted the military thorn through Salmonella Ape C's eye. . Salmonella Ape C died, but its struggle before death hit Cliff. Cliff flew out and was caught by Margery.

Are you okay, kid! Margery took the opportunity to taunt Cliff.

Cliff was very grateful to Margery for saving him, but what Margery said made him have no idea of ​​saying thank you. It's okay! Old woman!

Margaery is angry! She is only twenty years old, how can she be called an old woman? Mom, tell me clearly where you are old, otherwise, I will tear my hands apart!

Margery and Cliff were bickering and did not notice that the fallen Salmonella Ape D stood up again. Pihou was very happy that the two of them could kill these two mutated monsters. When he was chatting happily with Rebana, he found Rebana rushing out, and then he discovered the fallen Salmonella Ape D stood up and returned. He rushed towards Cliff and Margaery.

The skin monkey was frightened and shouted: Be careful! Margery, Cliff, run away!

Both Margery and Cliff saw Salmonella Ape D, but they had no time to react. Just as the two were waiting to die, Rebanna appeared in front of them, and with just the strength of his body, he punched Salmonella Ape D away.

‘A defective product like you is worthy of shouting? ’ Rebanna said as he looked at Salmonella Ape D flying upside down.

Rebana walked towards Salmonella Ape D who fell to the ground, took out the death revolver from his arms, pointed at Salmonella Ape D's head, and pulled the trigger. With a loud noise, everyone in the bar exclaimed, and Salmonella Ape D also died.

Only then did Margaery realize that Rebanna was very strong, very strong, stronger than anyone she had ever encountered. Rebanna is so strong when he's far away!

Cliff puffed out his chest and said, Now you know how powerful it is! If Rebanna had taken action, these gangsters would have been lying down long ago. This also gives me a chance to practice. Otherwise, I can drink and dance as I please.

Cliff walked away from the wine table. He was a little injured in the fight just now, and now he needs to sit down and take a good rest.

Margery was very angry at Cliff's pride. What's so great about him? It's not your strength. It's all Rebana's strength. She said it as if you were very powerful.

In order to regain her position, Margery said: What! They are all a bunch of trash, I haven't had enough of them yet!

Come! Come! Is there anyone else who can fight with me!

Margery shouted, watching a red-haired man walk in the door. She hated people with the same hair color as her, because her mother told her. Her father's hair is the same as hers. She never had a good impression of the father who abandoned him, and she also had no good impression of all red-haired people.

So he shouted loudly: Do you dare to fight with me?

Rebanna looked at the door. He looked stupid. The fiery red hair and the cloak stained with red blood were red, Lord Red Wolf.

Pihou also noticed the red wolf and was excitedly preparing to rush over to stop Margery's yelling. Cliff had never seen a red wolf before, and when he saw Margaery yelling, the red-haired man in front of him felt a little stronger, so he helped: Beat him, you're welcome, Margaery, I don't think you dare to do it.

When Pihou heard this, he felt his head buzzing. You two idiots dare to mock Lord Red Wolf. It's over. It's over now! The majesty of Lord Red Wolf cannot be trampled on, and these two people are destined to die. When Pihou thought of this, he fainted from fright.

Lei Banner also felt his mouth was dry. When he first saw the red wolf, Lei Banner did not have the ability to perceive. His ignorance of power made him unable to understand danger and fear. It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but now Lei Banner Na can sense part of Red Wolf's strength. If Rebanna is a small river, Rebanna only feels that Red Wolf is a Yellow River, or the Yellow River in flood season.

And the strength was even worse. Rebanna felt fear for the first time, and his left hand couldn't help shaking. Lord Red Wolf was angry, he was going to kill someone!

Red Wolf glanced at Margaery, who was walking towards her, and said, I hate puppies barking everywhere. If you want to bark, please go to the yard and bark, okay? Red Wolf's tone seemed to be pleading, but there was a hint of An irresistible deterrent.

Rebanna walked up to Red Wolf, stopped Margery, and said in a trembling tone: Red, Red Wolf, Sir, please let Margery go! She just has a brain twitch!

Red Wolf glanced at Rebana, and Rebana felt like he had fallen into an ice hole, surrounded by coldness. Are you teaching me how to do things?

With just such a sentence, Rebanna felt the energy and blood in his body boiling, and he couldn't say a word. Rebanna didn't understand what was going on. There seemed to be invisible fists attacking him around him, and his perception also lost its function at this moment.

Rebanna knelt down on one knee. The feeling continued. Rebana felt that he was a small boat in the sea. A big wave was enough to sink him to the bottom of the sea.

Cliff also rushed up. He was far away and did not hear what Rebana said. He only saw Rebana falling to the ground. He forgot about the difference in strength and rushed towards the red wolf. Rebanna could still hold on without being unconscious, but Cliff fell on the road halfway through the rush, while Margaery had been unconscious for a long time.

Rebana tried hard to stand up, but found that there seemed to be a heavy weight on his shoulders. Finally, the heavy weight disappeared. When the red wolf patted his shoulder, Rebanna fainted.

When Rebana woke up, he was already in the yard outside the bar. Next to her lay Margaery and Cliff. Rebana woke the two of them, and Cliff followed Rebana in despair, without saying a word.

But Margaery rushed back to the bar angrily! Want to seek revenge from the red wolf. Asshole! You stinky man, I'm going to punch you away!

Saying that, Margaery rushed to the bar. Only then did Cliff wake up and asked: Rebana, who is that person? Does such a person really exist in this world?

Rebanna said: He is Lord Red Wolf, the greatest bounty hunter in the world, the strongest bounty hunter, bar none.

Cliff looked at the bar stupidly and said, So this is Lord Red Wolf? He is indeed the strongest bounty hunter.

Rebanna and Cliff walked to the bar. When Rebanna and Cliff walked in, they saw Ai Geli saying to the red wolf, Hurry up, let's show off!

Red Wolf held the wine glass without even raising his eyes. He just said coldly: It's in the way! Get out of the way! After saying that, Margery flew out. Neither Rebana nor Cliff saw Red Wolf take action.

Margery let out a scream and fell to the ground, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. The red wolf left and left behind a sentence that completely shattered Margaery's self-esteem: What a barking puppy... If you don't get rid of this bad habit, Paishi won't find anyone to raise you! good boy.

Neither Rebana nor Cliff dared to stop Red Wolf. Red Wolf only used his momentum to suppress the two of them tightly, leaving no possibility of movement.

It wasn't until the red wolf left that Rebana dared to walk towards Ai Geli.

Ai Geli wiped away the blood on the corner of her mouth and said: Beast! Rebanna, I want to go on an adventure with you. We want to become experienced and invincible bounty hunters. One day, I want to kill him with my own hands. That guy Red Wolf flew into the sky.

Please! Take me on this adventure!

Rebanna nodded. This was not the time to provoke Margery anymore. Okay! We can go on adventures together, but what we have to do now is to find evidence of collusion between the Caesarlu Thieves and Marshall.

Margery slapped her head and said, It's all my fault for this red wolf, making me forget all important things!

Liu Biao walked to the bar and asked, Boss, why does Lord Red Wolf want you?

The bar owner was immersed in the great glory and said: Lord Red Wolf, you took the initiative to talk to me and asked me about the Caesarlu Thieves Group. It's great! With Lord Red Wolf, Odo Town will definitely be able to restore its former glory. appearance.

At this time, Pihou was also woken up by Cliff. Seeing that the three of them were fine, Pihou felt relieved and taught Margaery a lesson: Sister, that's Lord Red Wolf, how could you treat him like that? It’s rude, but luckily Mr. Red Wolf didn’t blame him, otherwise we would be dead!”

Margaery was still unconvinced and said coldly: It's just a red wolf. I will teach him a lesson sooner or later.

Rebanna was very puzzled and asked: You seem to have a big grudge against Lord Red Wolf! Can you tell me? Why do you hate him so much?

It's nothing, it's just that he has red hair! Margaery said.

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