Rebana stared at Brian Joyce with murderous intent overwhelming him. Brian Joyce felt as if he had fallen into water and could hardly breathe.

Brian Joyce's face turned pale, and he opened his mouth to shout desperately, but no words came out. He could only struggle desperately in the hope of awakening a little compassion from Rebanna. Margaery looked at the struggling Brian Joyce, thinking about her oath, and finally said: Rebanna, let him go first, I have something else to talk to him.

Rebana threw Brian Joyce to the ground. Rebana did not want to kill Brian Joyce. All of this was just an act to show Margery. He used the method of sensory deception to deceive him. Brian Joyce's perception made him really think that Rebana was going to kill him.

Brian Joyce could finally take a breath and breathed in the air greedily. He thanked Margaery deeply and said, Don't kill me! I can tell you who the mastermind of these is. Within the Bounty Hunters Association, There is also a traitor, it’s true, this is a big traitor, you must believe me.”

Rebanna frowned. His perception told him that Brian Joyce was deceiving him. Unexpectedly, instead of finding the lie, he found other information.

You are very good! Brian Joyce, it seems that you are not just a simple undercover, you should have a very good status among the undercovers! Rebana snorted coldly, and then said: Tell me now , what are you hiding?

Brian Joyce lowered his head, very afraid of Rebanna. Rebanna's perception was simply that of a monster, and there was no way to hide all the secrets in his heart.

I told the truth and didn't hide anything!

Rebana snorted coldly: You're not hiding anything? Brian Joyce, let me ask you, what's going on with Kames? Why did he come here? What is his purpose?

What exactly is the uploaded data? Aren't you going to explain it clearly?

Brian Joyce still thought that he could get through it. As long as he could upload this data, he could offset Gomez's anger. If he could create news of his own death in this accident, that would be even better, but , Rebana's wisdom made his chessboard fail.

At this moment, he understood that he had to choose a position between Rebana and Gomez, and there was no chance to be a mere wallflower, fawning back and forth between the two sides.

Gomez's threat is relatively far away, and the one he has to deal with now is Rebana. If Rebana cannot know the truth, he will definitely kill him. He could completely feel Rebana's murderous intent.

Say it, I'll tell it. Brian Joyce couldn't hide it anymore. Cames is here to find the real Kent Wells. Kent Wells is the undercover agent who came with me. My mission is to steal confidential documents, and his mission is to steal Marshall's A special tool developed on the first floor of the pharmaceutical laboratory, a wrench key.

The wrench key is a smart chip developed by Marshall. It can decipher any electronic door lock and open all doors. With the wrench key, you can explore Tokyo Tower and find the computer that controls the satellite. Once you gain control of the satellite, you can Being able to have satellite attacks, at that time, not even the Red Wolf could compete.”

Rebana was dumbfounded. All of this was something Rebana had never thought about. Is everything you said true? What is a satellite, and what does the so-called attack look like?

Brian Joyce shook his head and said: I really don't know. I only learned about this when chatting with Kent Wells. He just said that with a satellite control system, you can control the world. ability.

Rebanna said with a gloomy face: Continue!

Brian Joyce: Kent Wells was not willing to be inferior to others. He tried to have the wrench key for himself and dominate the world alone. I pretended to obey him and secretly betrayed the information to Mr. Gomez and Mr. Cames. It should be for this purpose.”

Rebana pointed to the BS machine in his hand, and then said: What is this information, and why does Gomez want to get it?

Brian Joyce said: Mr. Gomez wants to gain the power of immortality, and Marshall's research is for immortality. These materials are all Marshall's human experimental data, mixed with some experimental data of drugs. As well as the formula of the medicine. These data are not perfect, but the data in it is enough to form a special force, and Mr. Gomez plans to name them, the King of the Undead.

When Cliff heard this, he was completely confused. It turned out that all this was not simple. Hidden under the deep sea, there was actually such a giant shark.

Margaery was also dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do. There was a spy inside the bounty hunter. Who should she look for for help?

Rebanna turned to look at Margaery, pointed to the BS machine in her hand, and asked: Margaery, what are you going to do? Do you plan to continue uploading these data?

Margaery didn't know, she didn't know at all. She felt like she was in a quagmire. No matter how hard he tried, he would only sink faster. Crossing her arms, Margery sat blankly on the roof, looking at the bodies of the dead injected birds on the roof. She felt that she was one of them and that she would die inside sooner or later.

Cliff wants to comfort Margery. This feeling of being helpless is really uncomfortable. There is no one you can trust, everything you do is wrong, and everything you think is just is deception.

However, Cliff didn't know how to comfort her. Could it be that I had the same experience as you? I originally thought about inheriting the family business and proving my talents to my father, but it wasn't until later that I discovered that the so-called The name of genius is a play his father put on, and his talents are all fake.

The business talent that he was proud of was just a huge stage play that his father asked people to help him create. He was as complacent and arrogant as a fool. Anyone who thinks he is the smartest is actually just a fool who has been played and applauded.

Cliff just thought about it and gave up. He did not tell his embarrassing story, but stood beside Margaery and said: Don't worry, you still have friends like us. Whatever, we will be with you. You carry it together!”

Margaery looked at Cliff, what could a bitter, self-centered bastard say?

Rebanna also came over, squatted in front of Margaery, and said, Don't worry! We have everything under control! Let's do it together! Make the choice you think is right!

Rebanna placed the BS machine in front of Margaery, and then said: I choose to continue uploading, what about you?

Margery looked at Rebanna stupidly, wondering, this is obviously a scam, why should it continue? Why? Are we going to help Gomez?

Cliff said: I also choose to continue uploading!

Margery looked at Cliff again, wondering why Cliff made this choice. Why? Are you laughing at me?

Cliff replied: I'm not in the mood to laugh at you, Margery. I choose to believe Rebanna. He must have a reason for doing what he does. I don't want to think about it. I choose to believe him. This is mine. Answer.

Margery looked at Rebanna, hoping that Rebanna would give her an accurate answer.

Rebana said: This is a scam, a scam by Gomez, and a scam by us to Gomez.

What we have to do now is to eliminate Marshall and save the people of Odo Town. In this matter, we and Gomez have the same purpose. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, although I really want to kill Gomez. , but now, we need to cooperate with him, so we don’t need to expose this scam.”

Margery stared into Rebanna's eyes, looked at the determination in his eyes, and asked, Do you have any good ideas?

There is no good way, but if you don't do anything, there will be no results. Rebana smiled, looked at Margery and continued: Since Gomez deceived you, why not do the same? Deceive Gomez once, one deception costs him his life, pay for his sin with his blood.”

Margery fully understood Rebana's plan, stretched out her right index finger, and clicked on the BS machine. The data began to be uploaded again. The upload speed was very fast. In less than a minute, all the data was uploaded.

Rebanna stood up and said to Brian Joyce: 'What are you going to do, continue to follow Gomez, or choose to help us? If Gomez knows that you have rebelled, you will not have a good life. Live it! ’

Brian Joyce is a dog who is afraid of death, begging Rebanna to take him in and protect him.

Rebana said: I can fake your death so that Gomez won't know that you are alive. If you persist for a few years, you can live an honest life after Gomez dies.

How about it? What's your choice?

Brian Joyce said without any hesitation: I am willing. I am willing to follow Mr. Rebana. I will become Mr. Rebana's loyal dog and produce Gomez for you.

Rebanna nodded: Yes, you are a person who knows the form. Since you have chosen to be loyal, I will not let you die in vain.

Tell me! Where is the real Kent Wells? Take us to find him. Since he chose to betray Gomez, I think he should have got the wrench key by now!

Brian Joyce said: I don't know this yet, but the samples of the wrench keys are stored on the underground floor. We can go and take a look.

Let's go! On the underground floor, look for the wrench key. Rebana said.

Cliff stretched out his hand to help Margaery up, but Margaery slapped her away.

I can stand up on my own!

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