Margaery and Rebanna arrive at a secret base in the Bounty Society slums of Odo Town. Rebana sat opposite Margaery, both of them were a little tired after running around all night.

Margaery was holding a water glass and sipping the water in small sips. After only resting for a while, Margaery asked Rebana: Rebana, let's bring Cliff and Brian Joyce back first! Your ideas are indeed very constructive, but you You have overlooked a very serious issue, you do not understand the internal situation of the Bounty Association.

Rebana listened to Margaery's words and closed his eyes to rest. He was really exhausted from running around all night, so it would be better to rest while he had some time than to close his eyes and rest. What's going on? Aren't there just a few spies inside the Bounty Association?

Margery shook her head with a somewhat lonely expression. There was still fatigue on her face, which was nothing compared to the sadness in her eyes.

The thing is like this. After Sun Yiming died in the battle, the Bounty Hunter Association in Odo Town split. Now the Bounty Hunter Association in Odo Town has successfully split into three parts, namely Hester Sam, Morse Hamilton, Flynn Crowder.

Hester Sam owns a large number of tanks from the Odo Town Bounty Hunters Association, and he is considered the most powerful person in the Odo Town Bounty Hunters Association.

Morse Hamilton is in charge of the logistics of the Odo Town Bounty Hunter Association. Most of the supplies necessary for the battle and the medicines needed for the battle are in the hands of Morse Hamilton.

Flynn Cloud has very high popularity. As long as Flynn Cloud agrees to attack Caesar in Odo Town, 70% of the bounty hunters in the slums will respond.

It's just that Hester Sam, Morse Hamilton, and Flynn Crowder don't trust each other. They all think that the other is a traitor. No one can provide evidence. They bite each other. The three of them We have no contact with each other anymore. I am from Flynn Cloud's faction. At most, I can convince Flynn Cloud, Hester Sam and Morse Hamilton, but I have no confidence.

Rebanna still had his eyes closed, and he quietly thought about what he needed to do. There wasn't much time for Rebanna to think now. The longer time passes, the more dangerous Cliff and Brian Joyce become.

After a moment of silence, Rebana asked Margaery: How sure are you of convincing Flynn Cloud?

Margery said: Only 60%!

Rebanna thought to himself: Is there only half a chance? I didn't expect the situation in Odo Town to be so complicated. I originally thought that as long as the traitor was found, I could attack Odo Town and conquer the lost territory. I didn't expect that the Odo Town Bounty Hunters Association would be such a mess.

Rebanna did not continue to wait in place, Cliff was still waiting for him, standing here doing nothing, then there will be no results! Margery, let's go find Gomez's men.

Margery asked doubtfully: Do you have a way to solve the current chaotic situation of the Bounty Hunter Guild?

No! Rebanna answered truthfully.

Since there is no way to solve it, why go to them? Margery was very puzzled. She thought that Rebana's decision was wrong. If she really went to find them, it would not help at all, and it would make Ke Reeve lingers in danger.

Rebanna, we should go rescue Cliff and the others immediately! Margery said again. Your plan is really not feasible!

Rebana glanced at Margaery, nodded and said, Can we go find Gomez's people to inquire about the situation, and then go rescue Cliff and the others? As long as we are fast enough, it will only take less than an hour to go back and forth, no. There will be no problems.

Margery hesitated, lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, and then said: Okay! Find Gomez's men first, and then immediately rescue Cliff and the others.

Margery was wearing a black cloak that wrapped her whole body tightly. Rebanna followed Margery, also dressed in the same way.

In a small shabby house in the slums of Odo Town, Margery sat in a dark corner, and Rebanna followed Margery with her aura hidden.

The two have already contacted the people from the Gomez Thieves Group, who asked Margaery to wait here.

The waiting time was not very long, more than ten minutes.

The door of the small shabby house was opened, and light entered the small shabby house. The light failed to shine on Margaery. The corner where Margaery was located was a corner where light could not be found.

The door of the small shabby house was quickly closed again, and the surroundings entered darkness again. Through perception, Rebanna realized that the person was Gomez's subordinate Varu.

Rebanna did not take action hastily, but was more careful to hide himself. Having fought against Varu, once discovered by him, it would be very dangerous.

In the darkness, Margery spoke first, her hearty voice echoing in the darkness, saying: Are you from Gomez?

I am Gomez's number one confidant, Varu! Varu said boastfully.

Margaery snorted coldly and said sarcastically: Isn't Gomez's number one confidant Cames? When did you become Varu? You will really put gold on your face.

Margery couldn't see Varu's expression. If she could see it, she would definitely find out how furious Varu was at this time, almost eating Margery alive.

Varu had to endure Margaery in order to cooperate and for Gomez's plan to destroy Marshall, but in his heart, he had already regarded Margaery as a dead person. When the plan is over, I will kill you as soon as possible. Varu thought so.

But when it came to his mouth, the words changed their taste: I am indeed Mr. Gomez's number one confidant, but what I do is more hidden, so you don't know how powerful I am.

Seeing Varu's tendency to brag, Margaery immediately interrupted: 'Come on! I'm not interested in hearing about your deeds. The purpose of my coming here is very simple, which is to unite you to launch an attack on Odo Town. ’

Varu hated Margaery so much that she didn't give him any chance to show off, and even interrupted the rhythm of his speech. Sooner or later, this ugly woman will make you unable to live or die.

Of course, when are you going to attack? We will send people to support you. Varu said.

Margaery followed what she and Rebana had discussed long ago and said: 'Tonight, we will raid Odo Town. With the help of night, the battle can be resolved before dawn. ’

Varu waited for a long time and found that Margery did not continue to speak. He asked doubtfully: It's over? Is this your entire plan?

Margaery asked, Isn't this a good enough plan?

Margery's rhetorical question surprised Varu and left him speechless. After being shocked for a long time, Varu finally said: Do you consider such a plan a good plan? When will the attack take place, and how will the encounter be handled? Also, how will you deal with the spies within your bounty hunter?

Margaery was silent. He really hadn't thought about these things, and it wasn't entirely pretending. She hadn't thought about many things carefully. Her thoughts have always been simple, just contact Gomez's people and launch a counterattack against Cesar's people.

Then what do you think we should do? Margaery was a little disappointed, as if the world was against her, and everything she did was not going well.

Varu glanced at Margaery in the darkness. She lowered her head and could only see a little shadow. Regarding this woman who made her unhappy, Varu was ready to torture her again, saying: How do I know that you really plan to conquer Odo Town? Are all bounty hunters such a bunch of idiots?

beg me! Kneel on the ground and beg me! Varu was immersed in the fantasy of smashing himself and couldn't extricate himself. He thought Margaery would beg him on her knees to help these feeble-minded bounty hunters.

Margery's answer made Varu dumbfounded.

Margaery stood up, her body trembling a little, waved her black robe, and then walked out the door, saying as she walked: As expected, as Flynn Cloud said, you are not really willing to help, you just want to see Let us perish together with the people of Caesar.

Since you are not willing to help, then our cooperation ends here! Margaery had already held the door of the small shabby house with her hand, really ready to leave at any time.

Varu did not speak. He firmly believed that Margaery would turn around. The bounty hunters in Odo Town had been oppressed for too long and would definitely try their best to eliminate Caesarru. This is deceiving him, this woman will definitely stay, this is all a scam, it must be like this.

Margery had already opened the door of the small shabby house at this time. Margery was also worried, worried that Varu would not let her go back. All this was a gamble. Margery wanted to go back, but Rebana She told her that she must leave without hesitation. Only in this way will Varu help them without reservation.

Margaery stepped out of the small shabby house, and finally Varu couldn't hold on anymore. If Margaery really left, the joint operation he planned this time would be ruined. After returning, Kames didn't know what kind of tone he would use to ridicule him. Thinking of those dirty words, Varu wanted to keep Margery even more.

Wait! Margaery, who told you that we didn't cooperate sincerely?

Margery looked back at Varu. She won the bet, but she didn't smile at all. Still saying coldly: What's wrong? Are you really sincere in helping us? Then show your sincerity and see! To be honest, I don't have much trust in you.

Varu did not argue with Margaery, but took out a plan book from behind and said: This plan book was originally intended to be in harmony with the plan you set up, but you just let it go without the plan book. Then use what we made! Come and take a look! You will understand what the plan is!

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