Bellocq Chelsea's guard lifted the manhole cover of the sewer and showed a victorious smile to Cliff.

Cliff pulled out the death revolver that Rebana gave him from his arms, with a dark and slender barrel, and hurriedly shot at Belloc Chelsea's guards. The powerful recoil of the Death Revolver caused Cliff to fly backwards, his arm spasming and unable to use any strength.

If Belloc Chelsea's guard wanted to dodge the shot, he only had to dodge to the side, but in this way, Cliff would have the opportunity to rush forward and stop him from going into the sewer.

Belloq Chelsea's guard just turned slightly sideways, and the bullet from the Death Revolver penetrated his arm. His left arm was broken, and blood dripped down.

He had already lost a lot of blood, and his current situation was even worse. Belloq Chelsea's guards did not mind how many injuries they suffered. According to Belloq Chelsea's instructions, he would wake up the monsters in the sewers at all costs. As long as he could wake up the monsters in the sewers, he would do it even if he sacrificed his life. One arm was not worth mentioning, but the excessive blood loss and the pain of a broken arm made him almost pass out.

Now is not the time to be unconscious. The monster in the sewer must be awakened first. Bellocq Chelsea's guard poured a pill into his mouth. In just a moment, his pale face turned a little red, but the bleeding in his arms and abdomen continued.

Cliff struggled and rushed towards Belloc. Chelsea's guards tried to push him away, not giving him a chance to go down.

Belloq Chelsea's guard said with a ferocious smile: You have no chance! Belloq Chelsea's guard jumped into the sewer.

Brian Joyce saw that the danger was gone and then walked out. He stepped on the sewer manhole cover twice and made sure that Belloc Chelsea's guards would not come up. Then he asked Cliff: Is the monster in the sewer manhole covered by Did Rebanna kill him? Why are you still trying so hard to stop him?

Cliff smiled and said: You don't understand this! If I let him approach the sewer entrance easily, he will definitely be suspicious and even guess that the monsters in the sewer have been eliminated. At that time, he may If you change your mind, what if you take out some grenades and blow up the warehouse?

Brian Joyce nodded, his clothes looked like this: You are really bad!

Am I bad? Cliff asked.

Brian Joyce nodded one after another and said: He is so bad that he even deceives a dead man.

Cliff was very happy. He didn't think that Brian Joyce was scolding him when he said something bad. Instead, he felt that Brian Joyce was complimenting him when he said bad things about him. Hahaha! Not bad! Forget it by cheating to death! I've been cheated by people a lot!

Brian Joyce waved his hand quickly, took a step back, and said, I didn't lie to you! You know my sincerity!

Cliff looked disgusted and said: Don't be disgusted with me. Look at the position. If someone rushes over and destroys the warehouse, you and I will both die!

Bellocq Chelsea's guard was sitting in the sewer, looking at everything in front of him in pain. The monster in the sewer was actually seen in several pieces.

Ah! How could this happen! How could it happen!

Bellocq Chelsea's guard had already been seriously injured, and all he could hold on to was his breath, and if this breath was gone, his death would come. Belloc. The Chelsea guard was very regretful. It would have been better if he had thrown a grenade in the warehouse before coming down.

Things didn't work out, he fell down in the sewer unwillingly, and a small area of ​​the sewer was stained with blood. The blood flowed to the body of the dismembered monster. The monster's corpse seemed to come to life, slowly moving towards Bellocq Chelsea's guard and possessing him.

Outside the sewer, Margery rushed out of the warehouse with a group of people. Cliff are you in there?

Cliff heard Margaery's voice and said: 'I'm here! Be careful, I've set a trap. ’

Brian Joyce walked out of the warehouse at this time and brought everyone into the warehouse.

Margery looked around, made arrangements for everyone, prepared to set up defenses in the warehouse, and said: Where are you going? Go to the commanding heights...

Brian Joyce had something to say, but kept his mouth shut.

Seeing Brian Joyce hesitate, Cliff asked directly, Brian Joyce, if you have something to say, just say it directly. We are all our own people here, don't hesitate.

Brian Joyce was familiar with Cliff, and with Cliff speaking for him, he spoke out boldly. Stop arming the warehouse!

Margery frowned after hearing Brian Joyce's words, and was about to reprimand Brian Joyce when she was stopped by Cliff. Cliff waved to Margery and asked her not to interrupt Brian Joyce.

When Brian Joyce saw that Margery didn't speak, he continued: I sense there is danger here. I don't know what the specific danger is. It's best to set up defenses outside.

As he spoke, Brian Joyce took the map from Margaery's hand and marked several locations on the map. If you want to defend the warehouse, as long as you occupy these positions, no one will be able to rush into the warehouse.

We have deployed defenses inside the warehouse. Once we are attacked by heavy weapons, the interior of the warehouse will be annihilated immediately. Our deployment will be meaningless.

After listening to Brian Joyce's explanation, Margery felt that what he said was right. Margery listened to good opinions and immediately rearranged her manpower to occupy the area marked by Brian Joyce. Prepare defenses at several points.

Seeing Brian Joyce still frowning, Margaery asked, Do you still sense danger?

Brian Joyce nodded.

Where does the danger come from? Margaery asked.

Sewer! Brian Joyce frowned even more tightly.

Margaery wondered: What's in the sewer?

After hearing what Brian Joyce said, Cliff also felt bad and said: There is a monster in the sewer, but it has been killed by Rebanna. It's just that one person broke through our defense and entered the sewer.

Margaery didn't have the ability to perceive, but she still believed what the two said, and asked: Do you mean that the person who went in could resurrect the dead monster?

Brian Joyce shook his head and said, I don't know, but there is a sense of danger.

What should we do? Brian Joyce, tell me? Margery asked Brian Joyce for his opinion.

Brian Joyce said: There is no good way. We can't send people down. If the monster is really alive, as many people as we send down will die. The best way is to equip all the weapons in the warehouse , transport them all out and store them in a safe place.”

Margery said: 'This is impossible. The war outside is not over yet. Seeing the equipment being transported out at this time, it is very likely to be blown up. ’

Seeing that Margaery was unwilling, Brian Joyce said nothing more.

Margery looked at Cliff and asked, What do you think, believe Brian Joyce and move everything out?

Cliff turned to Brian Joyce and said, Do you think it's safer outside than in the warehouse?

Brian Joyce curled his lips and said: My senses tell me that the open space outside is safer than the warehouse!

Cliff then turned to Margery and said, I heard it! Then hurry up and move the things out!

Margaery couldn't believe her ears and said, Do you believe him?

Cliff nodded and said, Why don't you believe it? I've been here with him for almost a day, and Brian Joyce's perception is correct. It's all thanks to Brian Joyce that I survived. Naturally. You have to choose to believe him! Besides, what he says makes sense.”

Margaery no longer hesitated and said: Since you choose to believe in him, I also choose to believe in him. I hope you are right. You should understand the importance of this warehouse.

Someone move all the weapons and equipment out!

Margaery brought more than fifty people, of whom more than twenty were assigned to guard the main road, while the remaining people were transporting equipment out. Brian Joyce dismantled most of the traps outside, which speeded up the efficiency of transportation.

Half of the weapons, equipment and medicines in the warehouse were shipped out. Margery said to Brian Joyce: In ten minutes, the remaining equipment can be shipped out.

Brian Joyce said to Cliff at this moment: Run! Run quickly! The monster is out!

After saying this, Brian Joyce had already run away. Seeing that Margery was still hesitating, Cliff pulled her and ran out. Just as the three of them rushed outside, the warehouse collapsed and a five-meter-tall salmonella ape appeared.

The Salmonella Ape looked up to the sky and roared, grabbed the discarded steel in the warehouse with one claw, smashed it against the remaining buildings of the warehouse, and then continued to smash other things with his hands. In less than two minutes, the giant salmonella razed the warehouse to the ground.

Those destroyed weapons continued to explode, leaving blood marks one after another on its body. Blood stained its body red.

Margaery looked at these destroyed weapons and medicines, her heart was bleeding, these are all treasures!

The salmonella ape stuck out its scarlet tongue, licked the wound, and stared at everyone present with its blood-red eyes like searchlights. It stood up again and walked towards the crowd.

The huge body of the Salmonella Ape gives me a strong sense of oppression. You are afraid of everyone.

Brian Joyce pulled Cliff and told him to leave quickly. This monster was not something they could deal with. Cliff said: Everyone grab their weapons and attack the monster.

Cliff's voice awakened everyone, and everyone took up weapons to attack the Salmonella Ape.

Not far away, Morse Hamilton came over carrying Rebanna on his back.

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