I'm driving a chariot in the apocalypse

Chapter 66 Counterattack 15

The silence of midnight was broken by a gunshot, followed by the roar of chariots and cannon.

Odo Town woke up from silence in an instant, like a child who had been noisy for a short time after birth and could not calm down.

The Bounty Hunter Guild launched a charge. Under the cover of tank fire, it effortlessly broke through the first line of defense in Odo Town. Everyone stopped as planned, but the Bounty Hunter Guild just stopped. There was another explosion in the town of Odo.

The sounds came and went, as if multiple places were being attacked at the same time.

Varu led an elite team to wait in a secret base in Odo Town, a two-story building.

On the second floor, Varu sat in a rocking chair, listening to the sound of explosions coming from a distant direction. He stood up and said to the elite team guarding downstairs: Let all the lurking people take action to create Chaos, after creating enough chaos, come closer to me.”

There are only twenty people in Varu's elite team, but these twenty people are like steel knives, no one can stop them along the way.

Kaiserlu is a sturdy middle-aged man with white hair on his temples and a burly body like a bear.

He could hear the explosions in Odo Town. Kaiserlu knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he did not expect that this day would come so early.

Caesar has only been in charge of Odo Town for less than two years. Listening to the explosions one after another, he understood that his two-year rule was coming to an end. He didn't have much resentment in his heart, or he had been waiting for this day to come.

In Odo Town, he has never taken the initiative to develop Odo Town. The men he gathered are all gangsters who only know how to eat, drink and mess around. Such a group of people cannot build Odo Town. Thinking about his original ambition He had great ambitions and wanted to develop Odo Town into a better city than before, but all of this happened in a blink of an eye. A joke blows in the wind.

When Marshall came to him, he promised him that he would rule Odo Town. Kaiserru agreed without any hesitation.

Caesar believes that he is trapped in the slums because of the Bounty Hunter Association. If he is allowed to be the master of Odo Town, he can bring greater development to Odo Town.

However, everything was just a scam. Caesar took the medicine given to him by Marshall and became stronger. However, his whole person also had a bad reaction and he could not resist Marshall's orders.

He took his brother and settled in Odo Town. The land was desolate and full of corpses at first glance. The once wilderness oasis had become an abandoned garbage dump.

Monsters roamed the city, and Caesar saw hell on earth. At this time, Caesar realized that he was wrong, a big mistake. His selfishness destroyed the town of Odo, and he was the sinner of Odo town.

When he received the news from Belloc Chelsea, Caesar was as happy as a child. His nightmare was about to end. The Bounty Hunter Guild would take over Odo Town again, and Odo Town would regain its reputation as a wilderness oasis. .

Marshall has never thought about properly governing Odo Town. As long as he keeps experimenting and transporting people there, he is a devil and a perverted murderer.

Kaiserru once went to see Marshall. In Marshall's laboratory, there was a processing plant specially used to process discarded experimental materials. All corpses, human and monster, agreed to be thrown into a huge pit. Special liquids are poured into them, which can dissolve the corpses and turn them into disgusting and stinky raw materials. Finally, these liquids are directly discharged into the sea.

Having seen hell, I miss the human world immensely.

Kaiserru felt very sad. He thought about the Bounty Hunter Guild returning to Odo Town, but he was worried that his failure would be thrown into the treatment plant and become a puddle of stinking blood.

Caesar was lost in thought, and his younger brother suddenly said to him: Boss Caesar, what's wrong with you? What should we do now?

Caesaroo knew it was time to end, just as the red wolf said. He was really a man so powerful that it was scary. Even if he had a secret weapon, he would never be the opponent of Red Wolf.

Thinking of the red wolf, he wanted to laugh a little, but he was just a stupid man!

Those we can't defeat, let's end it like this! Let's all run for our lives! Kaiserlu issued the final order. After listening to this, the younger brother knew that Caesar had no faith in fighting, and was like an old man waiting for death to come.

The younger brother left, taking Caesarru's orders with him. The members of the Kaiserlu Thieves Group on the battlefield all lost the belief in fighting. They had no belief in fighting at the beginning, but after receiving Kaiserlu's order, they completely collapsed.

These thieves from the Caesarlu Thieves Group were like rabbits, driving chariots and running outside the town of Odo. Before escaping, they were doing another thing, robbing.

In order to live a more comfortable life after escaping to the slums, they had to rob a large amount of supplies.

Odo Town has fallen into hell again, and scenes of tragedies are happening. Caesar is sitting on the third floor, holding a red wine glass in his hand, and there is a young bunny girl beside him.

Rabbit, why are you still here? Why don't you run for your life? The bounty hunters from Odo Town are here, and you can't run away! Caesar still had a little fondness for the bunny girl who poured him wine. After all, I have been following him for almost a year, and I have some feelings for him.

Why don't Lord Caesar leave? the bunny girl called Bunny asked.

I am a sinner and need to atone for my sins. Besides, the Bounty Hunter Guild in Odo Town will not let me go. I can't run away. The most important thing, Kaiserlu did not say out loud, is that he has nowhere to go. , if you go to Marshall, the town of Odo will definitely be turned into a pool of blood because of the loss.

In the hands of the Bounty Hunter Guild, he had no chance of survival. The people in the slums also hated him so much that there was no place in the world that he could find a home.

Tutu filled Caesarulu's red wine glass with wine again, and stood honestly beside Caesarulu, without saying a word, just standing aside and waiting. It seemed like he was waiting for someone, or like he was spying on Caesar.

Caesar looked downstairs. This was an elite force of only twenty people. Their outfits were not those of the Bounty Hunters Guild, but those of the Gomez Assassination Unit.

Gomez's people? How could they be Gomez's people?

Caesaru didn't quite believe his eyes. Was he going to die in the hands of the Gomez people? It was just a moment of panic, and soon Caesar figured it out.

That’s right! The current bounty hunter guild did not have the courage to attack Marshall, and it was only possible with the instigation of Gomez's people.

That's fine. If you die in the hands of Gomez's people, you will at least have the title of thieves and thieves. You will not be killed by the bounty hunter guild and bear the infamy. Although the infamy is certain, it would be better if you think about it less. OK

Kaiserru turned to Tutu and smiled, saying: Leave quickly! It's Gomez's thieves who are here. They are not bounty hunters who are easy to talk to. You will be in danger if you continue to stay here.

Tutu lowered her head and said nothing, not knowing what to say. For the first time, she felt remorseful.

Kaiserru didn't notice anything strange about Tutu. He took out a bag of diamonds from the safe. This was what he had left behind during the robbery. He was about to die now. There was no use keeping these things. He might as well give them all. Rabbit.

Tutu took the diamond with trembling hands: What are you doing? Lord Caesar, this is too precious. I cannot accept your gift.

Take it! Tutu, thank you for taking care of me during this time! I am going to die, and there is no use holding these things. Leave! Leave from the secret passage in my room. If you go out from the secret passage, you can go directly to the outside of the city. . Kaiserru said as he pushed Tutu away.

Tutu turned back three times in one step. Kaiserlu thought that Tutu couldn't bear to leave him, so he grinned and said, Let's go! If it's a little later, we won't be able to leave!

Tutu left, and Kaiserlu's heart dropped completely. All he had to do now was wait for Gomez's people to arrive.

Pour the last bit of red wine into the glass. The wine is as red as his blood. A generation of heroic Caesar is about to reach a dead end.

Varu led the assassination team to Caesar's room. In the three-story building, there was no one except Caesar.

Are you ready to accept death? Varu looked at Caesaru. In Caesaru's eyes, he could not see any fighting spirit or desire to survive.

Everyone will die sooner or later, it's just that I was a little early. As he said this, Caesaru drank the red wine in one gulp and waited for Varu to end his life.

It seems that you have really figured it out! Varu continued: In that case, just give that thing to me! I will let you die peacefully, and I can also leave you a cemetery.

Caesar looked at Varu, with shock and fear in his heart. He asked Varu: How do you know that thing?

Varu grinned and said: Is there anything else that I don't know? Caesar, you'd better hand it over! This way you will suffer a lot less!

Caesarus seemed to have seen a madman and said: What are you crazy about? Do you know how terrifying that thing is?

Of course I know. It's because I know its horror that I want it. It's a dispensable toy. What do I want it for?

Varu became a little impatient and said: Kaiseru, hand it over quickly, or I will waste some time and get it myself. You should understand that I have this strength, and there is no comparison between you and me.

There was murderous intention and fighting spirit in Caesarru's originally lifeless eyes. His momentum was rising and he decided to fight Varu to the death.

Varu shook his head and said: What's the point of doing this? You are just a thief. Is it necessary for this thing? Just leave it to me soon?

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