The sky-blue Tiger chariot climbed up the hillside, like a tiger occupying the top of the mountain, declaring its ownership of the mountain forest, condescendingly.

Rebana sat in the tank and looked around through the screen on the console inside the Tiger tank. The Tiger's Watts Nelke II control system has a thermal sensing system. Able to explore the surroundings through heat sense, the exploration range is a circle with a radius of one kilometer.

Looking at the red dots on the console screen, Rebanna said to the Watts Nelke Type 2 control system: System, alert the surroundings and issue warnings at any time.

The thermal sensing system can detect all surrounding heat-generating creatures, and the Watts Nelke II control system can classify danger levels based on the heat emitted. As Rebanna said to alert the surrounding area, the Watts Nelke Type 2 control system automatically expelled non-threatening creatures. On the screen of the control system, there were only two red dots around.

One is a mosquito tank driven by Cliff, and the other is an off-road tank controlled by Margaery.

Cliff received Rebanna's message and stopped the chariot. Cliff still didn't quite understand why he had to stop. After all, Rebanna had said before that he needed to rush to the agreed upon location as soon as possible.

What's wrong, Rebana, have you encountered any trouble? Our luck seems to be really bad. Not long after we came out, we encountered problems. Cliff glanced at the man who was getting off the off-road vehicle. Margery, feeling that Margery seemed to be looking at him, quickly turned her head and looked at Rebanna.

Rebana took note of all Cliff's performance. Turning his head and looking at Margery again, Margery seemed not to have noticed Cliff's feelings for him yet. It's a headache. Rebana doesn't know how to deal with it. He is not very proficient in emotional matters.

What made Rebana even more troublesome was that Cliff's father sent him a letter. Rebana really didn't know how to tell Cliff. He didn't want to care about it at first, but Cliff's father helped him. He, and this bad old man, also adopted Ashley as his goddaughter.

Whether in terms of family ties or emotions, Rebana owed Cliff's father. It's not Rebanna's character to know a favor but not repay it. However, as a brother, Cliff, he really doesn't know how to persuade him.

So be it! Take one step at a time, Rebana thought, and Margaery walked up. Her complexion was not good, there was no blood on her face and she looked very pale.

Cliff said to Margery: Are you okay? Your face looks ugly. Margery, do you want some hot water? I'll get it for you. Cliff's face was full of concern, but He didn't feel it, Margaery didn't seem to want his attention.

Margery grabbed Cliff and said to him: I have nothing to do and I don't want to drink hot water. Just stay here honestly. Don't be so attentive to me. I don't like this. Do you understand?

Margaery said it very directly, Cliff lowered his head and didn't know what to say. Rebanna patted Cliff on the shoulder and said, Go get water! I want to drink!

Cliff took this opportunity to return to the Mosquito to get water. Where the landlady and Margery couldn't see him, Cliff kept stamping his feet and pounding the armor of the Mosquito tank with his hands.

Rebanna said to Margery: Are you saying that too directly? He is only sixteen years old and is still a naive child. A young man, if you are in love before you return the favor, you will hit him. If it's because of Afraid, he may be afraid in the future.”

Margaery said, Does that have anything to do with me?

It's too cold! Rebana was a little unhappy with Margaery's attitude. He is at least...

Margery was extremely angry, and her pale face was flushed, because she was angry. Do you want to say that he saved me? Then I really thank him! Do you need me to use my life to repay him? Or do you need to pledge yourself to me?

Rebanna didn't know why Margery was so angry. He couldn't understand it and asked with doubts: Why? Margery, why is this? I can't understand your anger. I can feel it in your words. Hatred! Margery, Cliff saved you! You may not like him, I can understand that, it is your freedom to like someone or not.

But why do you hate him? He saved you after all! Do you still want to be hated by you after saving you? I can feel your murderous intention, Margery, what are you thinking about? Lei Ban Na's tone was very stern, and Rebana had murderous intentions towards Margaery.

Once Margaery takes action against Cliff, Rebana will not hesitate at all. The three of them can be considered comrades-in-arms, but emotionally speaking, Rebana will abandon Margaery.

Margaery actually started sobbing and sat on a stone on the side, tears streaming from her eyes. Rebanna, you don't understand my current mood at all.

I really don't understand how you feel, but tell me and let me understand! Rebana looked at Margaery and said, If you have anything to say, just say it! We are friends, at least let me know what you are thinking!

Margaery stopped crying and spent a while to calm down. She clenched her fists and stared at the small rocks in front of her. I lost my memory. All my memories stayed in the moment I separated from you, in the cheers of everyone who conquered Odo Town. I just slept, just slept, Rebanna, you Understand, I just took a nap.

Boss Flynn Cloud is dead, and my brothers are also dead. I went to ask Locke Quill, and my team of brothers who blocked the hound robot. I am the only one alive, but what about me? I don’t even remember, I don’t remember the names of those brothers, I don’t remember this, can you understand?” Margery roared hysterically.

I betrayed all my brothers and survived alone. I lost my memory and forgot their glory. I was the only one who knew about their heroic struggle in that sniper battle. I should have proved it for them and promoted their deeds, but I forgot No, I don’t remember that battle, I don’t remember all this.”

Everyone is telling me that there is this thing, but I have forgotten it. Can you understand? Rebana, I am a betrayer, I abandoned all my brothers, I abandoned those who were with me Comrades in battle.”

Margaery's head lowered, her nails dug into her flesh, and blood slid down her palms to the ground.

Rebanna could not understand this pain, but he could feel Margaery's current pain. Rebana looked at her silently, not knowing what to say. At this moment, Cliff, who was hiding behind, came back.

While hiding behind, Cliff heard what Margery said. He didn't expect that Margery would be in such pain because of him. Cliff handed Rebana a kettle and said: Rebana, your water.

Cliff broke the embarrassment and did not continue to talk about Margaery. Instead, he asked Rebana: 'Why did Rebana suddenly stop to rest? Didn’t you say that you should rush to the agreed place? ’

After taking the water and taking a sip, Rebanna said: We have saved a lot of time along the way. If we continue at this speed, we will arrive early. As for the people of Varu, we don't need to be so attentive. Just arrive on time. alright.

Cliff nodded and said: Rebana, I still don't quite understand why we want to find Varu. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. You should understand what I mean. After all, they are Gomez's people. I don’t want to have much to do with them.”

Rebanna nodded and said: I don't want to have too much to do with them, but the current situation does not allow us to do so. The Bounty Hunter Association in Odo Town no longer has the ability to fight against Marshall. Just rely on us alone. It's impossible for an individual to deal with Marshall, and as much as I hate to admit it, that's the reality.

Cliff hated to admit it, but it was reality.

And we don't have much time. Once Marshall launches an attack on Odo Town, it will be devastating. The tragedy of Odo Town will be repeated in the slums of Odo Town. This time, in addition to contacting The more important purpose of Varu’s people is to find out about Marshall’s movements and provide information to everyone in Odo Town.”

Rebana said, and a noisy siren disrupted Rebana's thoughts. Without thinking much, Rebana hurriedly ran towards the Tiger tank.

Cliff was not slow in his movements. When he heard the siren, he ran towards his mosquito tank. Margaery also heard it and ran towards her off-road vehicle. Soon Margery and Cliff were in the chariot.

Rebana moved very quickly, running towards the chariot, entering the interior of the chariot to see what happened, all in one movement. On the screen of the console in the Tiger tank, Rebana saw a red dot.

Change the thermal monitoring program to remote clear mode. On the screen of the tank, a clear picture appeared. The picture was of a blue car. There was a machine gun on the top of the car. It looked like a Gatling gun.

Rebana called out the BS machine and used the information reserve in the BS machine to find out what kind of monster this monster was - a reconnaissance machine gun vehicle. A monster made by Marshall, it was an unmanned reconnaissance vehicle specially used for reconnaissance.

Rebanna controlled the Tiger tank's secondary gun at the console to aim at the reconnaissance machine gun truck that rushed towards them. After taking aim at the reconnaissance machine gun vehicle, Rebana did not hesitate at all.

Bullets poured out like a torrential rain. The window of the reconnaissance machine gun truck was broken in an instant. The control system in the reconnaissance machine gun truck was scanned. The reconnaissance machine gun truck malfunctioned and his speed dropped significantly.

But the reconnaissance machine gun truck made a strange siren sound. When he remembered this sound, Rebanna had a bad feeling in his heart. Gatling gun bullets were pouring out, and the reconnaissance machine gun truck was blown up, but the sense of crisis in Rebanna's heart had not disappeared.

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