Rebana held the Dicktui Eagle in her arms and walked quickly along the route drawn by Grandma Anli on the map. Grandma Anli's routes are all small roads. There are not many people along the way, and running along the way will not attract the attention of other people.

Rebanna didn't know why Grandma Anli was so kind to him. He buried this question in his heart and waited until he got the sweet spring water to go back to Grandma Anli to ask for details.

There was really no time to continue the conversation. Rebana could feel the weakness of the poisoned woman. If he continued to wait, he might get back the sweet spring water, but the woman would also die.

After spending so much effort, how could he let this woman die in vain? He must find a way to save him, especially since Rebana had a strong feeling in his heart that this woman would tell him many useful things. These things are very important. If they are missed, Rebanna will regret it for the rest of his life.

Rebana was very fast and covered most of the town in a few minutes. He saw the Sweet Lake surrounded by Marshall's men on the west side of Rock Town. On the map, this place is indeed marked as a sweet lake, but when Rebanna looks at it from a distance, it is just a piece of dry sand. As the wind blows, he will accidentally eat a big mouthful of sand.

A hundred-man troop was stationed outside the Sweet Lake. Everyone in this troop was very strong. Everyone seemed to have been transformed. They were much stronger than those who had only used the strengthening potion once.

There is a large area of ​​tents on the top of the Sweet Lake. These tents are unevenly distributed, seemingly chaotic, but there is order in the chaos. Rebanna jumped to the roof of the three-story building and hid in the darkness of the roof to observe. Looking at this camp.

Rebana didn't dare to show up directly. He was worried that someone in the camp was observing the surroundings, especially this three-story building, which could observe the camp below very well. Logically speaking, this three-story building would expose the camp and guard the camp. The people would have forcibly demolished the small building to ensure the secrecy of the camp, but Marshall's people did not do that.

Rebanna didn't recognize that this was Marshall's guarding the camp. How stupid it was. This should be a trap. If you want to peek into the camp, the three-story building will definitely be the first choice. As long as you dispatch people to monitor the three-story building at all times, You can detect most crises.

Just like when people have a focus in their eyes, they can better discover things, and this focus was deliberately placed by Marshall's people. People in Marshall don't care about other people's feelings at all, and the lack of a three-story building won't be any hindrance.

It's a trap, but depending on who steps on it, if that person is a master, chances are everything in the trap will be stolen.

And Rebanna is really a smart hunter, destroying traps is his specialty. Rebanna looked down from the three-story building. Everything was as he suspected. In Marshall's camp, someone was specially monitoring the three-story building.

Rebana was hiding in the darkness of the three-story building. He could see everything in the camp, but the people in the camp could not find him. In a short time, Rebana had a clear picture of the general situation of the camp. Too much hesitation prompted the illusion, and it was like the camp had passed by.

Rebanna's illusion skills have long been perfected. When he walked into Marshall's camp, no one noticed him. Rebanna had no time to linger here and went directly to the largest tent. Rebanna sensed that there was someone in the tent. He Don't dare to rush in directly.

The tent was suddenly opened and no one was seen, so everyone knew something was wrong.

Rebana turned to look at other tents, found the cook, and stole fire and some oil from him. As the flames burned, the tents burned in a short time.

The sound of a fire came one after another, and everyone went to put out the fire in a panic, but the people guarding the big tent did not make any movement.

Rebanna was very confused, how could these people not make any movement? what happened!

Several minutes passed, but there was still no movement. Rebana could only light the big tent on fire. At this time, the people inside finally made some movement. A man walked out of the tent. Rebana took advantage of this gap and slipped in.

There are a total of eleven people in the tent, including the one who went out, twelve people. These people are not ordinary people. They are very strong. Although they are not as strong as Lei Banner, two or three people join forces and Lei Banner can instantly It will also be difficult to escape.

Rebanna is here to steal the spring water this time, so naturally he cannot be discovered by these people. Once they fight, it will be very troublesome.

In the tent, a person suddenly said: Someone is coming in!

The remaining ten people looked around and found no one, saying: You are mistaken! There are only a few of us here, no one else!

The speaker sniffed and smelled something different: No! Someone has come in. My nose can't smell it wrong. Someone has come in!

We really didn't see anyone else. There are only eleven of us here. Ah Gou, could it be the smell of smoke from a fire outside? You smelled it wrong!

The man named Agou smelled it carefully but found that the smell had disappeared. He was also very confused. Could it be that he smelled the wrong smell?

Rebana let out a sigh of relief. Eleven more people were using illusions at once. This was also a big burden for him. They were still at such a close distance. He thought that it would be fine if he couldn't see him. Who could Come to think of it, there is actually a dog nose in it.

When the dog's nose was talking, Rebanna used illusions to hinder the dog's nose from detecting the smell.

After the dog's nose stopped talking, Rebanna took out the prepared bottle and stole a bottle of sweet spring water. Fortunately, the sweet spring water was full, and Rebana only had to reach out to put the water into the bottle. This would be a real trouble if the sweet spring water needed to be pumped out of the well.

Just when Rebana was getting water, there were faint ripples on the water. Rebana wanted to cover it up, but his ability could only go so far, and it was too difficult to cover it up.

When Goubi was wondering why his nose was wrong, he noticed ripples in the well water. He immediately thought of a possibility and without further ado, he attacked in the direction of Rebana.

Rebana continued to dodge. Fortunately, Goubi only knew the approximate range of Rebana and could not pose a threat to Rebana.

When other people saw the dog's nose punching the air, they were also confused: Ogou, what are you doing?

The dog's nose only touched Rebana once in a fight. After that, he could no longer catch Rebana. He was very anxious and said in his heart: Quick! Guard the door of the tent. There is someone in the tent. Don't let him escape!

Goubi spoke very anxiously, and the other people didn't understand what Agou was doing, but Agou's words still made several people immediately guard the door to prevent Rebana from escaping.

Gouzi continued: Don't take it lightly! This person must still be in this tent, don't let him escape!

Rebanna really couldn't deal with the illusion of so many people, and wanted to escape quietly, but the door of the tent was surrounded by three people again. Although the remaining people were still confused, they still followed the dog nose and chased Rebana at once.

These people began to explore at the door, and gradually explored the surroundings bit by bit. It was a carpet-like search, not giving the slightest chance, and gradually compressing Rebanna's activity space.

Trying to dodge close to a person's face is simply a dream. This person's attacks have no rules. It is too dangerous to dodge close to one's face. Moreover, where one person sweeps, the other will continue to sweep. , just don’t give Rebana any chance to take advantage of it.

Most of the space in the tent had been cleared, and Rebana was forced into the corner at the other end.

This is when someone asked Gouzi: Agou, are you sure there is really someone here?

Agou said: I believe I really have someone. This person is very strong, and he is also proficient in the ability to be invisible, and he is very skilled. When I fought with him, I bumped into him once, and then I couldn't see him anymore. People.

Just as he was speaking, a person had already approached Rebana. Rebana did not hesitate at all. He punched out, directly hitting the person's vitals. This person did not catch your guard at all, and was beaten by Rebana. Instant kill.

With the death of this person, everyone's hearts were in their throats. There was indeed a very strong person here who could also become invisible.

The leader of these people said: This guy should be the captain of Gomez's assassination team, Cames. Be careful, this guy is very strong, don't be careless.

He shouted in the earphone: Lao Jiu, that bag of flour is coming in!

Rebana heard that he wanted to bring in flour, which made it even more troublesome for him to use illusions to confuse everyone's eyes. Flour is coming from the sky. The illusion simulates flour. Rebanna has not done such an experiment yet. It is very likely that he will make a mistake and be caught by these people.

They didn't dare to stay too long and had to fight their way out before they could react to Gulai.

Rebana moved very quickly. The most important thing to attack was to punch. This punch was very powerful. If the man was not prepared, Rebana broke his neck directly.

These people have been transformed by Marshall. If you want to kill them, you can only start from the neck, otherwise it will be difficult to kill them.

Rebana was very fast, and with his invisibility, after one person was missing, the others were tightly protecting their necks. At this time, Rebana seized the opportunity and rushed out.

He forcibly kicked the man at the door away. At this moment, the other people reacted, knew the general direction of Rebana, and attacked Rebanna.

Fortunately, Rebanna was well prepared and escaped from the big tent with the force of the attack.

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