After Ah Jiu divided the team into three teams, he numbered the teams accordingly. Ah Jiu was in Team No. 1 and walked into the No. 1 passage.

Xiao Shi's team was designated as Team 2 and took Channel 2. Agou's team was transformed into the Sanhao team and took the No. 3 channel.

Xiao Shi's No. 2 team moved very slowly. Hours did not hide anything. After entering the second channel, he told his team what they were going to face.

I don't want to scare you, but I want to tell you that this eradication mission can not be completed casually. We have encountered very powerful people this time. They must show their determination to die. Ten is pretty good to his men and doesn't want them to become cannon fodder.

Captain 10, are you kidding me! How could this be a very dangerous mission? We have to kill bounty hunters several times a year. There is no need to worry about such a pastime!

Xiao Shi went up and gave the man a slap in the face and said angrily: I'm not joking with you. Everyone, please cheer up. You must be very energetic. Remember!

The person who was beaten also looked confused. Captain Hour, the calmest captain, would actually hit someone, and under such circumstances. Captain Hour, what happened? Why do you feel like a different person!

Vanish had a gloomy face, his eyes were full of nervousness, and even fear: What happened? What can happen, that is, Ah Si is dead, Ah Wu is also dead, that's all, nothing! It's just one life.

Captain Hour, you said Captain Ah Si and Captain Ah Wu are dead? How is that possible? They are cadres! It is impossible for them to die. Cadres are so powerful. You must be teasing us on purpose!

He stared at this person with his young eyes, slowly opened his mouth, and the words popped out one by one, saying: Why should I joke with you? Do you think this joke is funny? Or do you want to try it? die?

When I was young, those who originally had the mentality of catching rabbits swallowed hard. Bear Shi's expression on Shi Zi'ao was too scary.

Cheer up, everyone. This man is not the bounty hunter you have encountered before. This is an extremely dangerous monster. We don't have much information about him yet. We just know that his name is Ray Banner. You guys It’s best to remember this name, lest you die without knowing who killed you.”

Shi was very nervous, and his abilities were not suitable for combat. He was more of a backup, but in the current situation he had to take action, but Rebanna was too strong, and he might not even have a chance to run if he encountered him.

In order to survive, he must make these people nervous, otherwise no one will survive.

The only information we know about Rebanna right now is that he can become invisible and is very strong. We don't know anything else. Keep your spirits up. This bastard is probably by our side.

Captain Hour! You said he is already with us?

It's very possible! I'm not sure! Please be careful!

Everyone in the elite team looked at the dark passage and felt that there was a man-eating tiger inside, or an invisible man-eating tiger.

By the river, the crocodile will look like a piece of dead wood. At least you will see the dead wood and be a little wary, but here, you can't see Rebana at all. The tiger seemed to be ready to reach out at any moment.

2 The five members of Team 2 held flashlights and illuminated the long corridor. There was no one there. It was so quiet that it was scary. They could still hear each other's breathing. Suddenly, someone seemed to hit their backs. He was so frightened that he quickly turned around and found that it was one of his own who accidentally hit him.

Be careful! This can kill someone! As soon as he finished speaking, he felt someone strangled his neck and was being stretched out to the corridor little by little.

He struggled and called for help, but he couldn't make a sound. His teammates had already picked up their guns and pointed them behind him. The gunshots were loud, like New Year's firecrackers, and bullets poured out and hit the man behind, but there was no sound of being hit. The bullets flew far away and landed on the far wall of the corridor.

The wall on the far side of the corridor was shattered and fell with a crashing sound.

The man who was pulled away was even beaten into a sieve by bullets. The bullets were very dense, and opportunities covered all corners. Rebanna was definitely hit, and even killed by bullets.

This idea came to nothing when they were changing magazines. One person felt that his neck was being strangled and he was being dragged deeper into the corridor.

Help! Help me! Help me!

Shi held the headset and shouted: Support, hurry up, everyone, support! Enemies are encountered in Channel 2, enemies are encountered in Channel 2, hurry! Hurry! Support! Support!

Hours shouted for support, but he was changing magazines in his hands, and another round of bullets was poured out. All the bullets were emptied, but the person who was pulled away was also killed. The bullets in the gun have been fired, but he is still pulling the trigger. This is really terrifying. He can't see where his opponent is at all, like a ghost, and his teammates are constantly being dragged away.

When he was young, he was frightened. He wanted to escape, but he had to escape. Just as he turned around to escape, a figure appeared behind him.

Ghost! You are a ghost!

Rebanna smiled and said: Yes, I am a ghost, a ghost who demands life! Are you ready to hand over your life?

Speaking of Rebana, Dick pushed the Eagle and cut the hour's throat. Hours was hacked to death without even a chance to take action.

The remaining three people were also frightened out of their courage, shouting Ghost and wanted to run away!

Also behind them, another person appeared, and another Rebana appeared. How can there be two identical people? What's going on! Ah!

In fact, these three people stood still and didn't move. Their courage was broken, and Rebanna hypnotized them all and pulled them into the hallucination.

In reality, the three of them stood still and were killed one by one by Rebana.

Rebanna picked up the headset he used when he was young and put it to his ears, listening to the conversations of several people. With this headset, he could quickly know the movements of these people.

Agou from Team No. 3 was closest to Team No. 2. Hearing Shi's cry for help from Team No. 2, he rushed over immediately.

Child, you have to hold on! Don't let anything happen!

Agou prayed in his heart that he must hold on, but the smell of blood was very strong, which made his heart sink to the bottom of the sea.

Rebana! I must kill you!

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