Ah Jiu led Team 1 to rush to Channel 2. The speed of everyone was not very fast, even a little slow. The air was filled with the smell of death, and the smell of blood was so strong that it made people vomit.

Everyone in Ah Jiu's team was dumbfounded. They could only see the corpses left by their own people along the way, not a single corpse of the bounty hunter. If the body was taken away by a bounty hunter, it would be okay. The problem is that there are no traces of dragging at the scene. The blood is flowing on the ground and no one has touched it.

The people from Ah Jiu's team held flashlights. The flashlights of five people illuminated the corridor as bright as day, but the front was so gloomy and suffocating. Ah Jiu said to several of his men: Why are you panicking! If we move forward slowly, can we still kill you?

No one dared to refute Ah Jiu, wouldn’t moving forward mean seeking death? But if you don't move forward and retreat, you are courting death. Ah Jiu would never allow his men to retreat in the face of battle and lose his people.

Get moving, move forward tentatively.

The five people in Ah Jiu's team were walking side by side, with the flashlights in their hands fixed on their heads. Every time they walked, the flashlights seemed to be rising and falling, and the darkness seemed to surge towards them at any moment, swallowing up everyone present. Enter it into your stomach, then tear it apart and spit out a bunch of bones.

The surroundings were too quiet, each other could hear each other's breathing, and the ticking of footsteps sounded very rhythmic. The five people walked in a very uniform manner, stepping at the same time and landing at the same time. There were a total of six people's footsteps, and only two people walked out. footsteps.

Ah Jiu's footsteps were completely different from those of others. As the captain, he was not so scared. The others were afraid of other sounds and wanted to react the moment other sounds appeared.

However, their unified actions made it impossible for each other to continue to be vigilant. They were both watching each other, fearing that they would accidentally leave the team.

The footsteps of two people suddenly appeared, and the footsteps of three people suddenly appeared. Ah Jiu's team suddenly stopped, Ah Jiu also stopped, and there were still footsteps in the corridor.

This sound makes one's scalp numb, as if a real person is scratching his scalp with his hands. The itchy feeling is almost like exploding. He wants to pick up a gun and shoot himself in the head.

Ah Jiu and his men stopped, waiting where they were without moving, listening carefully to the sounds outside to see where they were coming from.

The footsteps became clearer and closer, and the sound came from behind. Ah Jiu turned around and pointed the gun behind him. Just when the other people were about to turn around, Ah Jiu said angrily: Pay attention to the front, don't let down your guard, something will happen!

There were only two people who turned around with Ah Jiu, three people guarding the front and three people guarding the back. The three people guarding the front felt like their hearts were being grabbed.

As the footsteps approached, it jumped a little, dong dong dong! They wanted to turn back and see what kind of monster it was that drove them crazy with fear, but they did not dare to disobey the order. This feeling of just waiting to die is really uncomfortable.

The footsteps stopped, and everyone present was stunned, not knowing what was going on. Chaotic footsteps sounded at this time. Listening to the footsteps, there were at least a dozen people, and they were moving at full speed.

Ah Jiu held the gun and looked behind him. As long as anyone dared to come, he would be well entertained with bullets. Just around the corner, a shadow appeared. Ah Jiu aimed at the corner and would shoot whenever he saw someone. A flash bomb appeared. Ah Jiu couldn't see the front, so he picked up the money and fired.

The same goes for Ah Jiu's two men. They pulled the trigger and fired, and they must suppress the fire until their eyes recovered.

The situation of the three men with their backs turned was better, but they were still caught in the eye, but they recovered quickly. The three people quickly turned around, aiming behind them and preparing to fire at any time.

The wall behind him has been shattered. Ah Jiu has not stopped shooting, and his eyesight has not recovered yet. All he can do is change the magazine, fire bullets, and suppress the opponent.

There is always a certain number of bullets. Ah Jiu emptied all the bullets in his hand. At this time, his eyes finally recovered a little.

The sound of gunfire gradually became quieter. Ah Jiu looked at the tattered wall that he had not beaten, and felt a little lucky. If the other party had thrown a grenade at this time, he would definitely lose his combat effectiveness and become a piece of pork on the chopping board.

Ah Jiu woke up from the panic, signaled to everyone, and quietly took two steps back to avoid being injured by the grenade.

But a voice came through from the other end of the corridor: Is he one of us?

Ah Jiu heard this voice and felt very familiar, and said: 'Is it Ah Er? ’

The other end of the corridor said: It's Ah Jiu!

As A'er walked out from the other end of the corridor, A'er recognized Ajiu and said dissatisfiedly: You bastard, you fired randomly for nothing and almost killed one of your own, you know?

Ah Jiu was dissatisfied. What does this have to do with him? It’s not all your fault. If you don’t throw flash bombs, can we shoot to suppress it?

Ah Jiu didn't dare to talk back to Ah Er. They were both reinforcements, and only together could we carry out the sweep safely. I thought you were from the Bounty Hunter Guild. I was nervous for a moment!

Ah Er was very dissatisfied, but he also recognized it. Several ricochet rounds from the bullet just flew past his scalp.

What's going on now? Why are you the only one left, where are Shi and Agou? Ah Er looked at Ah Jiu, trying to see something in Ah Jiu's eyes.

Shi is dead! Didn't you see the body when you came? Ah Jiu was also stunned. What happened? How could he not see it?

Ah Er was also stunned. He walked along the way and indeed did not see any corpses. He said: What on earth is going on? I didn't see anything on the way here.

Ah Jiu and Ah Er walked back. One of them said he saw the body, and the other said he didn't. One of them must be lying. Who is it?

A'er was dumbfounded. Many corpses appeared not far away. These corpses seemed to appear out of thin air. How is it possible? I didn't see anything when I came here!

Ah Jiu believed what Ah Er said, and there was no need for Ah Er to lie to him, but why didn't Ah Er see the body?

Ah Jiu asked several of Ah Er's men again, Did you guys see it then? Did you see these corpses?

Ah Er's men were also dumbfounded. They didn't find anything when they came! Captain Ajiu, we didn't find anything when we came. It was like it appeared out of thin air.

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