Rebanna walked along the underground passage and finally appeared at a street corner. This location is hundreds of meters away from the secret base.

The distance was not too far, and we could see the chaotic scene on the street and the chaotic crowd. In the chaos, many people were pushed to the ground. The crowd was in chaos, and people who fell on the ground were trampled back and forth. Rebanna saw it and wanted to go up and help him! Save those who fell to the ground.

Rebanna just took a step forward when someone pulled him back. Rebanna turned around and saw that it was Bloomer Christopher's men. He pulled Rebana and left with the crowd, seemingly not seeing those who were kicked to the ground.

Listening to these fantastic voices and feeling their helplessness, all the good mood left by Ray Banner's defeat of Marshall disappeared. Rebanna deeply regrets his success.

He wanted to go back and pick up those who were trampled, to save them, but he was pulled away.

Back at another secret base of the bounty hunters in Rock Town, everyone looked at Ray Banner with heroic eyes. This was a huge victory and the first huge victory they had achieved since their confrontation with Marshall.

In this battle, only two men were killed, while Marshall's men lost hundreds, all of whom were Marshall's elite troops.

Bloomer Christopher stood in front of everyone, stretched out his hands, and said to everyone: 'Quiet! Let Rebanna talk about the impressive results achieved in this battle. ’

Rebanna was pushed to the front, standing in the middle of everyone. He was originally very happy, but now he is not happy. The results of this battle were remarkable. Marshall's twelve elite troops were almost completely wiped out. Only three of the twelve squad captains escaped.

After saying that, Rebanna walked out of the crowd and found a quiet corner to sit and rest alone.

Everyone present didn't understand what was going on. Wasn't it a victory? Why does it feel like losing? Maybe this is a genius idea! Everyone murmured in their hearts, but did not speak.

Bloomer Christopher was also confused, but the joy of victory still had to be shared. He continued to encourage everyone by saying what they could look forward to in the future. This victory gave courage and encouragement to those who resisted.

Cronin. Donna walked to Rebana, handed him a bottle of water, and said: What's wrong? When I came out, I saw you were very happy. Why did you become sad after a while? Are you a dog? , why does your face change so quickly? Open your mouth and let me see your dog teeth!

Rebanna took the water, with two words of displeasure and three words of displeasure written on his face. Do you like to provoke others when they are unhappy? Cronin, Donna, you are very deliberately not having friends like this! Besides, you'd better not inquire about my affairs.

We haven't gotten to know each other yet!

Cronin and Donna didn't care. She reached Rebanna's side, stretched out a hand, pointed at Margaery in the distance, and said: I have finished the things you told me! How about it, I work very efficiently! Should I be praised?

Rebanna saw Margery in the distance, drinking alone. Fortunately, Granny Anli noticed her loneliness and walked over to accompany her. The two began to talk and laugh, clinking glasses frequently. .

How did you do it? Rebana couldn't believe it. It was done just after being separated for a while? If I had known it would be so easy, I would have just left it to Cronin and Donna to handle it.

Of course I have a way. How about it? I helped you complete this matter. Is it worth showing off in front of you and making a little joke? Are you still angry? Cronin. Donna smiled half-heartedly. He looked at Rebana as if he was asking for credit, but also as if he was laughing at Rebanna's stupidity.

How did you do it? Rebana was very curious. Regarding Cronin Donna's speed, Rebana really couldn't figure out what she said to Margaery.

Want to know?


Put your ears closer!

Rebanna shook his head and put his ear next to Cronin Donna. Cronin. Donna whispered to Rebanna: That's all...

Rebanna looked at Cronin and Donna in horror, then at Margaery in the distance, and said, You are crazy! You actually said such a thing! Aren't you afraid that she will kill you?

What are you afraid of? Don't you know how to protect me? If you're not afraid of being exposed, you won't protect me! It's up to you! Just treat me as nonsense! Cronin. Donna looked like a broken jar, In fact, Rebanna was definitely chosen.

After experiencing this brief contact, Cronin and Donna finally saw clearly what Rebana was like. He was an emotional person who valued the people around him and was unwilling to hurt them.

You! If Margaery chops you to death! I will definitely leave you alone! Rebana stood up and walked towards Margaery. She was really angry with Cronin and Donna.

Cronin and Donna followed Rebanna and walked over together.

Rebana came over, and Cronin and Donna took the initiative to talk to Margaery. The two talked and laughed, without any barrier. Rebana suspected that he was wrong, but the reality was like this.

The two chatted happily, and there was nothing for Rebanna to interrupt.

Grandma Anli patted Rebanna on the shoulder and said, Come with me! Bloomer Christopher wants to see you.

Okay Granny Amway!

What's wrong with you? Why aren't you happy at all? Didn't you defeat Marshall's man? Granny Anli asked doubtfully.

Rebanna shook his head, with sadness in his heart, and said: Grandma Anli, I couldn't be happier. When I came back, I was really happy, but when I came out of the tunnel, I saw those people who were trampled because of the explosion. I can't be happy at all. They were living a good life, but they were hurt because of me.

I wanted to go up and rescue them, but I was pulled away halfway.

Rebanna became even more frustrated as he spoke. He leaned against the wall and stopped. This was a very quiet corridor and no one came here.

Grandma Anli, I killed them! What's the point of such a victory? I eliminated Marshall just to save them, but I ended up killing them!

Mother-in-law Anli felt Rebana's sadness, held Rebana's head and comforted her: Silly boy! You are really a kind-hearted silly boy.

Grandma Anli also had tears in her eyes. Rebana's sadness reminded him of his grandson. His grandson also asked the same thing as Rebana. I also cried like Rebanna.

You know! My grandson also cried like you. That night, he stood alone on the street corner, looking at those who died because of him, like a butcher, where to repent.

Grandma Anli gradually stopped crying, and then said to Rebanna: Silly boy, everything you do has sacrifices. This is the so-called willingness. You always have to give up something before you can get something else.

This is the world.

Rebanna looked at Grandma Anli, with no tears in her eyes, and began to think about what Grandma Anli said: Grandma Anli, isn't there a perfect world? There is no fighting, no death, everyone lives happily.

Someone has said that this kind of world is called Utopia before. It is a beautiful country. Grandma Anli said with a mocking tone.

Grandma Anli, do you know where Utopia is? I want to see it! This was the first time Rebanna heard the word utopia. She didn't expect Grandma Anli to be so knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

Rebana, Utopia is a dream world. It only exists in words and does not exist in reality. Reality is too cruel and too selfish. He cannot tolerate the existence of Utopia. Granny Anli persuaded Rebanna, I hope he doesn't pursue such unrealistic dreams.

Grandma Anli, why? Why can't Utopia exist in this world? If there are written records about it, then it should have existed! Rebana did not give up and wanted to know everything.

Grandma Anli gave Rebana a slap in the face, and the loud slap echoed in the corridor.

Grandma Anli looked at Rebana angrily and said, 'Does it hurt? ’

Rebana didn't understand why Granny Amway, who had always been very tolerant of him, slapped him. pain!

It's okay if it hurts! Rebanna, this is reality. Reality means pain and injury. We all have unrealistic fantasies. The fantasy world is beautiful and the relationship between people is beautiful. There is nothing wrong with this, but You can not!

Grandma Anli's tone was strong and serious, like a mother educating her children. This is unfair, but there is no way. For others, they can dream and escape, but you can't, you have the ability!

Rebana fell into Granny Anli's arms, howling uncontrollably. There was no sound, but her expression was painful and miserable. why me? Why should I endure this pain? Why can't I be weak and escape.

Child! I understand your pain. Ability is a kind of responsibility and a kind of torture. Ordinary people can choose to be content, they can choose to dream, and they can choose to escape, but you can't. Rebana, if you also choose to escape, then this What is left in the world? What is left?”

Grandma Anli pulled Rebanna up and asked him to stand up straight, saying: You have to be strong, not only for you, but also for those who are alive and for those who want to see a better future.

Rebana, I see hope in you, the hope of ending these chaos. For these hopes, for the smiles of more people in the future, you need to bear a lot of suffering. Rebana, are you willing to bear this responsibility? ?

Rebana looked at Grandma Anli. He wanted to say no, but when he came to his mouth, he said: Okay! I will try my best to do a good job!

Grandma Anli wiped away Rebana's tears and said, Cry and walk away strong at the same time!


Bloomer Christopher's office.

Rebana closed the door gently, and Granny Anli walked Rebana to the door without going in again.

Bloomer Christopher said to Rebana: Why are your eyes red? Why are there slap marks on your face? Rebana, who dares to hit you? Tell me, I will deal with this matter seriously, you But our hero, how could you suffer such an insult? It’s really outrageous.”

Rebanna quickly waved his hand, saying that the matter of being beaten by Granny Anli was over, and he could not let more people know about his weakness. President Bloomer Christopher, it's okay. It's just a small problem. I had a small conflict with Margaery! I will handle it myself. Thank you for your concern.

Bloomer Christopher nodded, as if that was the case. Regarding Rebana, he knew something about Rebana from Granny Amway, and from his observation, he discovered that the relationship between Rebana and Margery was a bit too close. The most important thing is that Rebana also cares about Cronin Donna.

Bloomer Christopher walked up to Ray Banner, poured Ray Banner a glass of wine, patted Ray Banner on the shoulder and said: I know you young people are like this, and you pay more attention to emotional matters, but in In this era, for a man, it doesn’t matter if he likes one or two more women.”

Rebanna was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to continue answering.

Bloomer Christopher patted Rebana on the shoulder again, and said to Rebana in an attitude of an elder taking care of the younger: Rebana! I shouldn't say anything more about your personal affairs, but ah ! You have to pay attention, it’s not good if personal matters affect your daily life, and it’s even worse if personal matters affect the activities of bounty hunters.”

You have to grasp the scale of this yourself! If you can't grasp it, I will help you and have a good chat with the two of them. If there is anything you can't sit down and talk about, we can be a family in the future. Bloomer Christopher kindly helped Rebana resolve his personal matters, but Rebana was even more embarrassed.

Thank you! President Bloomer Christopher, let's get down to business! I'll handle my personal matters myself! I'll take care of it! Rebana said awkwardly.

Seeing that Rebana planned to handle it himself, Bloomer Christopher didn't say anything more. He just said with concern: Then you have to handle it well. He stopped talking about personal matters.

Okay! Rebana, let me tell you something about you! You said you were a bounty hunter registered in Lado Town. I checked in the bounty hunter's file and there is no problem with your identity. Bloomer Christopher's business-like appearance scared Rebana.

Rebanna couldn't figure out what Bloomer Christopher was going to do? Why did you suddenly check his background? Helping the bounty hunters in Rock Town kill so many of Marshall's elites, isn't that enough to prove his identity?

Bloomer Christopher said: Rebanna, you don't have to be nervous to tell you these things. It's all in accordance with the routine. I definitely believe your identity. Just by killing so many people in Marshall, it is enough for everyone to believe it. is you.

Rebana was confused: Since I have gained your trust, why do you still need to review me? Is there something wrong with me? Or is your trust just perfunctory? President Bloomer Christopher , just tell me what you have to say!”

Bloomer Christopher waved his hands quickly and said: 'You misunderstood! Rebanna, you have completely misunderstood. We are not checking your background. We actually have other purposes for taking out this document. ’

Let me tell you straight! I hope you can join the Bounty Hunter Guild in Rock Town. Bloomer Christopher explained the words, which really shocked Rebanna.

Are you kidding me? You want me to join the Bounty Hunter Guild in Rock Town? President Bloomer Christopher, this joke is a bit too much! Rebanna couldn't believe that all this was true.

Rebana has already registered in Lado Town. Logically speaking, he will be a bounty hunter in Lado Town wherever he goes in the future.

It is easy to change a person's registration location, but it is difficult to get someone to change it for you. This is not something that can be done simply by using words.

President Bloomer Christopher, this honor is really too great, and I really can't bear it. If you ask me to help you with anything, I'm bound to do it, but you really don't have to. Rebana still said I feel like I don’t have that prestige or ability.

Only the original president of the Bounty Hunters Association could change one's registered address. No one else had this honor.

Bloomer Christopher sat in front of Rebana and said: 'Rebana, I know that this is against the rules, and I also know that doing this will make people gossip, but Rebana, you have this ability, I also need you to be a bounty hunter in Rocktown. ’

Rebana still refused and said: President Bloomer Christopher, you really put me too high. I don't deserve it. I really don't deserve it. I'm just a bounty hunter. How can I compete with the General Association? How about the president's parity? ’

Bloomer Christopher pressed Rebana on his seat, looked at him very seriously, and said: Rebana, I am serious, you don't know the current situation in Rock Town. In the name of Rock Town I am in charge, but I am old and no longer have the courage and strength of young people.

Below my seat, there are two young people. They are both very capable and can be regarded as my successors. I have examined both of them, but their strengths are too average. I really don't know. How to choose.

In order for the two of them not to fight and split the Bounty Hunter Association in Rock Town, I have been in this position.

Rebana also understood, and quickly stood up and said: President Bloomer Christopher, this is not allowed, it is really not allowed, I am just an outsider, how can I be a member of the Bounty Hunters Association in Rock Town? How long is it? Stop joking!

President Bloomer Christopher, you can choose a successor. I will assist him with all my strength. You really can't make up your mind. You will be in charge of the overall situation. I will help you and charge into the battle. There will be no problems. This president, I It really can’t be done.”

Bloomer Christopher grabbed Rebana's hand and said: Rebana, don't worry, I'm not testing you, I really think so. You are indeed not from the Rock Town Bounty Hunters Guild. That’s why I thought you could easily switch to Rock Town, so that you could legitimately become the president and lead this group of people.”

I believe that under your leadership, the Bounty Hunters Association in Rock Town will be able to overthrow Marshall. I am very optimistic about you!

Rebanna shook his head and said: President Bloomer Christopher, this matter is really too big. Can you let me think about it? Let me think about it, this is all too sudden!

President Bloomer Christopher nodded and said: No problem! Just think about it, just two hours! There are only two hours. If you don't come to me to refuse, I will assume that you agree to this!

President Bloomer Christopher, that's not the case! What I mean is...

Bloomer Christopher didn't let Rebana finish what he said and closed the office door. He turned and walked to the desk, took Rebana's resume, turned on the computer, and changed Rebana's registration information to Rock Town.

Rebanna, I need you, Rock Town needs you, and the bounty hunters in Rock Town need you even more. Only you can subdue the two of them. Now you are popular and powerful. You are really a perfect President candidate.”

Bloomer Christopher picked up two more resumes, one from Roo Kent and one from Gray Garcia. These two people were the resistance to Rebana.

Rebana left Bloomer Christopher's office and met Cronin Donna on the road. She stood alone in the corridor waiting for Rebanna.

What's wrong with you! Shuang hit the eggplant? This conversation must be very stressful! Cronin Donna said to Rebanna with a smile.

The pressure is indeed not small. I am going to become the president of the Bounty Hunter Guild in Rock Town! Tell me, can I feel less pressure?

Hey! Then I should call you President Rebana from now on? President Rebana, do you need a secretary? I'm a professional! Cronin Donna said to Rebanna.

Stop making fun of me! I'm really annoyed!

What's so annoying? Rebanna, if I ask you to be the president, just be the president! Do you think you can escape? Cronin. Donna followed Rebana and said, I've asked about it a long time ago. Something happened. The bounty hunters in Rock Town are now divided into two factions, the Roo Kent faction and the Gray Garcia faction. Both sides are about to separate. If it weren't for President Bloomer Christopher's suppression, something would have happened. ”

Rebana looked at Cronin-Donna and said seriously: Clonin-Donna, why are you so concerned about the situation in Rock Town?

Cronin and Donna said nonchalantly: You just love to think too much, what can I do? It's not just to help you eradicate Marshall.

If you want to deal with Marshall, you will inevitably use the power of the Bounty Hunter Guild. Naturally, I need to find out the situation of the Bounty Hunter Guild. How about, I am qualified as a secretary! President Rebana!

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