Cronin. Donna left Rebanna's office, and within a short time, Margaery came.

Margery sat opposite Rebana and said, I have news from Cliff. He is now in the secret camp of the wandering merchant, and the chariot is also being repaired.

Rebana nodded, and then said to Margaery: I know about this, and there is another thing I want to tell you.

Seeing Rebanna's serious expression, Margery knew that Rebana must have something important to tell her. Tell me! What important decision do you have?

Margery thought in her heart that what is supposed to come will always come, Rebana should have a showdown with me! Sooner or later, Cronin and Donna have been delaying it for me for a while.

Rebana stood up before going to cooperate with Varu's people. Thinking of what Varu had done before, Rebana was worried that Margery would control more than her own emotions during negotiations.

Varu's people have already approached Bloomer Christopher and want to cooperate with the bounty hunter guild in Rock Town to eliminate Marshall. I understand the hatred between you and Valu, and I also want to kill him. But now that he is a powerful helper, I hope you can bear it for the time being. After Rebana finished speaking, his eyes were always staring at Margaery, and he had already expected that Margaery would have a big quarrel with him.

Margaery was calm on the surface, and Rebanna wasn't sure if this was the calm before the storm, or if she had really suppressed the incident.

Margery looked at Rebanna and said, No problem, you don't have to worry too much about me, I know what to do and I won't mess around.

Margery was about to walk out of the office after saying that. Rebana stopped her: 'Margery, I hope you will accompany me to meet the people of Varu. ’

Margery turned to look at Rebanna and asked, Why don't you let Cronin and Donna accompany you? She is your secretary!

You should understand! We can't let the people of Varu know about Bloomer Christopher for the time being.

Okay! I understand. When are you planning to leave, I can prepare.

If you can! Leave now!

Then wait for me and I'll get something!

Rebanna didn't know what Margaery was going to get, but he still waited for Margaery out of politeness. He also wanted to see what Margaery had prepared.

Until Margaery came over unprepared, Rebana was dumbfounded and asked, Didn't you prepare something? What did you prepare?

Margaery chuckled and said, It's a little thing, I hope I won't need it.

Seeing that Margery didn't say anything, Rebana didn't intend to continue asking.


Anthony Benson is Varu's subordinate. This time he came to Rock Town to discuss cooperation with Bloomer Christopher, the bounty hunter in Rock Town, on Varu's behalf. When Anthony Benson found Bloomer Christopher, he was told that the current president of the Bounty Hunter Guild had been replaced by someone else.

This person is none other than Rebana. Anthony Benson has been following Varu. When he was at the base camp of Dry Forest, he met Rebana. He is a complete bastard. He actually dared to say bad words to Mr. Varu. Xiang Xiang even dared to fight with Lord Varu.

The thing that Anthony Benson couldn't accept the most was that Rebana really became the president of the Bounty Hunters Guild. When he met Rebana, he was just an unknown little person who could only Following the bounty hunters in Odo Town, Rebana unexpectedly became the president of the bounty hunters in Rock Town after a while.

Thinking about the plan he told at the beginning, Anthony Benson looked down on Ray Banner in his heart. It is impossible for a person without a brain to accomplish this.

In order to persuade the Bounty Hunters Association in Aldo Town, Anthony Benson made many plans and conducted enough investigations. Just when he thought everything was safe, Rebana appeared out of the blue and broke his plan. All the preparations were like a joke.

Anthony Benson had a gloomy face, waiting for Rebana to arrive. There was less than a minute left before the agreed time.

Anthony Benson counted the time, and Ray Banner timed out. Doesn't he want to cooperate with us? Anthony Benson stood up and prepared to leave. After all, this was Rock Town, a territory controlled by Marshall. If you stayed in one place for too long, problems would arise.

When Anthony Benson was about to get up, Rebana pushed the door open and walked in. Behind Rebana was a woman with fiery red hair, like a burning beauty.

Anthony Benson was distracted for a moment, but quickly recovered.

As Anthony Benson clapped, another group of people came in. Some people guarded the door, some stood behind Anthony Benson, and some went to watch farther away.

You have quite a lot of people. Rebanna looked at these people with clear division of labor and roughly counted them. There were about thirty people. Such a number could easily attract the attention of the Marshall people in Rock Town.

Anthony Benson frowned. Rebana did not notice that the people he accepted had clear divisions of labor and were well organized. Instead, he noticed that there were many people. He was such a superficial person that he couldn't even tell the key points.

You really have few people!

Anthony Benson doesn’t mean to say that Rebanna has few people, but to say that Rebana’s strength is insufficient. In this alliance, strength is the key point, and Anthony. If Benson has enough strength, he must also have the right to form an alliance.

Is there any use in having too many people? They are just a bunch of fish, and it is easy for Marshall's people to suspect you. You are really a little genius. Rebanna's words were so direct that Anthony Benson gritted his teeth when he heard it.

Rebana is still so irritating, and there is really no way to have a good conversation with him. In the past, Anthony Benson had already stood up and left. How could he continue to make irresponsible remarks with Rebana here. But Varu had given instructions before he came, and he must promote this cooperation.

Anthony Benson knew Varu's situation, and Kames was sitting back and waiting to see the joke. If he couldn't defeat Marshall's people, or let Marshall suffer a big loss, Varu's power and status would drop by a notch after he returned.

Rebanna, let's get down to business! How can you talk about cooperation with us with just such a small number of people? If you want to cooperate, show enough sincerity. Anthony Benson tried to seize the initiative in this negotiation and got Alliance initiative.

Rebana knew in his heart what Anthony Benson was going to do, and he didn't care at all about Anthony Benson's words, because he knew Anthony Benson's bottom line very clearly. Before coming, Rebanna had discussed it with Cronin Donna.

Varu is anxious to defeat Marshall, almost at any cost. As long as he can defeat Marshall and get something, Varu will do whatever it takes. After all, inside Gomez, there is a bastard named Cames, waiting for news of his failure and mocking him by the way.

For the sake of face and status, Varu has no right to choose.

In this negotiation, Rebanna is invincible. He doesn't need to make any concessions. Killing everything is enough to make Varu's people bow.

Are you sincere? I will give you enough sincerity, that is, I will make the decision for this cooperation. I am sincere enough. I have stated all my requirements. What are you going to do?

Rebanna, you are dreaming. You only have a few people. Why should you make the decision? It should be Master Varu who makes the decision. Just cooperate with us honestly! Anthony Benson refused to give in.

Rebanna shook his head and said: It seems that you are still not sincere in cooperating. Since you don't have any sincerity, then I have nothing to talk to you about. That's it! It's time for me to leave! Wait until you think about it Let’s continue talking, I have time, so I’m not in a hurry.”

Rebanna is not in a hurry. Behind him are the bounty hunters in Rock Town, who have no worries about food and drink, but Varu cannot. Varu does not have a base outside. His food supply is a problem. During this period, his troops have been Went down to find someone to bring some food over.

If this goes on for a long time, Varu will be dragged to death. This is one of the reasons why Varu must negotiate this cooperation.

Rebana wanted to leave, and Anthony Benson naturally couldn't let him go.

Rebana, is this your attitude?

This is the attitude of the president of the Rock Town Bounty Hunter Guild. What? Do you have any opinion? Rebanna's attitude was very tough.

Anthony Benson took out a revolver from his arms and pointed it at Rebana's head. Rebanna, don't be shameless. I value you by cooperating with you. I'll kill you and let the Bounty Hunter Guild change its president, and we can continue talking.

Margaery, who was behind Rebanna, opened her coat, and underneath her clothes were a series of bombs. Margaery said to Anthony Benson: You can try. We can change the president. Varu can also change dozens of people and come here to negotiate. There is really no sincerity in negotiating with you.

Rebana didn't expect that Margaery's preparations were just this. He really underestimated Margaery. Anthony Benson, you really want to talk to us before continuing. Otherwise, there will be no need to talk.

Anthony Benson put away the revolver and said: Tell me all your conditions! I will bring it to Lord Varu. I can't guarantee whether it can be done or not.

Rebana said: Then please bring some news back for now! First, the Rock Town Bounty Hunters Association should take the initiative, and your people will assist. Second, share Marshall's intelligence with us. It can be completed Let’s continue talking about these two points, otherwise we won’t have to talk about it!”

Anthony Benson clenched his fists. These two points were difficult to handle, but Anthony Benson had no way to refuse. After telling Varu this matter, Varu would also agree.

I will report this matter to Lord Varu, wait for the news!

Rebanna stood up, and Margery followed Rebana and walked out. Not long after Rebana left, a large number of Marshall's people poured into the small building where secret negotiations were held, but they didn't notice any of them.

Anthony Benson left with his people after Rebana left.

Rebana returned to the secret base of the bounty hunter in Rock Town and summoned Roo Kent, Gray Garcia and Bloomer Christopher. Rebana told the three people about this cooperation.

After listening to Rebana's story, Roo Kent was the first to speak: I have reservations about cooperating with Varu. Varu is a member of the Gomez Thieves Group. This kind of person has no credibility. Maybe, They will stab us in the back. With the strength of our Bounty Hunter Association, although we can’t defeat Marshall, Marshall’s people can’t catch us all.”

It's too risky to cooperate with Varu, so it's better to be cautious. Roo Kent expressed his thoughts.

Gray Garcia then said: What Roo Kent said makes sense. The Gomez thieves cannot be trusted. However, when it comes to dealing with Marshall, I think it is necessary to cooperate with them. With their help, our chances of getting rid of Marshall will be much higher.

We have been restricted by Marshall's people over the years and have been suppressed for a long time. It's time to counterattack! Gray Garcia feels that cooperation does not matter.

Bloomer Christopher nodded and said: 'Gray Garcia is right, this is an opportunity. Once we miss this opportunity, we won't know when the next one will be. Marshall wanted to experiment and almost consumed all the sweet spring water. ’

As the sweet spring water decreases, the former forests are withering. If this continues, Rock Town will be destroyed. We don't have much time.

This was the first time that Roal Kent and Gray Garcia had heard of such a thing. They all knew that the forest outside was gradually withering, but no one knew that it was caused by Marshall's experiment.

Rebana learned something while chatting with Bloomer Christopher, which is why Bloomer Christopher is willing to cooperate with Varu's people.

Rebana stood up and said: This cooperation is imperative, but how to cooperate is something we must carefully consider. ’

I have temporarily proposed two conditions to Varu. One of them is for the Bounty Hunter Guild to take the initiative in the alliance. The second is for them to share Marshall's information. These two conditions will not cause too many problems. You can get the results in less than two days.”

In two days, we will come up with a plan, a plan that can eliminate Marshall.

Bloomer Christopher said: This is difficult! We don't have much internal information about Marshall, so it is really impossible to formulate a plan.

Rebana said: This plan does not need to be very detailed. As long as we can come up with a plan, as for the specific implementation, we need the people of Varu to come up with enough information. At most, the plan is difficult to think about and re-formulate. .”

What we have to do is put on a posture and tell Varu that we are the commanders of this plan and he must obey our arrangements.

Bloomer Christopher asked Rebana: 'Rebana, you don't trust Varu? ’

Yes! I don't trust you at all. Varu is not a good person. He has done too many evil things. Varu is a poisonous snake. If you can't strangle it well, he will bite you in turn.

Rebanna thought about the tragedy in Odo Town. Such a tragedy could not happen again, especially not in his hands.

I will keep an eye on Varu so that this bastard won't have any chance to bite.

Bloomer Christopher nodded and said: Now that you are the president of the Odo Town Bounty Hunters Association, I will leave this matter to you to decide! Everything will be done according to your wishes!

Rebanna said to Gray Garcia: I'll leave the planning to you. It doesn't have to be too detailed, as long as it is an achievable plan. Thank you for your hard work these past two days!

Gray Garcia nodded and said: Don't worry! Leave everything to me!

Roo Kent felt a little lonely. It was really unpleasant that he had no part in such an important matter.

Rebanna saw that Roo Kent looked bad, so he said: Roo Kent, don't be idle. We may take action at any time, so I will leave the training to you. It must be done within a short time. Cheer up everyone.

When Roo Kent heard that he still had work to do, he said happily: No problem, just leave everything to me!——

Gray Garcia arrived at Rebanna's office with a plan. Cronin Donna was talking next to Rebanna. When Gray Garcia arrived, she stopped talking.

Gray Garcia handed the plan to Rebanna.

Rebana opened the plan and took a look. The Dawn Plan! It's interesting!

The troops were divided into two groups, one to capture Rock Town, and the other to sneak into Marshall's secret base. The more Rebana looked at it, the more he felt that it was feasible. This plan could be done as long as the intelligence problem was solved. And this plan must be Varu's most wanted plan.

Rebanna nodded and said: A very good plan! Gray Garcia, thank you for your hard work!

How did you come up with this plan? Rebanna asked doubtfully.

Gray Garcia said: I have been brewing this plan for a long time. If it has never been possible to implement it, now with your help, Mr. Rebanna, I feel that this plan is possible to implement, so I wrote it all down.

Rebanna said: ‘Okay! You go and rest first! You are also tired these days, I will make your plan come true. ’

After Gray Garcia left, Cronin Donna took the plan over and looked at it this time. She sincerely praised: It is indeed a very feasible plan. Gray Garcia is really a talent.

Rebana sighed and said, Do you also think Gray Garcia is a talent?

Cronin. Donna looked at Rebana in confusion. She didn't know why Rebanna was so crazy anymore, and said, What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this plan?

After saying that, Cronin and Donna read the plan several times and found no problems before saying, There is no problem! Rebana, are you overthinking it?

Rebana said: Do you think the plan of dividing the troops into two groups is good?

Cronin. Donna was very confused and said, Just tell me! I don't quite understand what you mean.

I originally thought that according to the plan formulated by the Bounty Hunters Guild, it should be to conquer Rock Town and then compete with Marshall. Without Rock Town's logistical guarantee, Marshall's secret base cannot persist forever.

I thought what I was seeing was a five-year or even 10-year plan, but what I was seeing was a surprise plan.

Cronin. Donna still looked at Rebanna with a puzzled look. Rebanna said: You still don't understand. This plan is what Varu wants to see. Use Rock Town to attract Marcil's attention. After Marshall's monster army attacks, Varu can lead the team to sneak into Marshall's secret base.

Cronin and Donna suddenly understood something, pointed to the door in horror, and looked at Rebana in disbelief. Rebanna shook his head and signaled Cronin Donna not to say it.

Then what should we do? Do nothing? Cronin Donna said.

Rebanna said: Don't be nervous, this matter has been discovered! So let's talk! We still have a chance to make a comeback. Since this plan is good, then we will follow the plan and just change a few things. It will be changed soon!

Cronin Donna asked: How are you going to change your plan?

I don't know yet! Rebana said frankly. He really doesn't know what to do yet, but this is already good. There is always a chance to make amends.

Cronin and Donna couldn't understand that Rebana didn't know how to change, so how could she be happy? Don't be happy! Think about your affairs! How to do this.

Rebanna said: Find Margaery, the three of us will take a good look at this plan, find out all the possible hidden dangers, and then correct them.

Soon, Cronin and Donna found Margaery. After Margaery learned about this, she was also shocked. She never thought that such a thing would happen.

The three of them searched day and night, and finally found out everything they could. With the newly drafted Dawn Plan, Rebana found Bloomer Christopher. Bloomer Christopher looked at the plan and said: 'It's really a good plan. Thank you for your hard work, Rebana. I heard that you worked on it all night long, so have a good rest! ’

When you wake up, go to Varu's people to discuss this plan.

Rebanna nodded and said: 'Okay! You also need to take breaks. ’ Rebana wanted to tell Bloomer Christopher about Gray Garcia, but he still held back.

Firstly, he was worried that Bloomer Christopher would not be able to accept it. Secondly, he was worried that Bloomer Christopher would go to confront Gray Garcia. Once this happened, Rebanna would regret it.

Bloomer Christopher stopped Rebana and asked, Do you have something to tell me?

No! I'm going to rest!

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