Rebanna was out for seven days in a row, and he didn't return to Rock Town even once during these seven days.

Margaery sat uneasily in the room. She wanted to go out, but was stopped by Cronin Donna. Not allowed to leave the house.

Clonin. Donna, I have to go out. If you stop me, I will be rude to you! Margery couldn't stand it anymore. She glared, and the anger in her eyes was about to overwhelm Cronin. Roasted to char.

Cronin. Donna shook her head, feeling her pain in her heart. When Rebanna went out, he told her to keep an eye on Margaery and not let her run out. Rebanna is going to do something very dangerous. If Margery is around, she will probably stop Rebanna. In order not to be distracted, Rebanna could only ask Cronin and Donna to imprison Margaery.

Cliff walked into the room and happened to see Cronin. Donna and Margaery twisting together. In just a few moves, Cronin. Donna completely subdued Margaery. Margery was still struggling hard. She wanted to go out to find Rebana. Rebanna had not come back for seven days. She must have encountered some danger.

Stop struggling! Cronin. Donna pressed Margaery under her body, making her unable to move. You can't beat me! I won't let you go to find Rebana! Just give up on this idea!

Margery saw Cliff and said, Cliff, are you just watching him bully me? Why don't you help me? Is it interesting to watch a show somewhere?

Cliff shook his head and said, Margery, even if I take action, the two of us combined are no match for Cronin and Donna. She is keeping an eye on you according to Rebanna's wishes. Just stop making trouble and calm down. Wait for Rebanna to come back!”

Margaery was still struggling and said: ‘Aren’t you worried about Rebana? Seven days! It's been seven days, what if he dies? Are you that relieved? Or, you all want to see Rebana die! ’

Cronin. Donna was also worried about Ray Banner, but as a teammate, she needed to give Ray Banner enough trust. Cronin. Donna slapped Margery on the face. There was blood flowing from the corners of Margaery's mouth.

Margaery, that's enough! If you keep making trouble like this, I'll have to tie you up!

Cronin-Donna was still able to give way to Margaery at first, but when it was said that Rebanna would die, Cronin-Donna also started to feel a little uneasy. Seven days was indeed a long time, but Cronin and Donna suppressed her heart.

Rebanna's words as he left were still echoing in his ears. Margaery acts impulsively, and often times, but she has no brains. I stayed there for a long time, and she will definitely come here because she is worried about me. I don't want to be distracted, so I'll leave it to Marshall to take care of it!

Why do you feel like you are asking for help? Rebana, you can't really come back, can you? Don't scare me!

Rebanna didn't say yes or no. Taking good care of Margaery is my request. I still have a lot of things to do. How can I die so easily?

Then when you come back, do I need to pick up the wind for you?

Anyway, you don't need to collect the corpses!

Cronin. Donna walked out of Margaery's room, leaned against the wall, and squatted down slowly. Seven days later, there was still no news about Rebanna. Maybe she was really dead. Rebanna must have walked inside the cave and encountered sea water pouring in. Indeed, as Rebanna said, there is no need to collect the body. There is no need. His body must have sunk into the sea and became dinner for the fish.

Cliff walked out of the room, looked at Cronin and Donna squatting in the corner, and said, Are you crying?

Who's crying! I'm a little tired from the big fight with Margaery. Can't you squat down and rest for a while? Cronin Donna stood up, with obvious tears on her face.

Cliff said: When you are tired, go to the room and rest for a while! Don't worry about Margaery, you can't watch her forever.

Cronin. Donna said: At least wait until Rebanna comes back!

Cliff said, What if I can't wait? Are you going to guard her like this for the rest of your life?

You don't believe that Rebana will come back? Cronin Donna asked.

I believe he will come back, but we always have to prepare for the worst and the best, right? Cliff said and left. He still had things to do that Rebanna told him to do, and Marshall's research. There are still many places that have not been studied and understood.

After listening to Cliff's words, Cronin Donna's sadness eased a little, and he believed a little more about Rebana's death. It’s just not as uncomfortable!

Yo! Miss me?

A familiar voice reached Cronin. Donna's ears. Cronin. Donna looked up and saw that she still looked the same young person. This young man had a frightening scar on his face! From the eyes to the corners of the mouth, it looks like a centipede is lying on it.

Cronin. Donna couldn't help but stretched out her hand, touched Rebanna's face, and asked, Does it hurt?

It doesn't hurt anymore! It's been several days!

Did you get everything you wanted?

Everything is ready, let's go! I'm tired and want to eat something good. I'll have a good rest in a while and then I'll be ready to go! Rebanna said, yawning tiredly.

Cronin Donna followed Rebanna without saying a word.

Rebana greeted Margaery, who was losing her temper in the room, and said, What happened? You lost your temper so much?

You're back! When Margaery saw Rebanna, she suddenly became polite.

I'm back! I'm going to eat and go to bed. I'll discuss things with you later.

Cronin. Donna looked at Rebana devouring food. He must be really hungry these days!

Rebanna saw Cronin and Donna staring at his face, so he said, What a scar on his face! The small problem is that when the sea water poured in, he didn't pay attention, and was washed up on the rock wall by the sea water. A small wound.

Be careful next time and don't get hurt again. It's really ugly to have a scar! Cronin Donna said, adding another bowl of rice to Rebanna.

Rebanna took the bowl and ate it. After eating, Rebanna asked: Margery is causing you trouble?

When I came back, I saw her losing her temper and her injured wrist was red.

I'm sorry, I was a little rough on her. You should understand that it's really hard to persuade her when she's impulsive, so I can only use force. Cronin Donna said helplessly.

Rebanna nodded and said: 'Yes! Margaery often doesn't listen to you! This is embarrassing for you! Thank you! ’


There were four people in the war conference room, Rebanna, Margaery, Cliff and Cronin. Donna.

They each sat in a corner, and Rebanna spoke first. This is the battle plan I have drawn up. Take a look at it. If there are no problems, we will act according to the plan.

The other three people took the plan and started reading it. Everyone stared at the plan and marked any problems they saw.

An hour passed quickly. Cliff took the initiative and said, I read the plan. There are no big problems, only a few small ones.

First, Rebanna, how did you calculate the ebb and flow times of the sea water so carefully? How did you get this data from twenty-five to forty minutes!

Cliff is not doubting Ray Banner, but wants to know what Ray Banner has been through. According to the arrangements in the plan, Rebana was already prepared to prevent everything, and made the plan extremely detailed.

But how did Rebanna do such a detailed plan? Cliff wanted to know, wanted to know what Rebana had gone through in the past seven days.

Rebanna scratched his head and said, It's nothing. I'm just waiting for the sea water to come in. Calculate the specific time. By the way, when the sea water comes in, those places are safe.

As mentioned in the plan, after the seawater intrudes, many places are higher than the sea level. The intrusion of seawater will threaten the first few stretches. As long as we pass through that stretch, we will Can survive the cave very well.”

Cliff nodded, and then continued: Why do you say there are giant octopuses in the cave? Have you seen it with your own eyes? What is their attack method?

Rebanna said: I did see it. There are two kinds of octopus and one red octopus. The name is Octopus Cannon. You have seen it!

After Rebanna finished speaking, Cliff's hands trembled. There was only one kind of octopus cannon he had ever seen. Cliff gritted his teeth and said nothing, looking at the plan with a ferocious expression.

It took a while for Cliff to come to his senses and speak. What's the other one?

Rebanna said: It's a dark green octopus, called an octopus tank. It's much more powerful than the octopus cannon.

Cronin. Donna looked at Cliff's ferocious expression and knew that there must be a story between Rebanna and Cliff. This story must not be a good story.

Margery was also surprised, how could Cliff, who was usually gentle and gentle, be so scary!

Rebanna did not poke at Cliff's sadness anymore, but said to Margaery and Cronin-Donna: Do you have any more questions?

Cronin. Donna shook her head and said, There is no problem.

Margaery also shook her head.

Since there are no problems, we will prepare separately, set off in the afternoon, and go to the beach to rest.

Everyone packed up their things very quickly, and within a short time, everyone was assembled. Gray Garcia brought people to see off Rebanna. This time Rebanna left, and he didn’t know when he would come back.

Rebana looked at Gray Garcia and said, What's wrong with you? I'm not going to die. Why are you looking like this?

Gray Garcia said: I can't bear to leave you, sir. I really don't want you to go if I can! Although you have done the investigation, you and I both know that tanks and people are two different concepts. You don't have enough time.

Rebana waved his hand as a farewell, turned his back, and said: I know better than you what is going on, so don't worry about me! What you have to care about is Rock Town, and you hope that I will come back again. When you visit, you can see the Rock Town described in the book.”

Gray Garcia waved goodbye and said loudly: Yes! You will definitely see it when you come back!

Rebana led everyone along the forest northeast of Rock Town. Through the woods, they saw the blue sea.

Rebana took off his helmet, and the sea breeze blew his hair. When night fell, he was about to go to the place of death. That cave was not a good thing.

Cronin Donna looked at the endless sea. She really couldn't believe that there was a cave under the sea that could reach another place.

Cliff hid in the ambulance, still trying to study the things Marshall left behind. These things are so nerve-wracking that they give Cliff a headache.

Rebana walked into the ambulance and asked, What's wrong? Still haven't found a solution?

Cliff said: I really have a headache. I have calculated it many times and the answer is the same as Marshall's. I really don't know where I went wrong!

Rebana patted Cliff on the shoulder and said: Take your time, don't worry, we still have time. I believe you, Cliff, your brain is twice as smart as Marshall's.

Cliff felt a little better listening to Rebana's comforting words. He knew that Rebanna came here not to comfort him, but to tell him another thing.

Don't worry! Rebana, I won't be impulsive when I see the octopus cannon! You don't have to go out of your way to persuade me! Cliff said, with a pretending to be relaxed look on his face, Rebana knew that, There was something else behind his ease.

Rebana walked out of the ambulance, and Cronin Donna walked up and asked: Rebana, is there any story between Cliff and Octopus Cannon?

Rebanna said: That happened not long ago. Cliff was still a newcomer at the time and was busy doing things. He was the younger brother of my good friend, so I took extra care of him. It was his impulsiveness that killed me. a friend.

That friend was killed by the octopus cannon? Cronin Donna asked.

Rebanna said: 'To be precise, he was killed by the octopus cannon when he was saving Cliff. In fact, this has always been Cliff's worry. I'm worried that he will ignore me in the cave. Once that happens, we will all be in danger. ’

Cronin. Donna nodded and said: So that's it! No wonder he looked so ferocious when he knew about the octopus cannon.

The sun disappeared into the sea, and the wet sea breeze blew by. Everyone watched the seawater go out into the depths of the sea little by little. As the sea water receded, a huge cave actually appeared on the other side of the rock wall.

Rebanna fought for every minute and every second, and before the sea water had completely receded, he led everyone in a chariot and rushed into the cave.

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