Rebana carefully inspected the wreckage of the Beetle, disassembled the Beetle's engine from the wreckage, and used a Tiger to drag the Beetle's remains forward.

Beyond the hills are patches of woods, and you can see the beach beyond the woods. The woods are very sparse, and there are no towering trees under the threat of the sea wind.

Rebana walked into the woods, and suddenly a red ticket appeared on the control panel. Rebana turned the gun head and aimed in the direction of the red dot. As long as he saw that the opponent was a monster, he would fire immediately.

However, what ran over was not a monster, but a child of sixteen or seventeen years old. The child was a little thin, with a look of exhaustion on his face. The clothes are also dirty.

The child saw Rebana's chariot, hurriedly waved, fell to the ground, left and got up, and rolled in front of Rebana.

Please, help me!

The child patted Rebanna's Tiger Chariot, trying to attract Rebanna's attention. Rebana looked at this child and couldn't help but think of himself.

Rebanna got out of the Tiger Chariot and said condescendingly: Kid, stop taking pictures! What trouble have you encountered?

The child looked up and found that the other person was actually a child about the same size as him, and was stunned. But soon, he came back to his senses and said: Is your adult here? I need your adult's help!

There are no adults here, just you and me. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me and I will help you! Although the child despised it, Rebana was not angry. There was no need for it. This is a child. . Secondly, this child looks very embarrassed. He must have encountered something and needs help.

At this time, the child only thinks about the help of powerful people, and has no intention of actively humiliating and looking down on him.

You can't do it! They are too powerful, you must have strong people! The boy's eyes were filled with disappointment. When he saw the chariot, he was full of hope, thinking that there would be powerful bounty hunters here who could help him. However, there are only children as old as him here.

The boy ran for a long time, and there was always a belief in his heart that supported him. When he saw the Rebanna chariot, his hope reached its peak, but with the sudden disappointment, his mood was difficult to change for a while, and he fainted. past.

Rebanna untied the child's clothes and carefully checked his condition. However, due to the excitement and long-term exertion, he passed out. After Rebana used some medicine on the child, he woke up in a short time.

How long have I been asleep? the child asked Rebanna in a daze.

Rebana said: About half an hour!

I can't waste any more time. I must go to Freetown immediately. The child said and was about to stand up, but his body became weak, his limbs were weak, and he fell to the ground again.

Rebana was still supporting him, so he didn't hit his head when he fell.

You are hungry! Even if you want to leave, you have to eat something! Otherwise, you will starve to death before you reach Free Town! Rebanna said to the child with concern.

With that said, Rebana took out a piece of bread from the chariot, and the child ate it hungrily.

Eat slowly, no one will fight with you, be careful of choking to death! As soon as Rebana finished speaking, the child began to hammer his chest, and he was indeed choked.

Rebanna quickly got a bottle of water for the child, saving his life this time. Slow down! You're really choking. I'm not responsible for burying you.

The child pouted and was very unhappy. Anyone who was said like this would not be in a good mood. Fortunately, the child knew what was good and what was bad, and did not fall out with Rebanna because of the way he spoke.

The child started eating in small bites and said, Thank you! What's your name? I will thank you in person after I rescue my father and the others.

Rebana! After Rebanna introduced his name, he asked: What's your name? What about saving your father? Can you tell me briefly?

The child looked at Rebana, sighed and said, Let me tell you about it! It's just to relieve boredom!

My name is Lu Feichen, and my father is a bounty hunter named Lu Wenbin. This time I went on an adventure with my father. From the beginning, everything went smoothly. Just a few days ago, something suddenly appeared. Accident.

Our team was attacked by a Beetle. In the panic, we got separated from the large group. My father, I, and the rest of the team hid in the forest to avoid the Beetle.

In the forest, we accidentally discovered a cave. The cave was a natural cave, but there were traces of people living inside. We thought that the cave was also inhabited by bounty hunters, but unexpectedly, it was Gomer who lived there. Sri Lanka’s band of thieves.”

The thieves captured us and imprisoned us in a cave. There were not only my father and the others in the cave, but also other bounty hunters. Gomez's people seemed to be using them for some experiments.

At that time, they also wanted to arrest me for experiments. It was my father who desperately rescued me. My father got me out, but he was taken back at that time.

Lu Feichen shed tears as he spoke, and his voice became choked when he spoke.

Lei Banner patted Lu Feichen on the shoulder and said, Don't worry, your father will be fine!



Lu Feichen patted the dust on his clothes and asked: Rebanna, can you send me to Free Town? I can give you money, please! I need to find reinforcements, otherwise many people will die.

Rebana said: You tell me where Gomez's people are, and I will find them!

Leibanna, you are no match for them. We need to go to the city to find more manpower. Lu Feichen really didn't believe how powerful Leibanner, who was about the same age as him, could be.

Although Rebana had a good tank, he was still too young to defeat Gomez's men with his ability. Rebanna is just a fool who wants to be popular and has no idea what he is going to face.

Don't be stupid! Even if you want to become famous, don't go to the Gomez Thieves. They are a group of murderous demons. You have no idea how terrifying they are!

Rebana smiled and asked: Do you think it is the Beetle Chariot that is more powerful, or the people from the Gomez Thieves Group?

Of course the Beetle is more powerful. The people of Gomez's thieves hide in the cave to avoid the Beetle.

Since the Beetle is a powerful chariot, then, look at what's behind my chariot?

Lu Feichen turned his head and looked at the back of the Tiger tank, and then discovered that there was the remains of a tank behind the Tiger tank. I had only noticed the Tiger tank before, but not what was behind the Tiger tank.

Lu Feichen took a closer look and saw that this was the Beetle. Having been attacked by it not long ago, Lu Feichen would never admit his mistake.

It's true. You really defeated the Beetle Chariot. Rebana, you are so awesome! Really, you are so awesome!

Rebana smiled and said: 'Can you take me to Gomez's people now? ’

Lu Feichen nodded repeatedly and went to Free Town to find reinforcements, which was a helpless move. Lu Feichen knew in his heart that when he arrived in Freetown and called for reinforcements, the people imprisoned by Gomez would not end well. When he came back, he saw corpses all over the ground in the command room.

It was Lu Feichen's luck to meet Lei Banner. As long as Lei Banner was fast enough, they might be able to save their father and those imprisoned.


Ouyang Jun was dressed in black clothes, giving people an eerie feeling. Even the subordinates around him dislike him and want to stay away from him.

Ouyang Jun knew what these people were thinking. He liked this feeling. He liked that these people were afraid of him and afraid of him. The more this happened, the more she felt a sense of accomplishment.

You said a child escaped?

Ouyang Jun's voice was very cold, like a gust of cold wind. The hands in front of him were trembling, and he explained: Yes! Mr. Ouyang Jun, a child escaped...

Before the man could finish his words, Ouyang Jun broke his neck. I hate trash the most, especially trash like you.

After killing the person, Ouyang Jun looked around. No one dared to speak or even breathe hard, for fear that Ouyang Jun would rush to him and kill him too.

Ouyang Jun looked at everyone and said: It's no longer safe here. Get rid of all the remaining people. This cave will also be blown up! Don't leave any traces.

Ouyang Jun took most of the people away, leaving only a dozen people to destroy the cave.

What a bastard. All the dirty work belongs to us! Ouyang Jun, bastard, don't let me find a chance. If I find a chance, I will definitely kill him!

Okay, stop complaining! If you have this time to complain, everything has been arranged long ago!

I really can't stand Ouyang Jun's appearance. Once he became powerful, he forgot who he was. He was not much better than me at the beginning.

People are lucky enough to be appreciated by Lord Varu. If you have the ability and luck, you can do it too!

Ouyang Jun is really a bitch. He was punished by Mr. Kames, but he can turn over and become a cadre.

Do you think Mr. Kames simply dealt with him? You are so naive!

What do you know?

I don't know the specifics. I can only tell you this. Ouyang Jun is no longer a human, he is a monster. Do you know what is happening here?

Let's do an experiment! What else can we do?

Do you know what this experiment is used for?

What does it do?

It was Ouyang Jun's experiment to turn himself back into a human. He didn't want to continue being a monster.

The two were chatting and did not notice that a Tiger chariot arrived outside the cave. Rebanna used a Tiger tank to scan the cave and quickly figured out the location of everyone in the cave.

Lei Banner said to Lu Feishen: Wait for me here! I will be back soon.

Rebanna walked into the cave carrying the Smiling and Crying swords on his back.

Lu Feichen was alone outside the Tiger tank. At this time, the Tiger tank was controlled by an intelligent computer. Lu Feichen looked at the tank and had an idea in his mind. He climbed on top of the tank, wanted to open the tank's cover, enter the tank's interior, and try to drive the Tiger tank.

However, he could not even open the lid of the chariot.

Lu Feichen's information was not entered into the Tiger tank's computer, so Lu Feichen had no way of driving the Tiger tank. Fortunately, Lei Banner had a good impression of Lu Feichen and was not prepared for him to steal the chariot.

If Lei Banner had been prepared, Lu Feichen would have been beaten to a pulp by the Tiger tank's machine gun.

Rebana walked into the cave, and after walking for a while, he found someone installing a bomb. Rebanna used illusion magic to become invisible and walked up to the two men, killing them silently.

Rebana continued to walk forward, and soon saw the imprisoned bounty hunters. These people's limbs were weak from hunger and they had no fighting ability at all.

These people have no fighting ability, so even if they come out, there is no point. Rebana temporarily let them continue to rest inside. Rebana needs to deal with the other Gomez thieves first.

There are not many capable people among the Gomez thieves, and no one can survive wherever Rebana's sword passes.

Lei Banner left two people alive just to ask where the others had gone. After learning that Ouyang Jun had left, Lei Banner couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

There are too many people to save here, and Lei Banner cannot lead these people to continue chasing Ouyang Jun.

After eliminating the thieves here, Rebanna rescued the others. Lu Feichen and Lu Wenbin met as father and son, and the two embraced and cried. Others also narrowly escaped death and were so excited that they could not speak.

Rebana moved everyone further away and detonated the explosive device. A huge sound resounded through the woods. The cave was collapsed by the explosion. Ouyang Jun in the distance heard the sound of the explosion and couldn't help but said angrily: It's so slow! These losers can't do anything!

Rebana wants to escort these people back to Odo Town. There are many people here and they have no combat capabilities, so they can barely move. If they encounter the siege of the Gomez people at this time, these people will be in danger.

The purpose of blowing up the cave was to create an illusion and reassure the remaining people in Gomez.

Under the escort of Rebanna, everyone returned to Free Town safely. Lu Wenbin was very grateful to Lei Banner for his help, so he gave Lei Banner a map.

Rebanna, thank you. Without you, it would be impossible for me to see my child again. This map marks the location of the Chariot Cave. I overheard that Gomez's people were going to this place.

Rebanna took the map and said to Lu Wenbin: I should thank you! This map is really important to me.

Rebana put away the map and raced towards the chariot cave.

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