Cronin Donna was very curious when she saw Rebana coming back, and there was a beautiful little girl beside him. He walked up to Rebana and asked quietly: Where did you get this little girl?

It's so beautiful, just like a porcelain doll. As he spoke, he looked at Rebanna with a very strange expression, as if Rebanna was a dirty scoundrel who wanted to do something to this little girl. of.

Cronin. Donna's strange appearance made Roland Becky take a step back in fear and hid behind Margery. Roland Becky knew her appearance, and many people coveted her beauty. Rebana had been acting coldly, and Roland Becky felt more and more that Rebana wanted to do something to her.

After seeing the strange look in Cronin Donna's eyes, she became even more suspicious that Rebana had evil intentions towards her. Roland Becky huddled behind Margery, and Margery whispered in her ear: Be careful with this man. He is a big pervert. If you are not careful, you will be raped by him.

Sister, I just suffered from her. Alas! The past is too painful to look back on.

Roland Becky's eyes widened and he avoided Rebana with even more fear. Rebanna felt aggrieved and couldn't explain it. This kind of thing would only get darker and darker. He just said: Cliff, you are optimistic about this girl. Her name is Roland Becky. You are responsible for her safety.

Cliff nodded and said: 'I promise to complete the task, you can trust me completely. ’

Cronin. Donna pointed at herself and asked: 'What about me? What can I do? ’

You stay here! Rebanna was a little angry at Cronin, Donna and Margaery for slandering him, and there was no good attitude in his tone.

Cronin and Donna shamelessly pestered Rebanna, holding his hand and shaking him, coquettishly saying: Don't be angry! I know I was wrong! I shouldn't slander you, don't take it to heart, okay?

There is really no good way for Rebana to take Cronin. Donna, this is just a piece of dog skin plaster.

Keep an eye on Roland Becky. This girl is a little weird. I'm going to save her father now.

Cronin and Donna actually wanted to find out what happened, but when she saw that Rebanna was preparing to set off again, she kept her doubts in her heart despite her doubts.

Cronin Donna walked to Margery's side, pulled Roland Becky who was hiding behind Margery, and held Roland Becky's hand tightly to prevent her from hiding. Follow me obediently. Don't run around!

Roland Becky still wanted to struggle but found that he couldn't break free from Cronin Donna's hand. In the end, she could only accept her fate and stay with Cronin Donna. Margaery comforted Roland Becky and said, Don't worry, Cronin Donna is a good person. She will take good care of you, and I will save your father right away.

Margery touched Roland Becky's head to comfort her. Roland Becky nodded and watched Margaery walk into the Corona Building.

Cronin Donna asked Roland Becky: What is your relationship with the big pervert?

Roland Becky pointed at Rebanna's back and said, Are you talking about him? Big pervert!


It doesn't matter. He promised to help me become my father, and I promised to marry him.

Cronin. Donna frowned and said viciously: Well, you're such a big pervert, you actually have your thoughts on such a little girl. Come back and see how I deal with you.

Rebanna didn't know that he had been programmed by a little girl. Still on the first floor of the Corona Building, heading towards the second floor.

Margery walked behind Rebana, which was Rebana's request. Rebana walked in front, and he could block any danger.

Margery said to Rebana: According to Roland Becky, her father should be above the fifteenth floor. On the third floor, there are monsters.

The elevator is also broken for some reason. We can only go up by taking the stairs.

Rebana said: Take the stairs to the fifteenth floor? It's really a physical job.

With that said, Rebanna was already walking up to the third floor. Rebana's footsteps were light and slow, and he carefully explored the path through his ability to sense. On the third floor, a huge ant was lying on the ground, with a large hole in its belly.

Judging from the body, he had been dead for several days.

This should be done by Roland Becky's father. If we go faster, we might be able to save Roland Becky's father. Rebana said this, but he knew better than anyone else that Roland .Becky’s father was a man of many misfortunes.

Margery knew it in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud. It was a good thing to have hope, and it was always good to have hope.

Rebanna and Margaery gradually walked upstairs and found that the monsters on each floor had been eliminated. It wasn't until the seventh floor that a monster was discovered. This monster Rebana had seen before. It was a DNA amoeba. This monster resembled a killer insect. It could spit out acid and would continue to spit out acid after being attacked. The earth is divided.

The best way to kill these monsters is to burn them to ashes with fire.

Margaery didn't think much and threw a fire bottle directly, burning all these monsters to death. After a while, the place was just a mess.

Rebana found a report book from the ruins. The report book said: The experiment of transforming killer bugs was successful. The DNA of acid ants and the DNA of killer bugs were combined to create a DNA amoeba with acid properties. Ants have the ability to vomit acid, and after combining DNA, they also have the ability to split.

Ordinary weapons are ineffective against them. Only weapons such as fire can cause damage to them.

When Rebana saw this, his heart ignited with anger. He had always thought that the DNA amoeba was created by Marshall, but judging from the intelligence here, the DNA amoeba had been created long ago. Marshall simply mastered how to make them.

Cronin and Donna comforted her: We will find the real culprit behind the scenes, don't be too angry.

Rebanna let out a long breath and said, What if we find the murderer? Judging from the situation here, the developers here have already been killed by the rampaging monster.

I'm not angry at the murderer behind the scenes, I'm just resentful about why such monsters were created. Are the people who develop these monsters mentally abnormal?

Margery didn't answer Rebanna, and she didn't understand why it was like this. Rebana calmed down and walked out to the eighth floor. Before reaching the eighth floor, Rebana's perception sent a warning of danger.

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