Rebanna is really not interested in Roland Becky. Roland Becky is indeed beautiful and a very cute girl, but Rebanna already has someone else in his heart.

Now we are in the station car, there are only two of us, maybe there will be some scandal. Rebana has encountered many problems with Cronin, Donna and Margery, and does not want to have any entanglements with Roland Becky.

Rebana suddenly froze on the spot, staring at Roland Becky unfriendlyly. Roland Becky was frightened by Rebanna's aggressive gaze and took a small step back, her tone trembling. What do you want?

Rebanna touched his nose and looked at Roland Becky with a smile, greed in his eyes, as if he was looking at a lamb that had been stripped of its wool.

Rebana stuck out her bright red tongue and moistened her dry lips.

Roland Becky clutched her clothes tightly, took a big step back, and said, Don't come over!

You want to come in on your own. Did I force you? Now that you're here, don't leave.

Roland Becky was still retreating and was blocked by the door of the chariot. With a trembling voice, he said: Rebana, you will be in danger if you are still driving the chariot. Don't come over.

Does the chariot have an automatic driving function? Don't worry, the two of us can do what we want. Rebanna's eyes were filled with madness, as if he really wanted to eat Roland Becky alive.

Roland Becky wanted to escape, but Rebana didn't give her any chance.

Don't come over! Cronin. Donna said you wouldn't do anything to me. You are all bad guys! Roland Becky was frightened and cried, squatting in the corner of the chariot and crying.

Rebanna turned on his earphones and gave everyone the order to stop. Cronin Donna was called to the chariot by Rebanna, and Roland Becky went to Margery's chariot with a crying Roland Becky. Margery comforted Roland Becky. The girl was frightened.

Roland Winston was recuperating in Cliff's station car. Three days of not eating or drinking made his body very weak. Without a few days of recovery period, it would be difficult to cope with operations in the wilderness.

Rebana stared at Cronin. Donna, Cronin. Donna's arms were full of scars. Rebana did not ask where these scars came from. After all, no one in the team would intentionally hurt Cronin. Donna. She probably did this herself.

Why did you let Roland Becky come to my place? What agreement did you reach with her?

Cronin. Donna lowered her head and did not dare to look at Rebana. I was afraid that you would be lonely, so I found a caring little sister for you.

Rebanna's heavy breathing told Cronin and Donna that he was in a bad mood now. I am also very dissatisfied with Cronin Donna.

Cronin. Donna said: Okay! Okay! I said, don't be like this, don't be angry with me! Okay!

Rebana really has no good way to deal with Cronin-Donna who is subdued. As long as Cronin-Donna subdues, Rebanna will not have any anger towards Cronin-Donna.

Then tell me! What are you planning? I can't understand what you are going to do?

It's not what I want to do, it's your future father-in-law, Roland Winston, who wants to marry his daughter to you.

Rebanna became even more confused when he heard this, and asked: What's going on?

Cronin Donna said: The thing is like this, when you went to find the copper pipe squid, I was with Roland Winston, and Roland Winston said something dirty to you, so I wanted to be angry. Make him angry and say you are with her daughter.

Rebana knocked Cronin Donna on the head and said: What are you talking about! But even if it is like this, Roland Becky will not come to find me!

Isn't it because you killed the copper pipe squid? Your ability is so strong that Roland Winston has taken a liking to you and wants you to be his son-in-law.

Rebana looked at Cronin Donna with evil intentions. Cronin. Donna couldn't resist Rebanna's gaze and said, Okay! I said it and I was the one who bewitched you. Don't be angry. I really just want to help you find a beautiful wife.

And Roland Winston really wants to marry his daughter to you. Everything I said is true.

Rebana asked: What exactly are Cronin, Donna, and Roland Winston going to do? Why did he use his daughter to win me over? Although you have bewitched him, you are not going to let him give his daughter away willingly. Come out. Tell me! What’s going on.”

Cronin Donna said: You were in the Corona Building at that time, and I had a chat with the father and daughter. Roland Winston came to see Varu because Varu kidnapped his wife. As for the reason , I don’t know. The father and daughter knew that they were no match for you in the Gomez Thieves Group, so they wanted to ask you for help, but they were worried that you would refuse, so they used Roland Becky to seduce you.

But Rebana said: These things are all your plan! You deliberately told them that it would be difficult to deal with the Gomez Thieves Group, so you forced them to come to me. Cronin, Donna, please think more clearly What?

Cronin. Donna was a little embarrassed when Rebana poked her peepshow. She stuck out her tongue and said coquettishly: Don't you like that girl? He is really beautiful. As a woman, I am moved by it. Do you really not have any feeling of excitement in your heart?

Rebana nodded and said: You are right. Roland Becky is indeed beautiful. I also have a little crush on him. There is nothing hard to admit. However, I have someone I like. Liking is one thing. Loyalty It’s something else.”

Cronin, Donna, you and Margaery are both my friends, that's all! I don't want this to happen again. Where are they, father and daughter, you go and explain, I don't want to be involved with them. . What I can promise them is to help them eliminate the Gomez Thieves Group, and I will not ask for any price.

Cronin and Donna muttered, They won't believe it even if you say this.

Rebana asked: What are you talking about? Rebana actually heard it clearly, but whether the father and daughter believed it or not, Cronin and Donna had to make them believe that this was Rebana giving Cronin .Donna’s mission.

Cronin Donna understood what Rebanna meant and said quickly: 'I understand. I will make it clear when I go back. You don't have to worry. There is just one thing. Rebanna, are you sure you don't want Roland Becky? She is really beautiful! ’

Rebanna didn't continue talking to Cronin and Donna, it didn't make any sense.

Rebanna and his party are less than ten miles away from Il Town, and they will be able to reach Il Town for supplies soon. After walking on this road for more than two months, Rebanna was a little tired. Just five miles away from Il Town, the Tiger tank's radar showed that there were many monsters around.

Rebana drove the Tiger chariot to a high hillside. Looking down from the hillside, he happened to see that the town of Iyer not far away was besieged by a group of big red snakes.

These large red snakes are over three meters tall and look like cobras. The name of these snakes is sonic cobras. Their attack method is through sound wave attack. Overfrequency sound waves can anesthetize the human body and paralyze the tank.

Except for the Tiger tank, which is somewhat resistant to sonic attacks, the other tanks in Rebanna's group are not resistant to the Sonic Cobra.

The Sonic Cobra's attack will immediately paralyze the tank and destroy the parts inside the tank.


Illetown Bounty Hunters Association.

The president, Moore Max, is a strong man in his forties. He has an injury on his arm, which was caused by a battle with Varu some time ago.

Moore Max was lying on a chair. His injuries were a bit serious, leaving him without too much energy to think about other things.

Moore Max's assistant, Pullman Balk, came over and gently covered the sleeping Moore Max with a blanket. Pullman Balk's movements were very gentle, but Moore Max was still woken up. Moore Max shook his groggy head and asked with difficulty: How is the matter?

Pullman Balk said: President, please rest first! I will handle other matters!

Moore Max shook his head and said: My energy is not as good as before. The injury after the battle with Varu has not healed yet, and the wound has recurring problems. I probably won't live long.

No, Sir, you will be fine. Pullman Balk shook his head and said.

I know my body well! You don't need to comfort me. While I still have energy, let me handle some things!

Moore Max said and asked Pullman Balk to bring up the report. This report is about Wuge Village. Wuge Village was robbed by the Gomez bandit group. Most of the villagers in Wuge Village fled to El Town, but El Town could not accommodate so many refugees.

The decision of the Presbyterian Council was to drive away the refugees from Songless Village. Moore Marks could not do such a thing, and he refuted the decision of the Presbyterian Council. And asked Pullman Balk to arrange the venue for the refugees in Songless Village.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, but Varu came at this time. After Mur Max and Varu fought, Mur Max was injured by Varu. Varu's condition was not good either. Not long after the two sides fought. Just retreated.

Pullman Balk had always believed that the Presbyterians had colluded with the Gomez Thieves Group. The Gomez Thieves Group came at the perfect time, appearing just when the settlement was about to be implemented.

Moore Max knew these secrets. When he saw Varu, he knew that this was someone brought by the Presbyterian Church, but there was no way to continue because there was not enough evidence. Without evidence, even if he knew the truth, We can't deal with this group of people from the Presbyterian Church.

Moore Max signed the final document, and a feeling of exhaustion settled in his heart. Moore Max put down his pen and fell asleep.

Until the sound of noisy footsteps came, Moore Max woke up from his sleep. Seeing everyone running around in panic, Moore Max grabbed one person and asked: What's wrong? Why are everyone so panicked?

Mr. President, something happened in Il Town. A large group of Sonic Cobras launched an attack on Il Town. Mr. Pullman Balk has led a large force out to fight, but the battle ahead has failed. The Sonic Cobras have already We have arrived outside the town of Iyer. We are organizing the residents of the town to escape danger.

Moore Max cursed Damn it. He knew what was going on. It was all a conspiracy of the Presbyterian Church. He knew that the people of the Presbyterian Church could control some monsters, but he did not expect that the people of the Presbyterian Church would do this. , they are simply a bunch of beasts.

In order to kill all the refugees in Wuge Village, they even used monsters to attack the town.

Moore Max is fully armed, and his injuries have not healed yet, but as the president of the Bounty Hunters Association, he must fight for the association until the last moment. This is his duty and his mission. He just hoped that while he was fighting, the villagers of Wuge Village could survive as long as possible.

Moore Max appeared on the battlefield. He killed a sonic cobra with a machine gun and rescued Pullman Balk. Pullman Balk, you must retreat and escape with the remaining strength of the Bounty Hunter Association.

No! President, please take them away, and I will take care of them.

Pullman Balk, listen to me. I have become disabled and my body has become such a ghost. It is no longer possible to be the president. You are the future of Ill Town. Protect the villagers and lead the The bounty hunter leaves.”

With that said, Moore Max walked towards the group of cobras and sonic snakes. Be prepared to use your last strength to stop them.

Facing the tide of monsters, Moore Max fired all the bullets. He attacked them with a military thorn, but was swept away by the tail of the sonic eye snake.

He hit the far wall and spat out a mouthful of blood.

A little boy with watermelon hair appeared in front of him. Moore Max stood in front of him with difficulty and said, Run away! I'll hold you back here.

Moore Max didn't know this watermelon-headed boy. If he appeared in the village, he was a member of the village, and the people in the village were the targets of Moore Max's protection.

You are seriously injured, you will die if you continue to show off!

Moore Max said: I am the president of the Bounty Hunter Association. As long as I live, I cannot let my people be harmed.

Cliff admired Moore Max after hearing his words, rubbed his nose and said: You are a good president, but unfortunately I am not from Ill Town, so I don't need your protection.

As he spoke, Cliff shouted to Rebana who was at a height: Rebana, there are survivors here!

Rebanna saw Cliff and jumped down from the third floor.

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