Rebanna left Ward 4, a crude temporary residence where injured people were placed. The residents of El Town hated the people of Wu Song Village, especially when they saw that the Sonic Cobra only attacked the refugees from Wu Song Village and was indifferent to the hits of El Town. They felt that their prejudices were against them. of.

Not only do they hate the refugees in Wuge Village, they even restrain their children and never let them relieve the people of Wuge Village.

Even though the Photogenic Hunters Guild of Iyer Town has repeatedly refuted the rumors, it still cannot change the prejudice in people's hearts. The prejudice of the human heart is like a big mountain. If you want to overcome this big mountain, even a god like Yu Gong can only rely on time to change it bit by bit.

The name Wuge Village was completely boycotted, and it was considered to be trapped in this narrow range. The refugees in Wuge Village seemed to have accepted this reality and did not express too many opinions on such things.

I don't know if it's because of numbness or some other reason, but they all stayed within the designated area and there was no sign of going out. Regardless of whether they are adults or children, even if someone is seriously injured, they stay in their own place and wait to die, rather than going out to seek treatment.

Roland Becky is an angel-like woman, not only because of her appearance, but also because she has an angel-like heart. A dirty child was injured in his arm, and Roland Becky helped him treat the wound without any care.

Roland Becky brought light to these children with his angelic smile.

The sun shone on Roland Becky's body, which was extremely beautiful. It was like there was some special halo, and Roland Becky's body was also shining.

Rebana looked a little lost. He was confused and impressed by the beauty of Roland Becky. If it were a beautiful flower, Rebana would just break it off and keep it forever.

Rebanna patted his face gently to make himself more awake and not to be fooled by the beauty. But Roland Becky's glance and smile lingered in Rebana's mind.

Cronin. Donna walked up to Rebanna, saw that Rebana was lost in thought, and blew gently into Rebanna's ear. Rebanna only felt itchy. When he turned around, he happened to see Cronin and Donna blowing on him.

What are you doing? Rebanna touched his ear. He was very dissatisfied with Cronin and Donna for disturbing him. It was more of an annoyance after being caught peeping.

Cronin and Donna smiled and held Rebana's arm, and together with Rebana they watched Roland Becky in the distance helping the injured children. He was not a little angry about Rebana's heartbeat, but felt very happy. Rebana's heart finally opened up. As long as Rebana is interested in Roland Becky, there will be a second time after the first time.

Then came her chance to possess Rebanna.

Do you want me to help you? Just tonight, I can persuade Roland Becky to come to you. Cronin Donna held Rebanna's hand and said with a smile, like a mother introducing a girl. Roland and Becky are a virgin! Don't you want to love her properly? If you don't want to, she will be someone else's in the future, and you will regret it!

Rebana gave Cronin.Donna a huge profit. Rebana struck hard this time. Cronin.Donna's forehead was even red by Rebana.

Cronin. Donna touched her forehead. She felt a big bump on her forehead. She looked at Rebanna angrily and said, You hurt me! Can't you be gentler? I'm a girl too! Do you only have Roland Becky in your eyes? I admit that I am not as beautiful as Roland Becky, but I am not ugly either!

Don't you want to give me any tenderness?

Rebanna didn't want to continue discussing this topic with Cronin and Donna. He did have a heartbeat when he looked at Roland Becky. This is a man's natural reaction when he sees a beautiful woman. As for wanting to do something with Roland Becky What, Rebana didn’t have that plan, not now, and certainly not in the future.

Clonin. Donna, your bewitchment doesn't work on me. Rebanna said and was about to leave.

Cronin. Donna was very angry. She really couldn't understand why Rebana would say no when she was obviously tempted. She had made it so obvious. How could Rebana keep refusing to agree?

Cronin and Donna thought for a while and had a very bad idea, and said: Rebanna, there is no one else here, tell me secretly, are you not good at it?

Rebana did not expect Cronin Donna to say such words. How can a man be told no? You are really asking for a beating, I can't do it? What kind of online school are you running? How can I not do it!

Cronin. Donna frowned and said, Okay! Then you prove it and don't let me look down on you!

Proof? How to prove it? Take off your clothes and let you see? Rebanna was speechless. He didn't know what Cronin Donna was thinking about.

When Cronin Donna heard what Rebanna said, she actually nodded and said: 'Okay! Just tonight! I'm waiting for you, let me see if you can do it! ’

Rebana did not agree to Cronin-Donna, but said: Then just think that I can't do it! You can say whatever you want, I don't have any objections.

Cronin. Donna was very angry that her challenge was unsuccessful. But she still saw hope, because Rebanna actually walked towards Roland Becky, as if he wanted to talk to Roland Becky.

Rebana's movements were very rough, and he pulled Roland Becky to stand up. Roland Becky looked at Rebana in confusion. She didn't understand what Rebana was going to do. Rebana's brutality blinded her.

What are you going to do? Rebanna, you hurt me!

Release your hands and say something. I'm really hurt by you.

Rebanna didn't use much strength, but Roland Becky was screaming in pain. Only then did Rebanna discover that Roland Becky was born to be sensitive, especially to pain. For others, the pain of a mosquito bite was like a knife cut.

Rebanna protected Roland Becky behind him, like a hen protecting its chicks.

Roland Becky also realized at this time that Rebana was protecting her, but she did not notice the danger and had no place to protect.

Rebana, what's wrong! You're talking! You're so scary!

Rebana did not answer Roland Becky, but just stared at the child not far away, with murderous intent in his eyes. Roland Becky broke free from Rebana's hand because she cried out in pain, but Rebana did not hold her firmly.

Roland Becky walked in front of Rebana, stared into Rebana's eyes, and saw murderous intent in Rebana's eyes. This murderous intention was directed at the child in the distance.

Rebana, you are crazy, that is a child, how can you think of killing him?

Rebanna, wake up! Don't go crazy!

Rebanna pointed at the child's hand and said, Roland Becky, please see clearly what happened to that child's hand. Is that the hand of an ordinary child?

Roland Becky was told by Rebanna and looked over. Roland Becky discovered that there were scales on the child's hands, which were very similar to the scales on the sonic cobra.

Roland Becky was frightened. Are the names of Wuge Village all monsters?

Rebana shouted to Margaery in the distance: Margaery. Come here quickly.

Margery walked over quickly. She didn't know what happened, but Rebana's face was solemn, and she couldn't help but become nervous, and asked: What's wrong? Is there any danger? Or have you encountered any trouble? !”

We're in big trouble! You take Roland Becky and leave quickly. It's best to call Cliff here too. I'll see him if I have something to do!

Margery looked at Rebanna in confusion and said, 'Is there something you can't tell me? He even sent me away on purpose! ’

Rebana explained: I'm not sending you away, but Cliff has a say in this matter. Did you see the child's arm? The arm is covered with snake scales.

Which child, why didn't I see it? Margaery asked.

That's the kid playing alone under that tree! Did you see it?

Only then did Margery discover the child. Without saying anything, she pulled Roland Becky and walked out. It was too dangerous here. Roland Becky had no ability to protect himself. Faced with the monster's attack, He will probably die here.

Cronin Donna also came over at this time. She stood behind Rebana, protecting Rebanna and not giving those monsters a chance to sneak attack.

Rebana's attention was focused on the child. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Rebana also looked around, but found no other monsters. Until Cliff came over, Cliff also frowned.

The three of them walked towards the child. The child was very scared, but he did not leave. He sat under the big tree and was looked at by Rebanna and Cliff. Cronin and Donna were responsible for the vigilance.

Rebana said: Cliff, what do you think? What is the reason?

Cliff said: 'Rebanna, this should be Marshall's snake-man experiment. I don't know the snake-man experiment in detail yet. I just saw it from the information accidentally. It probably used snake genes and human genes. Combined to create a kind of snake man. ’

This kind of snake people has not increased in strength. It can even be said that their physique is not as good as before. However, this kind of snake people are good feed. Their flesh and blood can promote the evolution of snake monsters.

Cliff revealed all the little knowledge he knew, and Rebanna punched the tree, causing the leaves to fall.

The little boy also felt Rebanna's anger, and wanted to leave in fear.

Is there a way to solve this? Is there any way to recover these mutated snake people? Rebanna looked at Cliff, hoping that he could give hope.

Cliff shook his head and said: 'It's hard to talk about this matter. I don't know much about the experiment. I don't know much about everything about the experiment. Rebana, I need time. ’

Rebanna understands, but still hopes Cliff can give some constructive suggestions. Cliff saw Rebana's worries and comforted him: Rebana, don't be nervous. There is actually a solution to this matter! Give me a little time and I will give a plan as soon as possible.

After Cliff left, Rebanna touched the child's head and asked, Kid, how did you get these things on your hands?

The child timidly said: 'It's a group of thieves. They rushed to our village and gave everyone a shot. After the injection, the people in the village turned into monsters that were neither human nor snakes. ’

We've all got shots, but I'm doing a little better.

When Rebanna heard the news, he felt his head buzzing. Everyone in the village was turned into snake men, and Rebanna couldn't believe what he heard.

Rebana called another child over, and sure enough, he also found the scales of a sonic cobra on that child's back.

Rebanna smiled, touched the boy's head and said, It's okay! Let's go play!

The little boy ran out a few steps, then came back and said, Brother, we have all become monsters. You will kill us, right?

How could it be possible? Children, it will be fine, everything will be fine! Rebanna really couldn't say the words to kill these children.

Brother, you don't have to hide anything from us. We know our situation and are ready! The child ran away after saying this.

Cronin. Donna looked at the child walking away, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, and asked: 'Rebana, will you kill them if you are still alive? ’

I don't know! Rebana really didn't know whether he could do anything to these people who had turned into monsters.

Cronin. Donna saw Rebana's entanglement, held Rebana's hand, and said: We should believe that Cliff will find a way. Even if it really comes to that point, Rebana, please give it to me. Just give it to me, you don’t have to feel bad, I’m the bad guy here, leave all this to me! I will take care of everything!

Rebanna shook his head and said: It doesn't matter! Everything will be fine, everything will be fine!

Rebanna said this, but the loneliness in his eyes could not deceive Cronin Donna.

Cliff returned to the ambulance, and Margery was by his side, helping Cliff find a way to treat these people.

Cronin and Donna also came over. It was already getting late, and Cronin and Donna came over to bring them food. Looking at the lunch plates, they were still full of food, but the two of them didn't eat any.

Cronin and Donna understood that both of them were anxious, and Rebana was also anxious. People who knew these things were anxious, but the refugees in Wuge Village in the quarantine area did not care. They should eat. It's time to drink and enjoy.

They all understand what happened to them. Since they cannot change, they should live happily every day, then wait for death to come and face it with a smile.

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