It was almost dawn when Rebana and Roland Becky returned to the camp. Along the way, Rebana escaped with Roland Becky on his back. Since he had no weapons, Rebana could only escape with Roland Becky. He found some sticks and stones on the way, but these things hit the sonic cobra. It's like scratching an itch.

Rebana's speed was so fast that Roland Becky's bones seemed to be falling apart due to the jolt. Roland Becky gritted her teeth and did not express her discomfort. She did not want to add any more pressure to Rebana.

As soon as Rebanna got rid of the two sonic cobras, he stopped and asked, Are you okay?

As soon as Roland Becky finished saying no, he vomited out, and a large amount of vomit fell on Rebanna's body. The disgusting smell made Rebana want to commit suicide.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she has no grace at all when she vomits.

Roland Becky covered her mouth, not wanting Rebanna to see her desolate look. She just felt like vomiting. She couldn't help it, and another large stream of filthy food residue fell on Rebanna's head.

Rebanna closed his eyes and his body was shaking. Roland Becky said sorry, but she vomited again. After vomiting for half an hour, Roland Becky felt like his soul was about to vomit out.

What's wrong with you? Rebana asked Roland Becky's situation with concern, regardless of the filth on his body.

Roland Becky fell to the ground and said weakly: I don't know, this is the first time I have encountered this situation.

Rebana was holding Roland Becky and was about to return to the camp. When passing by a small river, Roland Becky said: Please wash it off! It smells terrible!

Then you sit down and take a rest. I'll be fine soon! Rebana quickly washed himself in the river. After he cleaned up the dirt on his body, he discovered that Roland Becky had passed out.

At this time, a group of cobras and sonic snakes surrounded them. Rebanna picked up Roland Becky and ran away, but the way back was blocked by the sonic cobra, so he had to take a detour. With this detour, it was almost morning before he returned to the camp.

When Cronin Donna saw Rebana coming back with Roland Becky in her arms, she poked Margery and said, Everything is going according to plan. Rebanna and Roland Becky have made great progress!

Margery's thoughts were different from Cronin-Donna's, and she quickly discovered something was wrong. She walked to Rebanna's side and took Roland Becky. As expected, it was as she sensed, Roland .Becky was unconscious.

Rebana gasped and said, Go to treatment quickly!

Rebanna fell to the ground as he spoke. He was exhausted from running around all night.

Margaery took Roland Becky for treatment. Cronin. Donna walked to Rebana, handed Rebana a bottle of water, touched Rebana's shoulder, and said with a strange smile: Rebana, you can do it! I want this night How many times? Young people should pay attention to their health. You are weak, why are you so ignorant of moderation?

The days are still long in the future. If you do this, you won't be afraid of not doing it again! Cronin. Donna's words made Rebana spit out water.

What are you thinking about? Roland Becky and I have nothing.

Rebana, stop pretending. Did you really walk all night? It only takes more than an hour to go up to the top and back. It's such a long night, and you didn't do it?

Cronin and Donna looked at Rebana with a strange smile. She didn't believe Rebana's lies at all. You sneaky cat, you're still pretending, stop pretending, how can we still laugh at you?

Rebanna looked at Cronin and Donna's eyes seriously and said, I didn't do it! Let me explain to you one last time. We encountered a sonic cobra and there is no way to take a detour back.

Roland Becky also has a physical problem. He has been vomiting for some unknown reason.

Cronin and Donna also felt unhappy when they saw Rebanna's expression. Her calculations always went wrong. It shouldn't be! How could this happen!

Rebanna was not in the mood for Cronin. Donna continued talking, but went to find Cliff.

Roland Becky was lying on the hospital bed, vomiting non-stop. He had vomited all the contents in her stomach, but she still kept vomiting.

Cliff, what happened to Roland Becky? Rebana asked with concern.

Cliff said: It's nothing, it's just food poisoning. Just spit it out and it will be fine. I gave Roland Becky some vomiting medicine and vomited it up. After a while, he will be fine.

Food poisoning? Rebana frowned. Everyone ate the same thing, how could there be food poisoning? Food is something we eat daily, and food poisoning should not occur.

Cliff, are you sure?

Cliff nodded, picked up the kettle on the side, took a sip, and said, It is indeed food poisoning, but it doesn't matter, the amount is not large. She vomited before coming back, so her life is not in danger.

Rebana turned to look at Cronin-Donna with a strange look in her eyes. She took Cronin-Donna's wrist and walked outside, asking: Tell me the truth, what did you do?

Cronin Donna broke away from Rebana's hand, rubbed her red wrist, and said, Can't you be gentler? What I can do is give Roland Becky a little aphrodisiac, who knows she I’m allergic to this medicine!”

Rebanna felt like he had been slapped hard. He said viciously: Why did you give her this medicine?

Cronin and Donna said with an innocent face: She wanted to use it herself. She was worried that you wouldn't help her find his father, so she wanted to seduce you. She was also worried that she had no experience, so she asked me for some medicine. Who knew she was right? I’m allergic to medicine!”

This is a vomiting reaction caused by allergies, not food poisoning!

Rebanna rubbed his painful temples. He really didn't know how to talk to Cronin Donna. You are the one who caused this matter. I leave it to you to take care of Roland Becky!

Don't refuse! If Roland Becky doesn't get better, you will take care of him for the rest of his life.

Rebanna didn't want to look at Cronin-Donna anymore, and didn't want to see her again before she calmed down. So Rebana returned to the Tiger tank, closed the tank, and fell asleep sweetly inside.

Until there was a noisy knock on the door that woke up Rebana. The person who knocked on the door was Cronin Donna, which made Rebanna very unhappy. When he really wanted to scold Cronin Donna. Cronin Donna said: I know you are unhappy, but please let me finish. Roland Winston is back. He was seriously injured, but his life is saved.

When Rebanna heard the news, he didn't get angry with Cronin Donna, but said: I don't want to see you during this time, so you disappear on your own initiative!

Cronin and Donna stuck out her tongue and went to take care of Roland Becky. By the way, she told Roland Becky that her father was back.

Rebanna came to Roland Winston's hospital bed, and Cliff was taking care of Roland Winston. Rebanna asked: How is Roland Winston's situation?

Cliff said: He is out of danger, but half of his ribs are broken, and his right hand was also broken. He won't be able to move for a short time.

How long will it take to wake up? Rebana asked.

It will take at least a day! It will be in the afternoon at the earliest!

When Roland Winston woke up, it was already the next day. The first thing he saw when he woke up was Rebanna.

I didn't expect the first person I saw was you. I thought it was Roland Becky! Roland Winston's condition has improved and he can still joke.

Rebanna said: I'm sorry! The person guarding here should be Roland Becky, but she is feeling a little unwell.

When Roland Winston heard that Roland Becky was not feeling well, he wanted to get up and go see Roland Becky. This movement made his whole body hurt terribly. Rebanna pressed Roland Winston on the hospital bed and said, Don't worry, Roland Becky is fine now. He's just a little weak and needs some time to recover.

Really? Roland Winston still didn't believe it.

Rebanna said: Believe me, it's really okay.

Roland Winston breathed a sigh of relief and said, That's good! That's good!

Rebanna asked again about Roland Winston's situation in Songless Village.

Wuge Village has been completely occupied by the Gomez bandits. Basically, all the villagers in the village have been captured and experimented on, turning them into monsters that are neither human nor ghosts.

None of this went beyond Rebanna's expectations. Rebana said: Then we can bombard Wuge Village! Completely destroy Wuge Village.

Roland Winston said: It's not possible yet. There are no village names among the five villages, but there are still some survivors in the sewers of Wuge Village.

There are still people alive! It's great! Rebana said high-spiritedly, Roland Winston, you have really made a great contribution!

What a great achievement! I was able to escape alive this time only because of their help. Just because of me, they were all exposed, maybe they have already been exposed.

Rebana said: Then let's break into Wuge Village and rescue these people!


Songless Village, inside the sewer.

A masked boy was hiding in the dark passage, carefully observing his surroundings to make sure no one was coming, and then he let out a cat's meow.

In the dark passage, people were walking out one after another. They were all children in their thirteenth or fourth year. They were all survivors of Songless Village.

After everyone left, the masked boy carefully continued walking forward. He stopped when he reached another corner. He stayed behind to make sure no one caught up. The sewers of Wuge Village are not very complicated, and you will become familiar with them as long as you walk a few times.

They have been hiding in the sewers for almost a month. They can hide here because the Gomez thieves don't want to come to the sewers to arrest people. They can't stand the smell of the sewers.

However, yesterday, I helped a stranger, which completely exposed the situation in the sewer. From time to time, people from the Gomez Thieves Group came down to search. Although he had used the advantage of the terrain to escape several waves of searches, it would only be a matter of time before he was discovered if things continued like this.

One of the teenagers who left came back, and the masked boy yelled: Why are you back? Hurry up! The people from the Max Thieves Group may come back anytime.

Brother Reynolds Xiazuo, why don't you leave!

I want to stay and break up my marriage! You hurry up and leave! Without you dragging me down, it will be easier for me to escape!

Brother Reynolds Xiazuo, I won't leave! I'll stay to help you!

Reynolds Xiazuo felt warm in his heart when he heard such good intentions, but he couldn't help himself. Reynolds Xiazuo understood this very well. You will be the best help to me if you leave quickly! Stop dawdling, those bad guys are coming, and we can't leave!

Go! Otherwise I'll get angry!

Reynolds Xiazuo pretended to be angry and wanted to drive him away. With the sound of a gunshot, he was shot in the chest and fell into the sewer.

The body was carried away little by little with the current. Reynolds Xiazo had no time to mourn his companions, and the Gomez thieves fired several more shots in succession. Reynolds Shazzo was hiding behind and shivering with a pistol.

Reynolds Xiazuo gritted his teeth and attacked randomly with his pistol. After a while, all the bullets were empty. Reynolds Xiazuo threw out the empty pistol and ran back quickly. The men from Gomez's thieves group were chasing after him.

The members of the Gomez Thieves Group were not far away from Reynolds Xiazuo. They did not catch up quickly, and they did not shoot even though they had guns in their hands.

Like a cat catching a mouse, they were playing with Reynolds Xiazuo.

Reynolds Xiazuo understood why the other party did not shoot. They wanted Reynolds Xiazuo to take them to the hiding place of the survivors.

Reynolds Xiazuo was escaping. He did not go to where the survivors were hiding, but fled in the opposite direction, and led the members of the Gomez Thieves Group in circles in the sewer.

The members of the Gomez Thieves Group also discovered at this time that Reynolds Xiazo was teasing them, and then they wanted to arrest Reynolds Xiazo, but found that Reynolds Xiazo had gone to someone unknown. place.

Damn it! Let this kid escape!

Impossible! Where can this kid escape to? Look around and you will definitely find him!

Reynolds Xiazuo was in a water pipe above the heads of these people. Then there was a gap in perspective around the corner, and Reynolds Xiazuo hid.

When will these days end? Reynolds Xiazuo didn't know that people died every day, either from starvation, from being caught looking for food, or from encountering monsters and being eaten by monsters.

Reynolds Xiazuo felt tired, but he didn't dare to sleep. Once he fell asleep, he might never wake up again.

Reynolds Xiazuo put his hand into his arms and took out a reagent, which he had stolen in the laboratory. This was his last resort.

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