Rebanna's speed was very fast, and with his invisibility, Margery and Cronin-Donna couldn't catch up with Rebanna. When Margery and Cronin-Donna arrived, Rebana has already eliminated all members of Gomez's thieves group.

Margaery and Cronin-Donna were not surprised at all. With Rebana's strength, it was very easy to do all this. If Rebana failed to deal with these people, the two of them would be surprised.

Margery and Cronin. Donna came here just for one thing, which was to clean the battlefield and make sure there were no survivors on the battlefield. Rebana would be very cheap if he did such a thing. Moreover, Rebana has a very soft heart. Maybe those who are injured will be spared.

Margery and Cronin-Donna checked one by one, but found no one alive. The battlefield was cleaned very quickly, and it was over in a short time.

Roland Becky was in poor health, and Cliff was up there taking care of her. Roland Winston would not have come down originally, but he was worried that Rebana would find the survivors soon, so he came down to help.

Roland Winston scanned the corpses and found a monster among the corpses. This monster's clothes are so similar to Reynolds Xiazuo. Roland Winston knelt down and checked. Sure enough, this monster was Reynolds Xiazuo.

Seeing Roland Winston's sad expression, Rebana asked, Do you know this monster?

Roland Winston nodded and said: Yes! This monster is the person who saved me, Reynolds Xiazuo. I was still a step too late, and Reynolds Xiazuo was killed by the Gomez thieves. ”

When Rebana heard this, he felt dizzy. Rebana remembered that he had killed the monster himself. Rebana didn't know that it was a person. He thought that the Gomez Thieves were dealing with the monster, so he killed the Gomez Thieves together with the monster.

Rebana took a few steps forward.

Roland Winston felt something strange about Rebanna and wanted to ask questions, but Margery signaled Roland Winston not to say anything. Cronin and Donna also meant the same thing. Roland Winston understood that there must be some problem here, but now was not the time to ask.

Rebana walked further and further away. At this time, Roland Winston asked Margaery: What happened?

Margaery was speechless and sighed: You'd better ask Cronin Donna! After saying that, Margaery went after Rebana.

Roland Winston turned his attention to Cronin-Donna. Cronin-Donna curled her lips and said, Reynolds Xiazuo was killed by Rebanna! After saying that, Cronin-Donna followed suit. Let’s go see what’s going on with Ray Banner!

Roland Winston looked at the corpse on the ground and was speechless. It all happened so suddenly. Roland Winston said bitterly to the body of Reynolds Xiazuo: I was worried that you were injured, so I came down to find you. Unexpectedly, I came too late. Death is not a bad thing, at least you will never see it again. I feel the pain! Rest in peace!

Roland Winston returned to the surface. Reynolds Xiazuo was dead, and there was no need for him to stay below. Now, Roland Winston is worried about his daughter Roland Becky.

Roland Becky was still very weak, but when he saw his father Roland Winston coming back, a smile appeared on his pale face.

Dad! Are you okay?

Roland Winston's face was not very good, and the death of Reynolds Xiazuo was a big blow to him. I'm fine! Are you feeling better?

Roland Becky nodded and said: Dad, I'm fine, I'm getting better now! Dad, is something happening down there?

Roland Winston shook his head and said, It's nothing, it's just trivial things. I don't care about trivial things.

Dad, don't lie to me! The look on your face tells me it's not a trivial matter. Roland Becky understood what must have happened.

It's Reynolds Xia Zuo, the one I told you, my savior, he is dead!

How did he die?

Rebanna kill him!

how come!

Because Reynolds Xiazuo turned into a monster, Rebanna killed him!

Roland Becky lowered his head and said, Then Rebana must be in pain too!

Roland Winston was stunned for a moment. Indeed, Rebana accidentally killed Reynolds Xiazuo, and he must feel very uncomfortable. You have changed. You actually think about Lei Ban.

Roland Winston's words made Roland Becky blush. Cliff listened clearly outside, shook his head, and continued to be vigilant, carefully checking the surroundings. If there was danger, it would be best to respond as soon as possible.

Cliff's caution saved his life. Just at the entrance of the street in the distance, a sharp arrow flew over. Fortunately, Cliff reacted quickly enough and escaped the attack. The sharp arrow was not a different arrow, but a cone-shaped spike.

It's not man-made, I think it was shot out of some monster.

Cliff looked carefully around the corner and found the monster. It is also a snake-shaped monster, but this monster has spikes on it, and these spikes can fly out. Cliff hid behind the wall, but he felt that the wall was not strong enough.

Because he saw that the flying thorn that was launched penetrated deeply into the ground, several centimeters deep into the ground. Cliff ran back several steps, but still didn't feel safe. After running a few more steps, I heard a crunching sound from the wall behind me.

The flying spike pierced the wall and flew diagonally towards him. Fortunately, there was a wall blocking the direction of the flying spur, which gave him a chance to avoid those sarcastic attacks.

Otherwise, these flying spikes flying at high speed would be enough to kill him. Cliff ran to the ambulance and said to Roland Becky and Roland Winston inside: Hurry up and hide, there is a monster coming towards us!

Roland Winston asked: Are those monsters powerful?

We don't know the details yet, but their attacks will damage the tanks, so we can't deal with them!

After Cliff finished speaking, he hid in the chariot and asked Rebanna for help. Rebanna heard the news and ran back immediately. Margaery and Cronin-Donna both heard Cliff's plea for help and were ready to go back. Margaery was left behind by Rebana, saying: Just go back! Find those survivors and leave the monsters above to me!

Margery stopped after listening to Rebanna's words and continued to look for the survivors.

Rebana ran back. Cronin. Donna's speed was not as fast as Rebana's. In a short time, Rebana ran away without a trace.

Rebanna is very worried about Cliff. If Cliff is not in danger, he will not call him. Cliff has his own dignity. He is also a very strong person. He will never solve problems by himself. He would not trouble Rebana, and once he needed to trouble Rebana, it would be an extremely difficult time.

Rebana returned to the ground, and when he came up, he was hit by a swarm of flying thorns, which penetrated Rebana's body. Rebanna fell to the ground, his body seriously injured, but his cells were still growing.

In just a few breaths, Rebanna's serious injuries were mostly healed, and Rebanna, who could not move, was able to move.

Roland Becky, who was watching from a distance, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. The moment she saw Rebana injured, she really thought Rebana was dead. Unexpectedly, Rebana actually survived and watched. situation, his injuries have recovered.

Roland Winston was also surprised. This was the first time she had heard of Rebana's powerful recovery ability.

Rebanna's wounds have healed, and the basilisks that rushed toward him were only a few meters away from him. Rebana suddenly burst into flames, and swept the smiling sword in his hand. The smiling sword hit the basilisk's scale armor, sparking dazzling sparks.

Smile Tai Dao swept across it very quickly, leaving only a shallow mark on the scales.

Rebanna immediately turned around and walked away after the attack. The moment he turned around, these monsters fired flying spikes, trying to kill Rebanna.

As soon as they fought, Rebana roughly knew the strength of these monsters, and Rebana did not dare to underestimate them. When he came to Songless Village, Rebanna knew that he would encounter many monsters, and these monsters would be very difficult.

Especially after encountering those monsters once, Rebana already had a plan to take precautions. Rebana got close to the body of the basilisk, and the attacks of the basilisks chased Rebanna all the way.

The basilisks are not very intelligent and they only know how to chase living creatures and attack them. Their attacks were exploited by Rebana. Rebana used the flying thorns of these basilisks to attack the basilisk. The flying thorns hit the basilisk, making a crisp sound like steel. As the flying thorns fell little by little, they made a crackling sound.

Rebana smiled. He knew that things would not be that simple, but he also knew that the bodies of these basilisks could block the attacks of basilisks. Rebanna was much more flexible than these basilisks. These basilisks only Can be a shield for Ray Banner.

After Rebana became invincible, he attacked again. The Smiling Sword was aimed at the Basilisk's eyes. The Smiling Sword was directly inserted into the Basilisk's eye. The Basilisk was instantly killed and turned into a puddle of rotten flesh.

This mess of meat also serves as a shield for Rebana. The attack of the basilisk was blocked by Rebanna. Just as the basilisk attacked again, Rebana rushed towards another basilisk. Smile Taida struck again from the basilisk's eyes, instantly killing another snake. Strange.

Rebana moved very quickly, and within a short time, most of these basilisks were dead.

Rebana did not stop, and he was extremely cruel to these basilisks. The battle was not smooth. As the number of basilisks decreased, the locations of these basilisks became further and further away. It became increasingly difficult for Rebanna to catch them.

As the distance increased and Rebana rushed towards them, the second round of attacks from these basilisks was over. Although Rebana avoided them deftly, many flying thorns still penetrated his arms.

Finally there were only two basilisks left, but they were far apart, one on the left and one on the right. If Rebanna goes to the left, the ones on the right will pierce him. If Rebanna goes to the right, the ones on the left will not let go of Rebanna either.

If Rebana is in the middle, he will be attacked from both ends. Just when Rebana was attacked, Cliff in the distance set up a laser sniper rifle. Cliff saw the right time in the scope and aimed at the basilisk on the left.

Rebanna saw the gesture given to him by Cliff, and rushed towards the basilisk on the right. The two cooperated very well, and they took action almost at the same time. Rebana inserted the Smiling Sword into the basilisk's eye. The basilisk stopped moving.

But before dying, the basilisk fired a flying thorn, stabbing Rebana's body to the core.

The basilisks on both sides were dead, and Rebanna also fell to the ground. Although his recovery ability was strong, repeated injuries also made his nerves tense, especially the pain. Every injury made him feel heartbroken. Split lung.

This was really heartbreaking because his heart and lungs were pierced by flying thorns.

Cronin and Donna rushed over after seeing Rebanna fall. It wasn't that she didn't dare to go there before, but Rebanna didn't allow it. The attack power of those basilisks was too high. Cronin and Donna would not be able to help even if they went over, and they would still be attacked by those basilisks.

Rebana was fine when she was attacked, but Cronin and Donna were dead after being attacked!

Rebana's wounds healed very slowly, not as quickly as before. Rebana can recover quickly if he wants, but it will make the wound extremely painful, and rapid recovery will consume his lifespan. The current situation is no longer dangerous, so there is no need to recover immediately.

Cronin and Donna didn't know about this situation and asked anxiously: Rebana, are you okay! Why does your wound heal so slowly? Is there something wrong? Please tell me quickly!

Cronin. Donna's tears fell on Rebana's face. Rebana said: Stop crying. Your tears are almost drowning me. I'm fine. You have too many tears!

Cliff also came over, and Rebanna was very nervous since he didn't get up. Seeing that Rebanna still had the heart to joke, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Rebanna, why didn't Margaery come back? Cliff was a little worried about Margaery.

Rebana said: He went to find the surviving children, and he should be back soon!

Rebana's injury gradually improved, and he could barely walk now. Cliff helped Rebana back into the ambulance. Rebana smiled at the father and daughter to express that he was fine.

Cliff laid Rebana down and used instruments to systematically check Rebana's body. I don’t know if those basilisk flying stingers have any other effects. If they are poisonous or something, they need to be dealt with early.

Rebana lay on the bed and fell asleep unconsciously. Margaery came back and saw Rebana sleeping on the hospital bed, so she said to Cliff: Did Rebana have an accident?

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