I'm driving a chariot in the apocalypse

Chapter 23 Southwest Mountains 1

Abel was defeated by Bertram and returned to the base of the Mad Tigers mercenary team in despair. Everyone was excitedly waiting for Abel to go home and tell about his heroic deeds in defeating Bertram. However, Abel came back in disgrace, leaving everyone They were all shocked.

Abel had never been like this before, like a zombie without a soul. When everyone talked to him, it was all good, well, not two words were heard in his mouth.

Abel was sitting on the sofa, not knowing what he was thinking. No one dared to step forward to disturb Abel. They knew that the captain lost this time, and the loss was ugly.

A day and a night passed, and Abel sat motionless in his chair, and the food on his plate remained untouched. Not sleeping all night made Abel, who was already haggard, even more depressed.

In the afternoon, Abel moved, but he went to get a drink. He had always been a teetotaler. He has always said that drinking will ruin things and drinking is escaping reality.

Looking at the wine bottles piled on the ground, deputy captain Jason couldn't stand it anymore. He snatched the wine bottle from Abel's hand and shouted: Stop drinking!

Abel looked at Jason drunkenly, with no sparkle in his eyes. He was no longer the crazy tiger he once was, he was just a drunkard soaked in alcohol to avoid reality.

Abel stood up and grabbed the wine bottle in Jason's hand. He was Jason's opponent drunkenly. As soon as Jason turned around, Abel jumped and fell to the ground, grabbing the empty wine bottle on the ground. Send it to your mouth.

Give me wine! Give me wine!

Abel howled loudly, as if he couldn't get the wine otherwise.

Jason couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed Abel and went to the mirror. He turned Abel's head to the mirror. Inside was a drunken man with stubble and messy hair.

Abel opened his mouth and laughed loudly: Who is this! So ugly!

Jason yelled: This is you! Captain! Look at what you look like now.

Abel giggled and said, So this is me! So this is me! Am I so ugly? That's right, I should be this ugly.

Captain, cheer up! Don't you want to take revenge? It's just one loss, do you have to give up on yourself like this? Captain! Have you forgotten what you said before? If you lose, start over from the beginning. We will always win back.

Abel listened to these words, crying and laughing, with tears in his eyes: It's impossible! We can't win, the gap is too big, the gap is too big!

Abel fell to the ground, sleeping among the wine bottles, looking at the ceiling and crying continuously. The younger brothers didn't know anything. They didn't understand how big the gap was. They couldn't win, they couldn't win!

Drunkness set in, and Abel fell asleep.

When Abel woke up, his head hurt badly. Jason was training with his team members. He called Jason, but Jason didn't answer. He called others, but others ignored him and were training on their own. .

Abel walked up to Jason, grabbed Jason's clothes, and his mouth smelled of alcohol. Answer me! What are you doing?

Jason shook off Abel's hand and said, We are training under the captain's orders.

I didn't give you such an order! Abel said.

I said it was the captain's order!

I am the captain. I have never given such an order. Everyone should leave! Abel said angrily. The training was of no use at all.

No one listened to him. Abel shouted: Are you going to rebel? I tell you to stop!

Everyone was already training without any pause because of Abel's words. Abel said to Jason: Tell them to stop immediately!

Jason still said the same thing: I'm executing the captain's order.

I am the captain, I, Min Ling, please stop immediately.

No, you are not the captain, you are a drunkard, that is our captain! Jason said, pointing to the sea report on the side.

The poster showed a heroic figure of Abel. It was his tenth challenge to Bertram. He had lost nine games in a row. This time, the younger brothers did not have any confidence. He told his brothers: We can be defeated, but we will not admit defeat. We are crazy tigers. We can die standing up without lowering our heads in fear.

He narrowly defeated Bertram in the tenth battle. After returning, Jason got this poster.

Looking at the four words never give up on the poster, Abel burst into tears. Jason handed Abel a tissue and said, Wipe it! It's so ugly!

Abel dressed up, stood in front of everyone, and said, I'm sorry for making my brothers worried. I am incompetent as a captain!

Thank you for letting me find myself again, thank you!

I have to tell you some very unfortunate news. Bertram's strength has far surpassed mine, and I was defeated by him with one move.

How is that possible! It's a lie!

Captain, stop joking, how could you be defeated with just one move!

Stop teasing us! We will train seriously!

Abel took a deep breath and said: I also hope this is a joke, I also hope this is a lie I told you to inspire you, but everything is true. I failed, completely defeated, and my body was completely bruised. Lost dignity.

But this is all in the past. I want to stand up again and regain my lost dignity.

I am going to practice in the mountains. This is a life-and-death practice. I will probably never come back. Only with the determination to die can I surpass the current Bertram. Only the mad tiger can do it. More than a poisonous snake.”

If I die, please don't be sad for me. You must continue to work hard to defeat Bertram and the poisonous snake.

After Abel finished speaking, he drove to the mountains southwest of Bobu Town. There were many monsters in the mountains, and some monsters even escaped into the mountains during the great destruction.

Abel looked at Jason, who was watching for him, and said, Why are you following?

You are the captain! Of course I want to go on adventures with the captain!

Abel was grateful and angry at the same time. He was grateful for Jason's friendship and was willing to go through life and death with him. He was angry about Jason's impulsive behavior. He was Kuang Hu's vice-captain. If he was gone, who would take care of Kuang Hu's people?

Jason seemed to have guessed Abel's thoughts, and said: I have already decided on the candidates. Captain, you don't have to worry. Just rest assured and practice, I won't interfere with you.

Abel looked at Jason's bald head. This seemingly rude man was actually a careful person. In his heart, Abel said sincerely: Thank you! Jason, it's great to have you!

After racing all the way, Jason took Abel to the edge of the southwest mountains. The trees here are dense and it is very difficult for a chariot to drive here. Fortunately, some adventurous people opened a path.

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